The Official SIM Dreams Thread

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John Slotmon
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by John Slotmon »

I had a dream that I looked on the Feature Race and Lea McPherson had written a Long Island Classic preview.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by Lea McPherson »

why me? :?
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by Peter Gleason »

Last night I had a dream that The Steward, Leonard Begale and Norman Architecture came to Australia to hike around bushland around my house (even though I live in the city...but thats not the point). We were walking around the bush, then they got bored and yelled at me for making them come to boring Australia, and then they left. I rememeber everyone was referred to by their SIM names though. There was more to it, but that's all I can remember
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by The Steward »

I dreamt last night that I was in Boston for a family visit, and Smythe drove across the border to get me and drive me back to Woodbine. He asked me to check into my hotel and was waiting in the car for me, but I had a panic attack realizing I didn't have my passport so I couldn't do anything. I turned around and there was a huge host of Canadian SIMsters behind me, and I recognized Art and Skippy and Brian which was impressive seeing as I'd never seen them before - even in pics for most of them. Then there were loud sirens - a tornado was coming! We all ran out to hide under a road (don't question it). As the tornado was coming, we were pretty sad knowing we were about to die, and then I woke up and someone had hit Dave's car and the alarm was going off, which explains the noise :-)
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J K Rowling
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by J K Rowling »

A few days ago I had a dream that a bajillion people, including a few simsters, were going to go see Zenyatta in this indoor arena covered by a big white tent. We're all packed up against the solid divider and they bring her out. What walks into the arena is not a horse but a big * effing tiger, who is, in fact, Zenyatta. People are cheering and everything but I'm just standing there mesmerized. All the sudden the tiger just starts getting really * and starts lunging in my direction. Everyone around me, including the simsters, part away as I look down and see that I'm wearing a bright pink tanktop which apparently makes tigers mad. So Zenny just goes crazy, running around the arena and breaking away from her handler. I book the eff out of there as do most people as a few unfortunate folks become tiger snacks.

Lesson: Zenyatta is the fiercest thing on the planet. Do not wear pink tanktops around her.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

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Last night, I dreamed about watching the Steward's Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf race on a race viewer. Except it wasn't really a race viewer on screen, it was more like a little table track set up with mice. My entry was this blond haired mouse. There were actually two blonds in the race, and even though I didn't know the name of the other, I knew it happened to be the other Acapulco x Rainbow Quest filly in the race. I had no idea what any of the colors were, including my own entry, so I was good and surprised to find out both my filly and Acapulco Rainbow are actually chestnut in the sim.

Anyway, these little mice ran around the track, and Leo Beagle was leaning over the table shouting out the race call. At a couple points, I think he scared them, because they all checked together. Eventually, my little blond mouse pulled away, and won the race. It was a happy morning, until I realized these were mice, not fake horses, and this didn't really mean anything.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by Melissa Mae »

Sorry Paul, I don't like your dream. Rainbow should be in front.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

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I debated with myself all day as to tell my dream I had last night....but it was weird enough to mention here.

Somehow I was at a Sim-party...eveyone was dressed very elegantly...tuxedos and expensive beautiful dresses. It looked like we were in some huge room in a manson...kind of a ballroom to one side and very beautiful chairs and tables in a semi-circle around the dancing area.

At our tables where little place cards with the names we use here at the Sim. The cards had first the 'username' and then under it the real name for those who used both. In the cases where the username and the real name were the same, the name was just printed twice on the card.

I was reading cards on some of the tables while my way to my table, and than sat down at my place, but didn't bother to glance at the cards on either side of me for some reason.

I was there enjoying the subtle music and watching people as they danced or stood around talking...then..this very tall, guy sits down next to me and I turn to look at him and it's Christopher Walken! :shock:

I asked him if he was at the right party. :lol:

He said 'Yes' That he had been playing the Sim for a few years, and said he couldn't wait for the SC Races to run. I made a comment that I no clue a famous actor was interested in fake horses...he laughed and said he enjoyed horse racing but never wanted the complications that come with owning real race horses...the paperwork...and such. He then said, he might as well tell everyone he was playing the game under the user name of....

And that's when I woke up. :evil:

I don't know what's more disturbing/interesting in this for me...that I should have one of the oddest actors in Hollywood in my dreams, or that it was tied in with a formal dinner party in a swanky looking mansion like room, or that it all tied in with the Sim. lol.

Now, I want to know which one of ya is Christopher Walken...come on...fess
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by Ara Davies »

Two dreams last night: first one non-SIM related but bizarre beyond all reason, second one a SIM nightmare.

Dream 1
I was in charge of a bunch of little girls in a ballet class or something. We went to some school so they could perform. I got the impression that I had attended this school as a child and it was some odd version of Hogwarts because Snape and McGonagall were there. Snape and I got into an argument/discussion and I somehow turned him into an arcade game. It was a really bad game too, like first you had to maneuver a tiny fake looking ship through a very easy maze and then for the last part you had to flip a piece of raw chicken from one location to another. Like real chicken, not virtual chicken. Anyway when the game finished it was late so I went home. I don't know what happened to the little ballet girls. The next day I came back and apologized to Snape for playing the game (not for turning him into the game, but just for playing it) and he was cool with it and then we made out. Also the events of this second day took place at my grandma's house but she wasn't there.

Then we go to:

Dream 2
This was the SIM dream and was a lot less interesting than the first dream. Basically I was trying to breed mares but every time I got a foal its name was bizarre with like brackets and stuff and I couldn't change it, AND the sire and dam were seriously the worst horses in the SIM. Everyone kept making fun of me for breeding such terrible horses and Eric told me that I really should just quit the game because I'd lost my touch. He was very serious about it. I kept telling everyone that it wasn't my fault and I didn't know why the breedings kept going through that way but Em just looked at me sadly and shook her head.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by Marzy Dotes »

I just have mixed up jumbles of different dreams...they never make any sense... even when dreaming.

I had three straight vignette dreams about the dentist, including one episode where I ate caramel gummy bears and pulled off my temporary crown and couldn't find it. Then the dentist showed up to tell this creepy guy to leave and he had some unspecified magic power (as I woke up before finding out what it was).

Even though I often write about local government and police, I rarely dream about any of these things which is kind of a relief but I did have this dream that I was supposed to talk to so-and-so about such-and-such. Unfortunately when I woke up, I didn't know who so-and-so or such-and-such was which means I might have missed something important...oh well.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by Nikki Everdeen »

Somehow my two worlds collided last night in a dream! First I dreamed that I was actually able to go to the BC this year, and everyone else was already there when I arrived, so I got there and was introduced to everyone in a round table format, but I couldn't understand a word anyone was saying, so I was REALLY frustrated. Then the dream morphed into last year's season of The Ride, and we were all at CJ Bennett's hometown visit episode shoot (including SIMsters!). My boss was THRILLED that so many production assistants had shown up, but the remainder of the dream was me running around like a chicken with my head cut off because I wanted to get back to the SIMsters, but I had to first find a copy machine to make copies of our confidentiality agreement that everyone had to sign. When I finally found the copy machine, I realized I already had enough copies of the stupid thing. I think that goes to show how stressed out I am at work...and how much I wish I was at BC!
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by John Slotmon »

Had a dream where God Save Ireland was retired because of an injury even though I checked the vet before shipping him to race. Moreover, the Steward posted something in the forum (in my dream) about how God Save Ireland was a prime example of how NOT to train a horse.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by Krystle Yanagihara »

I had a dream where Em suddenly said that she had to close the SIM because they were all bankrupt. I was so depressed thinking about what was going to happen to my horses and what I was going to spend my time on now. Haha. Eeek X_X.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by The Steward »

Last night I dreamt that I was subbing a 5th grade class, and as I went down the names list, there was Danny Warren, Matthew McMahon, Kenzie Larkin and Brandon Marcott.


Danny was squirming in his seat when I looked up and said, "I thought you were all adults?!?! Why didn't anyone tell me that half this school plays the SIM!" Hahahaha.
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Re: The Official SIM Dreams Thread

Post by Danny Warren »

The Steward wrote:Last night I dreamt that I was subbing a 5th grade class, and as I went down the names list, there was Danny Warren, Matthew McMahon, Kenzie Larkin and Brandon Marcott.


Danny was squirming in his seat when I looked up and said, "I thought you were all adults?!?! Why didn't anyone tell me that half this school plays the SIM!" Hahahaha.

There's my nightmare for you.......................back at school...........although I'm told I act like an 11 year old ! :lol:
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