Iphone 11 Colours

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Stormy Peak
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Re: Iphone 11 Colours

Post by Stormy Peak »

Ashley Hunt wrote: 4 years ago
Stormy Peak wrote: 4 years ago I've never owned a cell phone. I couldn't afford one. However I do own 1936 Bakelite rotary dial that still works, and that I use quite often. One of these days I hope to get a cell phone maybe in the next year or two.

I think the old Rotary phones are really cool! Look into Consumer Cellular. We have been with them for a little over a year and love it! Customer Service is amazing, and they try to help no matter what the problem is. We have 2 smart phones and my mother in law's flip phone, it's $87 for all 3, unlimited talk, unlimited text, but we only have 10 GB since we have wifi at home. I know you said you can't afford one right now, but thought I'd throw that out there for you.
One of the things I'm stuck with is...where I live...outside of a Very small town, in an isolated part of Idaho.
We have 1 'local' telephone company who doesn't have service outside of city limits, and then the other larger company...which has internet and phone service in and outside of city limits.

I live about a mile and half outside of town.
Right now, I have internet + landline phone service with the 'larger company'... it's my only choice for internet.
IF I tried to get a cellphone...it almost has to be through them - but it's still a bit beyond my means with them.

Here's why: They want you on a 2-year contract, and it's like $30 more than the landline each month...I guess because the cellphone you get with the service needs paid for too. ???

And... If I tried to go to another cellphone/carrier that's cheaper...and drop my landline to help pay for it...
My phone company will raise my internet service price almost to the point of what it costs to have the internet + my landline.

So, budget wise, I'm stuck.
I actually don't mind just having a landline...it seems to be rock solid was far as working. I've known the cellphones in this town to get messed up with loss of service, and also people seem to break their phones a lot, or have their phone's just quit working...then they are without any kind of phone if they don't have a landline...lol.

I've thought about getting one of those phones where you buy the phone and then buy minutes cards at a store -- but again, money...I just have so many other things I need for the price of the phone and then the $10 to $50 in minutes that need purchased each month. A wind storm ripped my back porch roof to shreds last month... vet bills, dentist bills, the car needs an oil/other liquids changed...etc. And my disability paycheck each month just doesn't leave me with much...sometimes only $15 to $20 and I live Very frugally. No cable, or dish type t.v., rarely buy myself new clothes, or books, or music.

I also know too, that in a near future, I will probably be forced to give up my rotary dial phone, as the phone company will only start to handle push button type phones for landline use. I have remote phones in my house, but like I said, I use that old rotary almost as much as I use the push button phones...and I've never had to go hunting around the house to see where I left that rotary phone...lol. Can't say that about the remote phone. I once looked my remote phone for 3 hours...finally found it outside on the porch rail...lol. Ugh! I put it there while I was changing the water on the lawn, so I wouldn't miss a call from my sister...then walked into the house and forgot about ...since I answered the rotary dial when she called.

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