Jaya, my semi-feral dog

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Stormy Peak
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Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Stormy Peak »

Some here might remember when I adopted Jaya. She was 5 to 6 years old, more feral than not, even though she had an owner.
Her prior owner was a Brutal person, kept her tied up outside her whole life in a back fenced in yard with no shelter. This was on the outskirts of Boise, which can get very hot in the summer and very cold in the winters. The man had one neighbor, who witness Jaya's abuse.

She would sometimes slip her tie down, and the man would try to catch her, but she would run from him, due to no training and later fear. Once he caught her, he would beat her with a length of tie down chain, or a piece of lumber, while dragging her back to her tie down. He would also leave her for 3 days at a time with just dry kibble dumped on the ground and a bowl of water. The neighbors could get a hose over to that fence and at least get her water during those times.

Anyway the man went to move, Jaya had slipped her tie down and as he couldn't catch her, he just left her in the back yard. Animal control was called about 3 days later, and it took them 3 days and a catch cage to get her. They were going to just put her to sleep the next day, due to her being 5 to 6 years old, and also so wild. But a rescue org. was in the kill shelter that day and picked her up as they saw no fear aggression in her. They had her for 3 months and posted her for 'special' adoption. Meaning they were not going to hand her over to the average dog owner who wanted a new dog.

I saw her, and applied and after filling out about and inch of paperwork, explaining my training techniques, dogs I've own in the past, how they died, and I had to do short essays on what would I do if Jaya did 'this or that' I also had to send video of my fenced yard and the interior of my home...plus supply phone numbers for 2 relatives, 2 friends, and my vet who would all have good knowledge of how my dogs were treated. And they called everyone and interviewed them. My vet, Andy, told them, that if they didn't adopt Jaya to me, then they were missing out on giving her a loving home with a knowledgeable, dog owner.

Tuesday afternoon, after having Jaya for 7 years, I will be saying good by to her. She has cancer.

Jaya came to me, totally shut down...I couldn't talk to her, or look at her, nor move in the slightest or she would full out panic, running through the house. It took a long time, and the help of another dog I adopted, a mentally handicapped golden retriever that I named HaHa, to teach Jaya that I was a 'safe' human, and she need not fear me.

It still took a long time, but finally, I could feed her by hand, and she no longer moved if I had to get up and walk past her. But I still could never reach out and pet her. She did welcome my company though, as she would come into the computer room and lay down by my chair.

In the past, I've had a number of people ask me "Why would you want a dog like that?" This in reference to her age when I adopted her and her being feral....and in never being the kind of dog that happily ran up to a person and allowed their selves to be be petted and scratched and talked to. I would back then, just say that it's not about me...it's about what the dog needs and I had a happy, loving dog in HaHa, and later in AU, after HaHa died.

I look at it this way.
I am an atheist, but still think there are stories in the Bible that apply to things in our life...to paraphrase:
One story is of the very poor woman, donated a coin, the smallest denomination of coin.
And Jesus pointed out that, she gave more than a rich man who donates even several handfuls of the highest denomination of coin, because she gave nearly all she had, while the rich person barely felt the loss of riches he gave away.

For me, this is Jaya...she didn't have a big reservoir of trust or love, but she gave me pretty much all that she had...After I Earned it. : )
And that's a true treasure.

Other dogs toss out their love and affection not only to their owners, but to complete strangers...I know both HaHa and AU love people...for them it's an endless supply and they love to love on everyone. : ) That has it's own merits, but I feel more special when it comes to the kind and amount of trust and love Jaya gave me.

I feel so fortunate in having her in my life and her teaching me to look at trust and love in a totally different way than what I've experienced with all my other dogs.

Below are 3 very short clips of Jaya interacting with both HaHa and AU. They were her anchors in life. They taught her that she need not flee every time I moved, or talked. She watched them and learned from them, they taught her things I could not.

The first one, is Jaya comforting HaHa...the night before he was to be put down. Jaya knew he wasn't feeling good. She also searched the house every morning for him for 7 months and whined when she couldn't find him.


The 2nd video...AU, who became Jaya's companion after HaHa...He's cleaning Jaya's ears. And there are times when Jaya's cleans AU's ears...and head, and neck, and back. I love how Jaya turns her head as if to say "Now, get this side.


The 3rd video...just a short clip of them in the yard and AU showing Jaya more affection. Jaya would crawl under the porch and fall asleep....as she got older though her hearing wasn't as great, and I would have to holler a little to get her to wake up and move. She fooled AU by not coming out from her regular hole, she went behind the rose bushes and came out 'down the line' a little.


My vet, Andy will be coming to my home around 5pm. Jaya will be cremated, as I couldn't find anyone to dig a hole for me. Her ashes will be buried above HaHa's grave.

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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Darcy McBride »

This is the sad part of having dogs. When you have to say goodbye.

Jaya won the lotto the day you adopted her. Through hard work, patience and understanding, you gave her the best possible life for the remainder of her days. She was loved and I think loved you in her own special way. I think she finally felt safe and was happy as she had never been before. Give Jaya a kiss from me, and I wish I could be there to give you a huge hug. She'll be waiting to see you at the Rainbow Bridge, along with sweet, funny Haha.
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Rebecca Rose Hepburn »

Stormy I'm so sorry, that's such an awful and hard thing to do. I actually remember when you first adopted her, I can't believe it's been 7 years. You gave Jaya a good life; there are very few people who would have taken in such a skittish and feral dog. You did a great thing.
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Carole Hanson
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Carole Hanson »

Stormy I’m sorry you have to say goodbye to Jaya. You gave her a safe and warm home, and she was able to live out her days with 3 loveable companions. Jaya was so lucky that you found her and gave her that chance.
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Tammy Stawicki »

So sorry to hear Jaya's time has come. She was very lucky to find someone willing to take her in and work with her to give her a good life after such a horrific start in life.
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

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So sorry for your loss, Stormy.
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

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I cannot believe the time has come for Jaya. Seems like you were just working with her to get her trust. How can that be so many years ago??? So, SO sorry for your loss.
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Leigh Ann Anderson »

I'm sorry to hear that it's time for Jaya to go. I remember when you adopted her and can sincerely say thank you. Not many people are willing to adopt an animal they may never pet or have what most people think about when they adopt a dog. You are a deeply good person and I admire your open heart.
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Jo Ferris »

I'm sorry to hear you had to say goodbye to Jaya. It's so difficult saying goodbye to a dog. I lost 2 this year in the span of a couple of weeks, one was my 12 year old Scooter, I got him as a puppy when I was just a kid, said goodbye to him a few weeks before he would've turned 13. It was time, his quality of life was declining, who knows he may have had a cancer because his arthritis had been being managed fairly well, regardless it wouldn't have changed the outcome. My other was my 5 year old Alaska who I had euthanized for behavioral reasons, I had her for about 4 years. Making that decision was the hardest thing I've ever done, but, while I do miss her, since she's been gone I feel nothing but relief. It's a very conflicting feeling with her given the circumstances. She taught me a lot that's for sure, but also left a lot of scars psychologically on both me and my 2 remaining dogs. I applaud you for being able to handle a dog like Jaya, I can safely say that after going though everything with Alaska I would never be willing to have a dog like that, I wouldn't be able to handle it.
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Stormy Peak »

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

But there was a delay...Andy couldn't make it out to my home tonight.
So I get to keep my girl for another night.
Andy had an emergency surgery, someone brought in a badly injured dog almost at closing time. The dog had been hit by a car.

She called at around 7:30 and said she could still come out here, but I told her, "No, to go home and get some rest" as I know she works hard all day long.

It's been an extremely long day, and I knew before hand that this could happen.
It's a hard thing to wait all day but I get Jaya for one more day. If Jaya was in true pain, both Andy and I would have taken care of this tonight. I've had a hard knot in my gut all day, and I've cried on and off all day long too...dreading the time I would hear Andy's truck coming up by drive.
That knot has eased...but I know it will be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, as I said, I get Jaya for 1 more day. She's being slightly spoiled... I bought some cans of dog food, but usually I just use dry kibble and feed three times a day with each meal getting 1 to 2 pieces of like Begging Strips broken up into the kibble. Jaya and AU each got some canned dog food in their kibble today. : ) I still have one can left, so I can spoil Jaya again tomorrow...AU too.

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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Stormy Peak »

My apologies for not updating this thread, but for the past week, I've been a mental and emotional wreck.

Jaya was to be put to sleep on Tuesday the 17th...but Andy, my vet, had several emergency surgeries that day and couldn't make it. So we planned for Wednesday...again, Andy ended up working late, and again too, on Thursday.

Last night, she was finally able to make it out to my home.

I had mixed feelings about it all, I don't blame Andy at all, but it was sheer pain to go all day, with this knot in my gut, waiting until late afternoon, and wondering if I would lose Jaya that day. On the other hand...I got to be with Jaya for a little more time.

When Andy showed up, I got Jaya up on the center cushion of the sofa with Andy on one side, and me on the other, and we talked for about 15 minutes, until Jaya relaxed, after first enduring us touching her, but then realizing those body scratches she was getting felt good.

Then Andy gave Jaya the 1st shot - and Jaya didn't even flinch from it, and she fell asleep within minutes.
The 2nd shot was done about 5 minutes later.

Jaya went peacefully, and with very little fear, and I think she even enjoyed the scratches she was getting on her old dry body and that was the last thing she felt.

We sat there for another 10 minutes afterwards just talking, and me crying...and I think AU, Song and Thump all began to realized Jaya was no longer with us.
Both Song and Thump went up and touched Jaya, nose to nose...something they would have never done, even if Jaya had been sleeping on the carpet in the living room.

AU, didn't get real upset, until we started to put Jaya into a body bag...then he got up to her and started sniffing and looking a bit stressed. About an hour later, he was looking around the house for her. : (

It will take time for us to adjust to this change in our life.

Thanks everyone for the moral support. It's been a very long week, each day almost, with me expecting to never see my lovely girl again, but then getting another day.

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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Tammy Stawicki »

So sorry for your loss
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by David Faulkner »

wow Stormy your story lived with your pets, and the fight with her is of an admirable level, I have read all or most of your critical moments with her since the death and the pain of the loss of HaHa, and the anguish of the operation of AU's hips, and the news about Jaya, everything she lived with her former owner, seems like a horror movie to me, how someone can behave that way with a being who cannot defend himself from that abuse, and all his life of horror that she lived in that time, plus the desire of your heart to do something for her to show her that life also had a good side, it is very admirable

I am very happy how you quote the part of Jesus with what the widow offered, she gave everything she had to support her.

Just like you gave everything you had for your pet the day you gave her the love that grew in you for her, and being able to enjoy every change she showed during all the time she was by your side.

It is difficult not to feel a mixture of rage, impotence, and pain, just thinking about all the unpleasant part that she faced, and even having to take her life, for the need that she not continue with a new suffering.

I could say there are no words that justify, and that can erase the bad that your pet had to live, even at the end of her days.

I do not try to imagine the time of the veterinary's arrival, and everything that went through your mind and what your heart experienced.

I am sorry that you have had to go through this again, it is a path through which we have had to go a lot, and that leaves a part of us without joy, it is as if the brightness of a star ceases to be, and that space is empty

I believe that no matter how much time passes, the heart will always cry for the loss of everything that has been truly loved

Everything you did for Jaya was and is incredible, and it is worthy of admiration and recognition.

Stormy from my heart I am very sorry for everything you have had to live in all this time, and WOW how they keep you firm and forward against all odds

your strength is incredible and the value for life is immense.

I just hope that very soon I can laugh in complete peace and tranquility
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Stormy Peak
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Re: Jaya, my semi-feral dog

Post by Stormy Peak »

[The English post follows this Spanish post]
[La publicación en inglés sigue a la publicación en español].
David, gracias por las amables palabras. Y, incluso con el traductor de idiomas algo torpe, sus pensamientos fueron bastante elocuentes.

Hoy, fui a la oficina de mi veterinario para hacer un pago de lo que debo allí y para preguntar si sabían aproximadamente cuándo podría esperar recibir las cenizas de Jaya.

Resultó que las cenizas habían sido entregadas unos 10 minutos antes de que yo llegara. No me lo esperaba, y no había reforzado mis emociones... y comencé a llorar frente a todos en la clínica... había 4 clientes (2 parejas) esperando, la recepcionista, 2 técnicos veterinarios y Andy. , mi veterinario.

Estaban bien allí, porque Andy acababa de regresar de un descanso de media hora para almorzar y sus citas de la 1:00 p. m. y la 1:20 p. preguntas rápidas de su recepcionista y técnicos veterinarios.

Pude obtener las cenizas de Jaya, y estaba temblando un poco y sin poder contener las lágrimas. Eso hizo llorar a las dos mujeres... las que estaban allí con sus maridos... y a uno de los técnicos veterinarios, que resultó que también acababa de poner a dormir a su perro hace 4 días.

Normalmente tengo la fuerza de voluntad para no llorar si es necesario. No quiero estar manejando mi auto emocionalmente molesto, distraído y sin poder ver muy bien debido a las lágrimas en mis ojos. Pero logré llegar bien a casa... con las cenizas de Jaya.

Las cenizas están en una caja de aluminio cepillado de 4 pulgadas x 4 pulgadas de aproximadamente 4 pulgadas de profundidad. Tiene su nombre en una etiqueta adhesiva blanca y está escrito en una fuente grande de aspecto inglés antiguo.

La caja de metal está en un pequeño saco, que es transparente, pero también tiene algunas huellas de perros en negro y varios tamaños decorándolo.

Cuando llegué a casa, el clima era muy frío, soplaba viento y llovía y nevaba.
Así que esperaré hasta mañana para enterrar las cenizas de Jaya sobre la tumba de HaHa.

Realmente no quiero quedarme con la caja, ni tirarla después a la basura... así que la enterraré sin abrirla.

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