Mixed Names Puzzles - Final Poll

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Pick up to two of your favorite puzzles

Poll ended at 15 years ago

Don't just sit there
Illuminations in the land of Batman
Noted Second Baseman
Seventeen Seventy Six
Stare at the sky + crave something + myself
Total votes: 32

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Jeb Clampett
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Mixed Names Puzzles - Final Poll

Post by Jeb Clampett »

Here is the final poll. You can vote for up to two puzzles as your favorites (If you want to see them, answers to these puzzles can be found in the Contest thread). Define your favorites anyway you like -- most fun, sneakiest, most straightforward, whatever you like. Winning puzzle will earn its writer 5,000 GPs, second puzzle, 3,000 and third 2,000 GPs.
After the final poll is over, we'll post all submitted puzzles with authors.
"Luck is my middle name," said Rincewind, indistinctly.
"Mind you, my first name is Bad."

-- (Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times)
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Jeb Clampett
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Re: Mixed Names Puzzles - Final Poll

Post by Jeb Clampett »

I've got to agree with the polling -- these puzzles were all pretty great! We're going to go with the general opinion and award duplicate prizes for ties....so....(drumroll)...

First place (tie) – 5 GP
Seventeen Seventy Six by Ramey Furney
Noted Second Baseman by Sasha Heald

Second place (tie) – 3 GP
Stare at the sky + crave something + myself by Happy Trails
Womanonstage by Iggy Timeczhech

Third place (tie) – 2 GP
Don't just sit there by Leigh Ann Anderson
Illuminations in the land of Batman by Happy Trails

Congratulations to you all! :D

Also Leo, Ronnie Dee, Bryan and I want to thank everyone who joined into the contest, whether sending puzzles, solving puzzles, or just looking on. We hope everyone had fun...we sure did!

And finally, for your delight and edification, here are all the puzzles that got submitted, whether used or not:

"Hand over fist" = Making Money -by- Ramey Furney
“Glory Fades" opener = Keep the Noise Low -by- Ramey Furney
1941 is the year of what animal in the Chinese zodiac?=Year of the Snake -by-Ramrod Racing
4 Letter network periodical=Espen The Mag-by- Iggy Timeczhech
A 1960s carnival ride=Tilt A Whirl-by-Ramrod Racing
A cervical vertebra= Atlas-by-Ramrod Racing
A lengthy adios=A Long Goodbye-by-Ronnie Dee
Ale=Lager -by-Iggy Timeczhech
Ancient Italian dude who liked his veggies = Saturn -by-Jeb
Astropop = Starburst -by- Leo
Athos, Aramis, Porthos = Three of A Kind -by- Leo
Beowulf = Viking Warrior -by- Leo
Blotch and/or a small part that is different = Spot -by- Happy Trails
Blue Babe = Ox -by- Leo
Caricature = Spoof -by- Happy Trails
Carnival Whirl = Tilt A Whirl -by- Ramey Furney
Chorus Back Row = Raised Voices -by- Leo
Circus Plus Two = Five Circles -by- Leo
Clown For Rulers = Jester of Kings -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Colloquial speech = Vernacular -by- Ramrod Racing
Copper Caricature = Abraham Lincoln -by- Leo
Cross's partner; Catholic service; Adam's spouse = Christmas Eve -by- Ronnie Dee
Culpable assets = Guilty Treasure -by- Happy Trails
David Copperfield's bridge = Magic Causeway -by- Leigh Ann Anderson
December 24th = Christmas Eve -by- Ramey Furney
Deity Snubs = Unanswered Prayers -by- Leo
Diamond in Love = Starry Eyed Jewel -by- Jeb
Dinger King = Babe Ruth -by- Leo
Don't just sit there = Take Action -by- Leigh Ann Anderson
Dustcover Data = About The Author -by- Leo
Emcee (pun) = Hammer -by- Leo
Evil Emblem = Pentagon -by- Leo
Fanatically involved with athletic activities = Sports Fan -by- Happy Trails
Force Fracture = Disturbance -by- Leo
Frozen shiver = Ice Tremor -by- Happy Trails
Fugetaboutit = Don't -by- Leo
Function of a cardiac treadmill = Test My Heart -by- Ramrod Racing
Furnace = Kiln -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Go down fighting = Never Surrender -by- Ramey Furney
Good Luck = Godspeed -by- Leo
Grab Me Glove = Hold My Hand -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Greetings = Salutations -by- Ramrod Racing
Half of an amusement park = Three Flags -by- Leo
Half of Tommy Smothers (pun) = Yeoman -by- Leo
He makes a mockery of playing tennis = Court Jester -by- Jeb
Heart Excitement = Palpitations -by- Ramrod Racing
Heavy Favorite = One To Ten -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Here Kitty Kitty = Panther -by- Ramey Furney
Heroindarkoutfit = Goodguywearsblack -by- Iggy Timeczhech
I couldn't refuse him. = The Godfather -by- Jeb
I N U (pun) = Watching You -by- Leo
I'm so happy my cheeks hurt = Whenithurtstosmile -by- Ramrod Racing
Illuminations in the land of Batman = Lightsofgothamcity -by- Happy Trails
It's not live...success! = Memorex Victory -by- Jeb
Jayvee Promotion = Varsity -by- Leo
Jerub-baal's Troops = Gideon's Army -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Large Street = Big Block -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Less than a straight = Three of a Kind -by- Jeb
Likes lightening bolts = Benjamin Franklin -by- Ramrod Racing
Linked Olympic Symbol = Five Circles -by- Ramey Furney
Little Piggie Warmers = Fuzzy Socks -by- Leo
London = Fog City -by- Jeb
Luna Rain = Moon Droplets -by- Leo
Machine Gun Marathon = Arms Race -by- Leo
Majority = Most -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Make a hole; Not up; Profound = Dig Down Deep -by- Ronnie Dee
Metro Chick = Big City Girl -by- Leo
Military personnel leaving without permission = Awol Soldier -by- Ramrod Racing
Mixed up letters – skrap = spark -by- Ramey Furney
Mixed Up Tiny Town's Drenched = Don'tcrywhenitends -by- Jeb
Move forward; protect = Advance Guard -by- Ronnie Dee
Nabbed Thomas (pun) = Kotya Peekin -by- Leo
No more ambitions, period = Notimefordreams -by- Leigh Ann Anderson
Noted Second Baseman = What -by- Sasha Heald
Ol' Yeller, the movie = Tearjerker -by- Jeb
One, Two = Throwing Punches -by- Leo
Paxton & Hunt flick = Next of Kin -by- Ramey Furney
Phobia = Your Worst Fear -by- Ramrod Racing
Pointman = Figurehead -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Poor lumpy ache is shaken up = Colour Me Happy -by- Jeb
Prestidigitator = Magician -by- Leo
Prototype = Archetype -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Red eye = Mightnight Flight -by- Ramey Furney
Respond To Ruler = Answer The King -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Salt Shaker City = Margaritaville -by- Leo
Santa's Snack = Milk and Cookies -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Scene From A Bar = View From Mars -by- Leo
Seventeen Seventy Six = Karisuma -by- Ramey Furney
Shade of military blue = Navy -by- Ramey Furney
Should; exclamation; active (pun) = Automobile -by- Ronnie Dee
Sir Boo = Knight Of Fright -by- Leo
Slang for toilet = ThRonnie Deee -by- Ramrod Racing
Sneaky TM?T = Stealth Ninja -by- Leo
Some Action = Affirmative -by- Leo
Soup = Bisque -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Stare at the sky + crave something + myself = Lookupdesireitsme -by- Happy Trails
Surging Breeze = Billowing Wind -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Tater Tot = Boise State Boy -by- Leo
The Gold Standard = Worth My Weight -by- Sasha Heald
The measure of an individual's ability to control their surroundings = Power -by-Leigh Ann Anderson
The sixth planet = Saturn -by- Ramey Furney
The Steward; Pa's spouse; She's just plain;Tom Hank's character friend = Emma Jayne Wilson -by- Ronnie Dee
Thus passes the glory of the world. = Sic Transit Gloria -by- Ramey Furney
To come from = Provenance -by- Leigh Ann Anderson
Triscuit makes it to second base = Safe Cracker -by- Jeb
Tusk = Fang -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Unphotogenic = Camera Shy -by- Iggy Timeczhech
USA Tyke = American Baby -by- Ronnie Dee
violent acrobatic maneuvering = Dogfight -by- Ramey Furney
Vivid Phosphorescence = Blazing Lights -by- Leigh Ann Anderson
Weeping Guitar = Electric Tears -by- Ramey Furney
What an efficiency expert wants to see = Best Use Of Time -by- Jeb
What Fourth of July night time fireworks do = Brightenthenitesky -by- Ramrod Racing
What the Romans said, after the Huns “visited” = Time to Rebuild -by- Jeb
What the three wise guys were = Kings -by- Jeb
Whiskeys = Moon Shine -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Womanonstage = Girlinthespotlight -by- Iggy Timeczhech
Last edited by Jeb Clampett 15 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
"Luck is my middle name," said Rincewind, indistinctly.
"Mind you, my first name is Bad."

-- (Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times)
Leonard Beagle
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Re: Mixed Names Puzzles - Final Poll

Post by Leonard Beagle »

WOW, look at that voting! Much deserved by all who entered these great puzzles. And I'm glad everyone gets some GP's for their efforts. So, thank you to those who submitted!!

And a big thumbs-up to all those who participated by attempting to play. If there weren't such a great turnout for this contest, we'd think twice about working up the puzzles. ;) It's early, and I haven't spoken to Jeb about it, but I'd bet you will see this contest again during the next break.

And a huge 'THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU' goes to Jeb and Ronnie. Those 2 worked long and hard for this contest, and make it worth the effort! Thank you guys!
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Jeb Clampett
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Re: Mixed Names Puzzles - Final Poll

Post by Jeb Clampett »

Leonard Beagle wrote: It's early, and I haven't spoken to Jeb about it, but I'd bet you will see this contest again during the next break.
Now that sounds like a good plan to me! :mrgreen:

We haven't talked about this either, but are you inclined, like I'm inclined, to think that probably in the MN3 contest, we'll be asking again for puzzles?

Cause I'm thinking that if we're both thinking that, then we should be encouraging people to -as they go about their SIMbusiness, they might, when they look at horse names, think about if there's a MN's puzzle in there? Leo?...
"Luck is my middle name," said Rincewind, indistinctly.
"Mind you, my first name is Bad."

-- (Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times)
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Lori Hamill
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Re: Mixed Names Puzzles - Final Poll

Post by Lori Hamill »

Thank you all, Jeb, Ronnie, Leo, for the prizes but especially for running this contest for the last two breaks. I know it's a lot of work and effort by all of you. I loved this contest so much my first year break, though I think the puzzles were even harder this time around! I couldn't figure out three answers for any of them! :) You guys are great and deserve a standing ovation! Thank youi!
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Cathie Morris
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Re: Mixed Names Puzzles - Final Poll

Post by Cathie Morris »

Thanks for holding this contest! It got me a free-breeding and game points which is super helpful being a new player!!
Looking forward to next year's!
True North By The Sea
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