Official Random Crap Thread

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Ashley Hunt
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Ashley Hunt »

Stormy Peak wrote: 2 years ago OMGosh.... dumb dumb dumb dumb !!!!!!!!

I broke the right upper, furthest back molar a 3 weeks ago and exposed the nerve - at that point, I couldn't go to the dentist because I was very sick with a flue. I can't see my dentist until next week, now... because he's on vacation.

So during all this time, I've been careful...trying not to let hot or cold stuff touch it. And I've investigated several home remedies to deal with the pain. When I felt better, I was finally able to go to the store and get some tooth pain numbing stuff.

I have found these do work for massive tooth pain.

~Two parts warm water, 1 part isopropyl alcohol...swish around the bad tooth...spit, repeat one more time. It tastes nasty, and at first is super painful...but amazingly it kills the pain - I have 3oz dixie cups and used those, my bottle of alcohol is the 91 proof... I think it comes in 72 proof too.

~much nicer...use Real Vanilla extract. Alcohol is used when making it. Pour a little on a cotton swab, and put up against the tooth...much nicer tasting than the first one I listed. :P

~Also works...a whole clove..put one up against the tooth and give it a little time to numb it.


Forgetting that you have an exposed tooth root because you numbed it with one of the above...or with an over the counter salve....then taking a nice big sip of hot liquid. Which is what I did about 20 minutes ago.

I thought I was going to die from the to a point where I think I wanted to's all kind of fuzzy at the moment. I also recall thinking I might be the first person in the history of the world to die from green tea.

All that numbing stuff works...until it doesn't.

As a former dental assistant, please, please, please, keep an eye open for signs of an infection. I hope you can get to the dentist first thing Monday morning when they open!
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

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I started to also use warmed up paraffin wax after that incident I typed about.... I take a bit of warmed wax and mold it around the broken tooth to help insulate it from warm and cold food and beverages. It helps a lot. And, I think, that because of that protection...and the fact that it doesn't hurt 24/7 that the pain is just due to the nerve being exposed. I would think if it was infection, it would hurt all the I would be experiencing swelling in the gum. ???

By coincidence... your reply came on the same day that I have an appointment...which will be at 4:30 pm today. I know my dentist is super swamped, after coming back from a week long vacation...and he's almost always swamped anyways. So I was surprised he was able to get me in this week at all.

I hope it will be a simple 'bondo' to fix root canals, or crowns/caps...etc. I won't be able to afford either of those...even though he does allow some patients to make payments. I've been going to him since around 1980, and he's always allowed me to do so, and I've always made my payments and paid off my bills...but still... I hate to owe people money.

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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Ashley Hunt »

Oh good! Without seeing it I would imagine that it does have to do with the nerve being exposed. Hopefully the dentist got you fixed up, or is at least working on it!
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

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Well...when I told him about it breaking some 5 or 6 weeks ago...and the pain. He had an image taken of it, took a brief look at the tooth and then the image...and said he might have to do a root canal and cap it. But there was a chance he could just 'bondo' a cheap fix for now. He knows I'm about stone broke. After getting in there and removing some of the jagged parts of the tooth, he said, it didn't look like there was any infection....and asked me if I wanted to go ahead with a root canal...or just to doctor the tooth up so it will get me by for a few years. I told him...the latter.

The paraffin wax had protected the tooth from pain, and I can't afford a root canal and especially a cap...which would run $2,000 to $4,000 or even more. Even making payments, the best i could do would be $100 a month so it would take years to pay off. So, he just kind of rebuilt a a tooth, and told me he packed it pretty firm, so hopefully it will shield me from the pain a bit better than the paraffin wax did.

I've known this dentist for decades, and he knows what has happened with my back, disability and with what happened to my brother and and the embezzler who ruined our business of 47 years. The same business that my small pension came from.
After my dentist did the work...he told me to just pay $150, and that was 1/2 price. I didn't even ask for a the guy has a heart of gold. Plus I can make payments ... I'll be able to do $75 for the next 2 months.

I know eventually the back tooth will fail...what he did wasn't the best solution, but at least he is willing to work around a person's situation. I have one other tooth he did that with and it's been 9 years now and it's still good. However, I have another tooth, that there's just no way to fix it like will need a cap or I guess they call them crowns now days...but it's either that or pull it. There's no nerve there...had a root canal on it like 20 years ago... I think it had been a filled cavity and he managed to take the filling out, do the root canal and refill it. Too long ago for me to recall for sure. He mentioned that the tooth was far enough back that I might consider a cheaper steel cap...rather than a pretty porcelain I might have to go that route. At least he's willing to work with me. But too... he's probably getting to the point of retiring in some near future...he's probably in his mid 60s now, rich, healthy/fit...and probably doesn't need to work anymore. So I keep thinking I should try to get something like that done while I have a dentist who won't demand payment upfront. :P

I don't know how poor people who live in areas where dentist are like that, get by. I feel very fortunate in having a dentist (and a veterinarian too) who will accept payments.

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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Leigh Ann Anderson »

Don't know if I should be proud or ashamed that I can outfit my high schooler in legitimate grunge wear for a 90's spirit day. I knew there was a reason, beyond comfort, to save my old flannel.
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Rochelle Bos »

Remember when it was rare for TMs to run faster than a 90sf? Pepperidge Farm Remembers. 🤪 ... ctiveSpeed

There have been 9 TM 100sf wins in the last 20 game years, the 2 most recent were born in the Y56 crop 😅
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

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My sister asked me to go to the store for her today to pick her up some Dr. Pepper (gag).

She said they had the 6 pack of bottled ones for like $3.80 - and I needed some groceries and she gave me $15.00 so I could get the soda and buy some groceries for myself.

At the store, the shelf tag for the Dr. Pepper said $3.80. And I went through the store and got the things I needed, doing the math in my head, and just rounded up prices to be safe and to cover the 6% tax.

I get to the checkout, and I'm the only one in line.
I have the clerk check my stuff first, and I was within a nickel of what I thought my purchases would be and got my receipt to show my sister how much I owed her so I could pay her on Friday (today),

Then I went to pay for her Dr. Pepper.
But instead of being $3.80, it was like $4.64 with the tax.

I told the clerk the shelf tag had it at $3.80, (which would have been $4.03 taxed) but she apologized and said she wasn't allowed to change the price.

All I had left of the $15 dollars were four $1.00 bills and while I had some change in my wallet, I didn't know if I had 64 cents in change.

At this point, I'm still the only person in line and I open my wallet and pull a bunch of change and put it in my left hand, lay my wallet on the counter and with my right hand start weeding the dimes and nickels from the pennies.

I already had 4 dimes and two nickels put into the clerk's hand and looking in my wallet I saw I saw another I handed her 4 pennies and reached into my wallet's change pocket to grab that last dime to complete the total of 64 cents.

Just as I was reaching into my wallet for that dime, this guy about 25 to 27 years old came up behind me in line. I swear...only about 5 seconds had passed and I already had that dime in my fingers and was getting ready to pass it to the clerk, when this
this quarter hits the countertop, bounces once and then slides about a foot before stopping.

The clerk and I looked at it - then at the guy...who just stood there dead pan and didn't say anything...just looked put out that he had to wait a whole 5 seconds while I handed a coin to a clerk who already had other coins in her hand.

He REALLY Ticked me off.
He wasn't being nice.
He didn't even know what the situation was...probably thought I was either lacking money or was going to be there for minutes on end counting out change.

But, yeah, I thought it was so rude the way he threw that quarter and I lost my temper...which is a very rare thing for me to do. The clerk had picked up the quarter, but I told her to put the quarter back down as I had the dime in my fingers, which I handed to her.

I put my groceries back into the cart I had, so I could haul them out to the car.
I then turned to the guy and said,

"I know the difference between someone honestly wanting to be helpful and someone just being impatient and Rude. So, you're not going to get a 'thank you' from me for throwing a quarter like that."

His quarter was still on the counter and I picked it up and said

"Here, you can have your quarter back the same way you sent it my way"
and I tossed the quarter his direction. He missed catching it and gave me a dirty look but didn't say anything.

I turned and walked out as he bent over to find out where the stupid thing rolled.

I hope he never found it.

------------2nd part of dollar store story----------------
At least after leaving the day got better : )

When I got out to the parking lot, there were 3 people in front of my car with their cellphones out taking photos and laughing at my golden retriever, AU.
He was sitting in the drivers seat looking weirdly human like, given his height.

A person walking by might think so, before it registers and they do a double take and see that it's a dog. I now know of at least 7 strangers who have photographed AU in my car sitting in the drivers seat like

The 3 people showed me the photos on their phones and he was cute and so happy looking, because people were paying attention to him.

I'm thinking for Halloween of dressing him in a chauffeurs hat, aviator sunglasses and a black bowtie. I can probably find all that stuff at our local thrift store's Halloween section for about $5.00

Then take some photos of him in the drivers seat and make like 5 or 6 fliers from the photos into like a fake ad:
Chauffeur for hire.
5 years experience...will work like a dog.

Then take him to the dog Halloween contest at the farm and ranch place this year : )
In his costume, he could deliver his 'ads' to the judges to show himself at work,
he's really good at letting go of stuff when told to 'release'

First prize at that contest is $100 farm and ranch store gift certificate...which I could use to buy dog and cat food or treats/toys. : )

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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Carolyn Eaton »

I LOVE the idea of AU in the costume contest - and the "work like a dog" flyer! That would "make" the outfit.

As to the grocery store- I always have a change purse that is overstuffed (I do eventually get around to eating it into my change bowl at home), and many times in my life have offered whatever's in it to help someone cover the last part of a grocery bill, but have never slammed it down or tossed its contents onto a counter.

I'm glad you have a great dentist - one of my biggest regrets of leaving San Antonio for Galveston was that we moved away from Dr. Kuhl, the dentist John and I both loved. In Galveston, they're all looking for the upsell.
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Carolyn Eaton »

Oh - and I logged onto this thread to let folks know I'm doing a travel blog -

The hubby and I have been traveling through Europe for the last month, taking a breather in Split, Croatia for a couple of weeks. I blog about the places, some customs, food, and definitely mention the local white wines.
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Stormy Peak
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Stormy Peak »

Carolyn Eaton wrote: 2 years ago I LOVE the idea of AU in the costume contest - and the "work like a dog" flyer! That would "make" the outfit.

As to the grocery store- I always have a change purse that is overstuffed (I do eventually get around to eating it into my change bowl at home), and many times in my life have offered whatever's in it to help someone cover the last part of a grocery bill, but have never slammed it down or tossed its contents onto a counter.

I'm glad you have a great dentist - one of my biggest regrets of leaving San Antonio for Galveston was that we moved away from Dr. Kuhl, the dentist John and I both loved. In Galveston, they're all looking for the upsell.
That guy at the grocery store...he had his arms crossed over his chest, and no smile, just kind of a belligerent stance. I know he just walked up and saw the clerk with her hand out, holding some coins and at that point I was just digging in to grab that dime an the pennies...but he probably thought I was going to be there forever finding enough change....and rather than asking if I was short on change, or even being polite in offering a quarter....he threw it at the counter from a distance of around 3 or 4 feet, when he could have just taken 1 step forward and placed the quarter down with a 'Here, if you need it' or 'Will this help' ...anything but the silent impatient look he had on his face. And again, he barely walked up and wasn't even there for 5 seconds before doing that. I know it wasn't an act of kindness...but one of impatience.

That is soo cool that you get to travel through Europe! I watch travel blogs on YouTube from time to time, so I'll check yours out.
I wish that when I was younger I would have had the money and time to visit places outside the USA. I had plans on visiting South Korea back around 2010, but wanted to save up a little more money...then in 2014, I ended up in a wheelchair due to my back, and couldn't go back to work...all my life's savings was used up for paying my bills and such as I had 1 1/2 year of waiting for the disability to be approved...and what they paid, didn't cover what I spent that depleted my savings. So now I just watch others getting to go camping, hiking, and traveling to interesting places in the USA and the world. :P

This morning, I was looking through spots in Canada to visit...and got a smile out of one. Back in the early 1990s, my dad went on a vacation without knowing where he was going to go...he said he was just going to get into his pickup truck and choose a direction on a whim. He ended up in Canada (free borders back then, no passport needed). He came back 2 weeks later and said he visited a place called 'Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump' And that site was listed on that list of Canadian spots to visit, that I was looking at this morning.
If I recall correctly, my dad said that when archeologist were looking through the stuff at the base of the hill where Blackfeet natives drove bison over the cliff during hunts...the archeologist found a human that had been buried under a mass of bison bones. They figured the person didn't out of the way fast enough when the bison leaped off the cliff and he was buried under a hundred or so bison and his/her fellow tribesmen couldn't dig the body out. Thus the name of the place.

I love little out of the way places like that just as much as the big famous sites, and I still hope that someday I can get up to Canada and visit that site.

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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Jo Ferris »

Everyone says horses are a bankruptcy starter kit... Not Patriot lately, Patriot is the complete bankruptcy kit, comes fully assembled with batteries included. I'm so sick of seeing my vet :lol: yet another visit from her next week, this'll be the 3rd time since mid August for him, please stop Riot, I am broke, you have succeeded. All my pets have ganged up on me this year, between my 5 dogs and Patriot I've seen my vets SIXTEEN times this year, 10 times since June, this is not counting Patriot's 5 chiro visits this year or phone consults cause it's ridiculous, my phone history at one point was just a wall of nothing but calls to and from my vet. That's just uncalled for, I'm begging them all to stop.

Rant about my 4 legged kiddos over
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by LA Pepper »

I'm sure they all appreciate you !!
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Louise Bayou »

You know how you are so full of hope and make plans then the day gets here and you are all ughhhhh I don't wanna go! Cause SAME! Imma go I just gotta pout about it for a bit. ;)
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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Rochelle Bos »

Anyone else super sad that the biggest rivals in the 10 years I've been playing haven't had a baby together?

I vote The People's Horse x Owl Let You Know Y60

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Re: Official Random Crap Thread

Post by Polk Buffalo »

Rochelle Zahacy wrote: 2 years ago Anyone else super sad that the biggest rivals in the 10 years I've been playing haven't had a baby together?

We had a baby five months ago... /Polk and Flizan

oh, you meant rival horses... :)
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