Wildking (KY)
Maiden Deceased
dkb.h.7 - 16.3
Marking: Blaze
Earnings: $2,750
Breeder: Kaylynn Jarzombek
Total Points: 2
Turf Points: 2
Stats: 1: 0-0-1
Dirt: 0: 0-0-0
Turf: 1: 0-0-1
AW: 0: 0-0-0
BSF: 49
Sire: Pure On Speed Dam: Daughter of a King  
Grand Sire: Dam Sire: King's Best Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-63 Week-9 Day-1 Trial Park (CAN) Condition: Firm. Race 10 - 7 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. New Players Only. 3 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $25,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:27.95 Jockey: Vanessa Starr
Little Peace Keep 1 3/4 Foreverminenvm 6 Wildking -- Broke outwards showed speed moved between horses gamely stretch (3)
3 $2,750  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Y64-Preseason Deceased
Y63-W8-D3 Created by Kaylynn Jarzombek
Y63-W8-D3 Created by Kaylynn Jarzombek


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