Congrats to The Steward!

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Andrew Chillin
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Andrew Chillin »

Anthony says git gud
Anthony Zappulla
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Anthony Zappulla »

Out of the Gate Early its Let's Go to the Mall and Do Some Shopping, followed by Baby Crying, then we have Are we there Yet!! :roll:
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Andrew Chillin
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Andrew Chillin »

Go to my office drop down and scroll towards the bottom. You’ll find a new feature where you can spend money to save money!
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Andrew James
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Andrew James »

As a person who runs one of the larger TB barns, of late ranks top 5/10 in total wins and claiming wins and has been around for awhile... I assure you the way to get SIM rich is not that.

Top sires are the cash cow. Full stop.

Now, why are we doing this again? There's nothing wrong or broken with the SIM economics. SB's continue to suck the excess money out of the game as designed, while producing a dash of hopium to a hundred plus players a year. It's a good system.

If there's any issue it's that the new real horses, particularly the sires should just be owned by the Steward and keep sucking money out. By introducing them to the SIM gen pop were countering the positive effect of the TBS sales.
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Lily Wilkins
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Lily Wilkins »

What Andrew said. I’ve owned Equinox for 24 hours and he’s already made me almost 7x the cash in stud fees, as what my runners have earned so far this year. He, alone, will probably fund my next TBS purchase.
That said, I think the game would get boring pretty quick without the opportunity to buy pretty new bloodstock in the form of TBS and real life horses. I hope that never stops.

Truly (and I mean no snark, but it has to be said) what’s going to kill this game is all of the negativity and the group of people who like to yell “foul” every time something doesn’t go their way. It’s got to be exhausting for the admin team to deal with. This is a community. Want new bloodstock? Want more opportunities? Reach out to people! Make friends! Did you not see the filly bred from a FREE lease win the Streward’s Cup Juvenile Fillies a few years ago? The game is only as “unfair” as you make it for yourself.
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Lee Cara »

I agree with Andrew. if the Stew kept the RL studs it would suck far more from the game overall.
I'm not convinced these studs will be a cash cow either, as the market is now saturated with RL studs, AWM has 21 alone with none being better than the best 2 AWM studs on the market. yet around 15 of them are priced higher
Lily has been very smart by reducing what the Stew priced as the best TR stud down to an attractive fee
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Jon Xett »

I agree with Mr Lord Chillin (audible gasp from the crowd): "git gud" as the gamer kids like to say
I agree with Lily: "it's all of the negativity" that ruins it for a lot of players

In all my years, I've learned that nothing is gonna kill the except The Steward throwing up her hands one day and saying, "buh bye, I'm outta here". So in the meantime let's limit the negativity and play the game within the current rules system however you see fit in order to enjoy the the time you so generously spend away from the real world here in

By the way, did you know that there is a very real Whine-O-Meter embedded in the SIM that when it reaches the red-zone, Queen Karma kicks in and rewards that individual's negativity with another dose of negativity? No really, it's a real thing. I know this to be true from my past. Ha!

All in fun, (there it is, again).jX
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Gigi Gofaster
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Gigi Gofaster »


By the way, did you know that there is a very real Whine-O-Meter embedded in the SIM that when it reaches the red-zone, Queen Karma kicks in and rewards that individual's negativity with another dose of negativity? No really, it's a real thing. I know this to be true from my past. Ha!


Does it make all your horses 14 hands and white?
"I was afraid of Gigi, it was true." Oh yes. Be afraid. Be very afraid...
"Gigi, you continue to impress the heck out of me." - The Steward. Okay, it was 10 RL years ago, but I'm keeping it.
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Andrew Chillin
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Andrew Chillin »

I forget who we’re arguing with or for now
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Durzo Blint
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Durzo Blint »

I feel the need to clarify or defend myself - I was just asking a question of "Why?" and people ran with it and put assumptions and words in my mouth, it's probably pointless to try and defend myself, but here goes:
Sara Julin wrote: 10 months ago The Steward just managed to pull out a whopping -$523,250,488 out of the game in total!
That is a insane number! But highly needed, I am sure.
To which I simply asked why is it needed?

The response to me simply asking why:
Tim Matthews wrote: 10 months ago To Durzo’s point, the issue with simflation is that it prices more players out of big purchases.
I do not believe this was my point. I did not have a point, I was geniunely curious as to why we need to take money out. But to respond directly, I do not think simflation priced out big purchases as per my correspondence with Kelly:
Kelly Haggerty wrote: 10 months ago I am really down. No SB, no RL horse. Nada.
Kelly Haggerty wrote: 10 months ago I had $3m to spend and was really hopeful to get something that would help me achieve some of my goals, but no dice. Every plan I come up with to try something new or try to take a different angle and grow my barn just gets blocked by those with unlimited funds, and then half the time they don't even want the horse or aren't really interested in that division or whatever, they just have too much to burn. So basically you can just tread water and stay in one place. Whatever.
and later when presented with the facts that I provided that "the big purses" did not prevent us from doing anything as we were fighting against each other, she said:
Kelly Haggerty wrote: 10 months ago Maybe they didn’t buy a SB because they don’t need more building blocks? Or they don’t run TB? I quit bidding because (as I posted before) most are not a good value. The RL horses as broodstock were different. My complaint isn’t being blocked by by big spenders as just everything seeming “stale”. There isn’t much to look forward to in the middle. It won’t make any difference how much she pulls out, I agree with you there.
How are my posts of curiousity being construed as:
Randall Allen wrote: 10 months ago Durzo turning this thread negative in the third post. Very useful!
I love Stewardbreds, I love this game, I love real horses and appreciate everyone that devotes their hard earned time and money to this game. At no point was I questioning any of these or suggesting anything.

Kelly suggests that I was saying:
Kelly Haggerty wrote: 10 months ago You are both saying, in different ways, that you cannot consume your way out of wealth inequality.
I am not saying anything. In fact I do not know what this means. All I did was state the facts that removing the $523M will not impact me in the slightest, so back to my original question of why is it much needed that it needed to be removed.
Andrew James wrote: 10 months ago As a person who runs one of the larger TB barns, of late ranks top 5/10 in total wins and claiming wins and has been around for awhile... I assure you the way to get SIM rich is not that.

Top sires are the cash cow. Full stop.

Now, why are we doing this again? There's nothing wrong or broken with the SIM economics. SB's continue to suck the excess money out of the game as designed, while producing a dash of hopium to a hundred plus players a year. It's a good system.
I, personally, am not questioning the system, I like the system, I just wondering why we think the money coming out matters.
Jon Xett wrote: 10 months ago By the way, did you know that there is a very real Whine-O-Meter embedded in the SIM that when it reaches the red-zone, Queen Karma kicks in and rewards that individual's negativity with another dose of negativity? No really, it's a real thing. I know this to be true from my past. Ha!
Apologies that people are taking a simple question of "Why?" to be whining or putting their own additional biases into my question. I'll go back into my shell now, look for my auto dispersal in 45 days.
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Mr. Lord Rich »

We all know it is impossible to ever win the sim. Winning the sim can mean something different to every player.

So all I am saying is, keep on keeping on.

After year 65 guess what??

It is year 66 and we do it all over again.
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Kelly Haggerty
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Kelly Haggerty »

Blocked was a bad choice of words on my part. It happens (autistic, remember?). I don’t mean blocked tactically, I mean the bar is higher in more TB divisions than it was when I started.

As for the rest of it, I haven’t seen as many HR games fail as Cleo, but I’ve seen 3. And in each of those the gap between the top and the rest got too big. It shouldn’t be equal but the size of the range matters so that new / newish barns stay. That falls off when the gap is too big, and since those are usually the ones putting in the most RL money that matters for the game to pay it’s bills.
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Ma Springs
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Ma Springs »

Durzo Blint wrote: 10 months ago Apologies that people are taking a simple question of "Why?" to be whining or putting their own additional biases into my question. I'll go back into my shell now, look for my auto dispersal in 45 days.
I think people just feel the need to vent for different reasons, or get sentimental and remember a discussion in a forum post from 5 or 10 seasons ago, lol.
Nini Hunter wrote: 10 months ago Excellent points, Durzo. You broke this down so well.
Brandon Schultz wrote: 10 months ago For real. Durzo should be in the hall of fame for his consistently useful analysis of the happenings in the SIM

I would vote! I hope you didn’t mean what you wrote about the dispersal. ✌
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Randall Allen
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Randall Allen »

Or we could just let this topic die already. Already beat this dead horse into the ground year after year. Nothing is wrong with the sim.
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Re: Congrats to The Steward!

Post by Gwayne's World »

This discussion can only be resolved by the 'Magic 8 Ball.'
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