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Jamie Bates wrote:I'm in for the second sweep. I'm cash poor at the moment though. Have about 65k at the moment, can I put out the beggars tin cup 50% of the entry fee?
Jaime are you a new player? If so, reply to this post with the code 'Cup Extravaganza' and I'll pay the full fee for you Josh originally was first but he kindly offered to give it up for a different new player.
Cup Extravaganza
yes indeed i'm noob.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.- Pam Brown
Here is the 2nd sweep. We had just enough players with those who hadn't got a spot in the first, plus those who wants to play twice. Yay!
Number. Horse - Drawn By
1. SNOW SKY - Brad Searcy
2. CRITERION - Ali Hedgestone
3. FAME GAME - Nini Hunter
4. OUR IVANHOWE - Nick Gilmore
5. BIG ORANGE - Clinton Jacinto
6. HARTNELL - Franky Dam
7. HOKKO BRAVE - Vanille Reynolds
8. MAX DYNAMITE - Bradley Davis
9. RED CADEAUX - Kent Saunders
10. TRIP TO PARIS - Carole Hanson
12. SKY HUNTER - Kris Krueger
13. THE OFFER - Darcy Mcbride
14. GRAND MARSHAL - Josh Bordeaux
15. PREFERMENT - Rebecca Rose Hepburn
16. QUEST FOR MORE - Kenzie Larkin
17. ALMOONQITH - Jamie Bates
18. KINGFISHER - Dom Behan
19. PRINCE OF PENZANCE - Bill Outsilver
20. BONDI BEACH - Bob Green
21. SERTORIUS - Brian Leavitt
22. THE UNITED STATES - Karl Smythe
23. EXCESS KNOWLEDGE - Howard Cake
24. GUST OF WIND - Danny Derby
Future Sires... CINEMA (Y69 or 70) | TRAILBLAZING (Y68)
Also, there were no scratchings from the race. All 24 runners will start at this stage.
And I don't have time to send entry fee horses out. I also don't have enough horses to do it! So I am going to see if the lovely Steward can help me out with transferring the money. I will have to worry about that after the race runs though >.<
Future Sires... CINEMA (Y69 or 70) | TRAILBLAZING (Y68)
I can send out the horses for you from my stable and then you can send me one for all the money.
I am sure it will be easier as The Steward is so busy with just getting home and the kids
23 x 50k = $1,150,000 plus $50k from me + $1,200,000 ( a horse from you).