Season 2 Official Thread

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Madelene Gilbert
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Madelene Gilbert »



I sat in my favorite spot along the beach, watching the sun set behind the trees and listening to the little waves lap along the smooth sand. I found this cove a few days after arriving at the island, and with the dwindling population it became a private and peaceful spot. The atmosphere was so soothing here; I came to recharge my energies whenever I could get away.

I had lost track of how long I'd been on the island. Even my journal entries were gone; Clinton stole the last page while I was gathering roots and used it for kindling. I didn't mind much, as I'd stolen one of his piggy banks. He never realized it was missing...

I was exhausted. Sleep was hard to come by; I'd thought I'd be use to the sounds the island made after it grew dark, but for some reason the roaring of the nocturnal predators made it difficult. The insects were worse. I'd been flea bitten and tick eaten and practically a walking banquet for every other insect (especially mosquitoes). The humidity meant I'd spent the entire time in a state of perpetual damp. The sweat kept pouring and I had dirt and salt caked into crevices I wasn't even aware I had until now. Food was scare; my stomach loudly threatened to devour my other organs every waking minute.

But as I sat and watched the brilliant pinks and oranges glistening in the shallow water, I reflected upon all my success up to this point and knew that I still would have taken this opportunity if I had been given the chance to start over. Even the sunburns and paranoia couldn't diminish my excitement. I was so close to the end! And I wasn't going to give up until I was declared "WINNER"!

Artist's Note:
Video seems to rule this competition, but as I don't have any video editing/animation software anymore I figured it was time to bring the artistic talent to the table.
"Reflection" is a photo manipulation of my SIMvivor SIMpersonality. I'm afraid I took Mike's prompt rather literally but when you get an idea, just run with it! The title refers to both the reflection of myself (the words) and the scenery (the water). The words I chose to describe myself (in case you can't read them) include: dehydrated, sweaty, sickly, starving, flea bitten, gritty, stressed, grimy, sunburnt, mosquito banquet, grubby, afraid, caked in dirt, tick eaten, exhausted, hardened, ecstatic, ragged, excited, and paranoid. "Winner", of course, is the state in which I am sitting. :)
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Nan Lanson
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Nan Lanson »

Day 25

I packed four shirts for this trip. What psychological insights could be gleaned from this? Maybe I wanted a bundle that could be easily carried and watched over. Maybe I am too cheap to pay a baggage fee. Maybe I only wanted to ruin a small portion of my wardrobe. Maybe I simply didn’t think I would be here that long. Well, all of those are true, really, and for better or worse, four shirts is what I brought. I am thankful that the ones I chose were already shades of gray, brown, and green to begin with, because they certainly are those colors now, and forever.

Lest one get the wrong impression, I also brought pants, and underwear. One of the last things I packed was my pair of Birkenstocks. For a moment, I had hovered over my boots, wondering if I should bring those, too…but if I was going to be in the jungle, wasn’t encasing my feet in boots the last thing I should do? And so I left them there.

We all quickly learned that if we were going to be clean, it was going to be by slapdash efforts in the nearby river. There was, of course, a very scenic waterfall which some of us tried to use as a shower, and further downstream we all took our part in beating our clothes against rocks, trying to get the worst of the stink out. It never fully leaves, of course. By now, we all carry an aroma that I can only describe as ‘mossy’: humid and organic on the top notes, with a crusty layer of detritus as a base, with occasional whiffs of woodsmoke.

As our reward in the Week Five challenge, Vincent and I were both granted showers. It was a blessing and a curse: on the one hand, the warm, all-encompassing sensation of becoming fully and thoroughly CLEAN in every pore was an almost spiritual experience. But coming back and realizing that I was to spend who knew how many more days simply getting filthy again was difficult to deal with. For the first several days I shunned the other contestants out of new-found distaste. It was only after a particularly-windy night, when the smoke from the campfire seemed to follow me everywhere, that I felt properly acclimated again, odor-wise. The one thing I am thankful for, though, was the opportunity to shave my legs. The rest of my companions, by comparison, look as if they have contracted lycanthropy.

In my hut (which is more of a lean-to, haphazardly constructed out of omnipresent palm leaves and bamboo), I do have a mirror, surrounded by pictures of my husband and my cat. I have grown to avoid looking in it very often, but today, I felt like checking up on myself. The creature that stares back at me does not look quite as oily as I feel. Early on, I had learned to braid my hair tightly; it didn’t make it get dirtier any more slowly, but at least I am much less likely to fuss with it. When I finally do come off the island, I am certain that I will look as if I’d spent a lot of quality time in the ‘80s, romancing a crimping iron. A few wispy strands do fight for independence to frame my face from underneath the ever-popular handkerchief that we all wear atop our heads, in what is left of our respective team colors (mine is Grinch-green, of course). The tan that I’d hoped to achieve is there, having evolved from a painful sunburn in its early stages to a healthy tan that is highlighted with red atop my arms and cheekbones. My teeth are arguably the cleanest thing on me – I’m not about to forego that bit of hygeine.

Today, I had resolved to do some exploring, and see if I could forage anything novel to supplement our diet of bananas and mush. I grabbed my trusty walking stick (which just happens to be sharpened at one end, rendering it dual-purpose), and struck out eastward.

By afternoon, I had managed to pick up a few things: some acai berries, guavas, papayas, and the strange fruit called temare, that looks like a fat apple but has jelly-like insides that taste like pineapples. They are repulsive, yet tasty. After those initial few hours, the landscape became swampy, and I found myself having to pick my way carefully among clumps of grass and pools of water that made our own primitive laundromat look pristine. I stopped to peer ahead and see if it was worth trying to continue onward. I remember putting my foot out to brace against a log floating in the water.

Suddenly, the log gave way. I can’t say that I saw much in the next few seconds, but what I did see was a dark, leathery surface stamped in a scaly diamond pattern that was, I realized, nothing like a log; large gouts of brown water whipped to a froth; and teeth. Lots and lots of teeth. Fortunately for me, I managed to step back instead of forward. I fought valiantly against the reptile, with much flailing and screaming, and running. Lots and lots of running. When I finally felt safe enough to stop and count my toes, I realized that there had, indeed, been a casualty. One of my Birkenstocks was missing. I limped the rest of the way back to camp, keenly reminded of why novices in the wilderness are called ‘tenderfeet’.

I can boast that I have survived an alligator attack (or was it a crocodile? I can never keep them straight), and the fruit salad is a nice compliment to the bananas and mush, and I can even say that I managed to make myself a new pair of shoes to replace my now useless lone sandal. But I still can’t help but think of my boots, with their sturdy soles and waterproof leather and arch support, and the laces that go all the way up past the ankle, to hold them securely on no matter what happens…all just sitting there in my bedroom at home. Banana leaf shoes sound exciting, but they’re just not as comfortable. But hopefully I will still have a couple of weeks to properly break them in…

Iggy Timeeczech
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Iggy Timeeczech »

I sent this to Mike last night I am out of town and on my way back home

A score and seventeen days ago these simsters arrived on the shore, of this island, full of animosity and dedicated to eradicating every last one of their opponents. Now we are engaged in the final battles, testing whether Iggy, or any of the other remaining simsters so committed can win the cash. We have come to decide which two will move on, and which will fight for their lives and to remain to fight again. It is right and proper that we should do this. But, before this ends, let us consider-ponder if you will-think about deeply, these wretches. The grungy people, starving and unkempt, who struggle on here, have set new lows in hygiene, far beyond my ability to describe. Iggy hopes no one will note, nor long remember his greasy and scraggly hair, but you will remember what he has done here. It is for you the audience, rather, to stir up your creative juices to get ready for season three. It is for you to dedicate yourself to the great task before you-blocking from your mind the untrimmed beards, the odor of body sweat cuts from who knows what and ugly bruises-and remember that it has not been suffered in vain-That Simvivor, under God, shall have a new year of fun, and that this contest, of the judges, for the judges, and by the judges shall long endure in the forum
Iggy Timeeczech
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Iggy Timeeczech »

Here's a copy of the original Gettysburg Address, I parody it with the utmost respect. It is a moving speech, I was going more for witty and amusing

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate --we can not consecrate --we can not hallow --this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us --that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion --that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain --that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom --and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from this earth.
Mike Eaton
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Mike Eaton »

All awesome give the judges a few days to come together and decide.

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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Mike Eaton »

Ok so the judges were asked for the worst and best in their opinion with a option to comment. One judge gave best and worst, the other gave them in order. So to decide a final grade i also did in order.

Chani said

1. Clinton - funny, witty and loved the starvation/canabilisim bit.
2. Maddie - Very thoughtful, and ties into the previous post as if like a challenge. Much appreciated
3. Iggy - enjoyed the parodie
4. Nan - too long for me, I'm sorry I lost focus reading many times

Fanta said

Madelene Gilbert
Reasoning: Your photo-manipulation skills were showcased in amazing fashion here, and your word choices were well put together with the theme. Reading the "Reflection" portion really puts the reader in your frame of mind in the competition.

Clinton Jacinto
Reasoning: My thoughts on this effort were that it feels like it was missing something, missing that little bit of passion. I feel that it wasn't as strong as your other efforts have been in the past

I say...

1. Maddy- I thought it was a basic way to illustrate what you were... you used words and a picture. Very basic but creative. Not the best you did but I think you all are worn out at this many weeks has this thing been???? So I thought you did best....

2. Nan- I think the judges just expected to much from you. Just saying your the one we look forward to see what does next...this was kind of dull. Basic...but you got to point across and I think your effort was there just in a least interesting way as your past. You still beat the other two for me.

3. Clinton- You did the whole video thing which is always fun. The video could have been 2 seconds to get the point across of what you looked like and it could have been a more creative look. Did more then just writing but kind of dull for me you could be in trouble...

4. Iggy- Kind of boring for me. A little creative but lost my attention.


Averages will determine placings

Maddy - placing 1st, 1st, 2nd with the judges averaging = 1.3333
Clinton- placing 4th, 3rd, 1st with the judges averaging = 2.6666
Iggy- placing 4th, 3rd with the judges averaging = 3.5
Nan- placing 2nd, 4th with the judges averaging = 3

So Maddy wins again! Iggy you averaged the worst meaning you are automatically in battle. Maddy you will get to post on here who out of the other two you would like to go into battle with Iggy. This person and iggy will have to pick in order many are involved. The person who picks the most horses in the correct order will stay in competition. Maddy hope you decide ASAP to give the other person time.

These next 1-3 weeks will be mapped out with twist and turns and a long awaited winner!

Every filly’s fantasy,
bred to go long but quick to plz

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Madelene Gilbert
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Madelene Gilbert »

I'm going to send NAN into battle with Iggy. Best of luck you two!!!
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Nan Lanson
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Nan Lanson »

1. Wizardry
2. Doha
3. Fast
4. Flaming Saga
5. Agiaal
6. Friend Of Earth

(Edited to reflect the horses which were scratched/added to the race.)
Last edited by Nan Lanson 12 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Iggy Timeeczech
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Iggy Timeeczech »

1. Fast
2. Wizardy
3. Flaming Sage
4. Doha
5. Friend of Earth
6. Agiaal

Edited with latest entries
Iggy Timeeczech
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Iggy Timeeczech »

WOW!!!! I will take that, 6 for 6! I was a little nervous there.
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Mike Eaton »

Down to




You all have the chance to be nice. If you want to. After the next challenge there will only be two left. If you would like... you can bring back a friend who competed that you feel deserves one more chance. This would mean extra people to compete with. There is some kind of twist if you choose so... good or bad. Is it worth the risk? You may use this forum to run a competition if you think you want to take a risk and see what happens if you allow someone back in either way you three must write either a persons name or NO. You have until Wed at 11pm est to post but remember early birds get the worm.

I did say lots of weird twists.

Good luck in this incentive kind of bonus challenge.

Every filly’s fantasy,
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Madelene Gilbert »

Mike I just sent you a PM. Do I need to post here in the forum as well?

EDIT: Nevermind, decided I'm going to post here anyway. I'm going to say: NO. :)
Iggy Timeeczech
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Iggy Timeeczech »

While there are quite a few people who have done excellent work and I hope come back for next season, I am not remembering anyone who I feel got screwed, so I am going to say no.
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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Mike Eaton »

Maddy and Iggy said no. Clinton said yes to bring back Gigi. Now gigi has the option to come back and take Clintons spot and eliminate clinton. This game is not for being nice clinton. Gigi would you like to eliminate clinton and come back?

Every filly’s fantasy,
bred to go long but quick to plz

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Re: Season 2 Official Thread

Post by Gigi Gofaster »

Hmmm. Not on those terms. Now, if I could come back and eliminate one of the other two....
"I was afraid of Gigi, it was true." Oh yes. Be afraid. Be very afraid...
"Gigi, you continue to impress the heck out of me." - The Steward. Okay, it was 10 RL years ago, but I'm keeping it.
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