How Did Dave Get Hurt?

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Bryan Doolittle
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How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Bryan Doolittle »

It's been mentioned that Dave, our illustrious illustrator, hurt his leg recently. The way it happened just didn't sound "cool" enough so I recommended he tell people something like "Dude, I was trying to do a Nollie-flip off this little kicker and just lost it. Total yard sale. Totally busted up my leg !" (Skateboarding accident)

What do you think he should tell people?

A poll will be posted sometime Saturday and the winner gets a choice of 5 gp's or 50k in sim bucks. Second place gets the other. The poll will close after the last SC race. Good Luck!
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by The Steward »

This is the Steward and I FULLY endorse this contest :-)
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Jolene Danner »

Clearly you don't know Dave, because he was obviously not actually telling you HOW he really got a almost BROKED ankle. I have 3 words for you:

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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Melissa Mae »

He's the only man to have beat up Chuck Norris, but when he karate kicked Chuck, his ankle broke. Chuck went crying to his mommy.
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Leonard Beagle »

So, I think most everyone knows that The Steward was away for a few days. Dave wondered what he might do with his free time.
Grabbing the paper out of the driveway, he flipped over to the What-To-Do section of the LA Times. "Hmmmm", Dave thought
to himself, "what would I like to do?". The possibilities were endless....a wine-tasting in Napa, a horse handicapping seminar at Santa Anita,
or even an online do-it-yourself air traffic controller class on Phoenix Online. All of those things were fine and dandy, but Dave was feeling a bit adventurous.

An interview for an internship with 'Mythbusters' it was!! Throwing on his nicest red lab coat, Dave grabbed his keys and headed out the door.
The interview went well, and Adam and Jamie were willing to let Dave help out immediately. They'd let him work on busting some myths!! Hoo boy!! What
a great day for Dave!!! However, not growing up on a farm would end up being Dave's downfall. EVERYONE knows the 'rule' about not peeing on electric fences. Hell, even Ren And Stimpy had a song about it!! But Dave, bless his heart, had never heard this so-called myth. Off he went, in search of a field that had an electric fence.

Stopping after just a few miles at a farmhouse, Dave introduced himself to the landowner. Said he was going to need to use the guy's land a while for a future episode of Mythbusters. The landowner was a HUGE fan and agreed immediately, but had just one piece of advice, watch out for snakes. "Snakes?", Dave thought. "There are no snakes around these parts!" So, he gave it little thought and headed on out to the farthest corner of the field. Didn't want no passers-by seeing him and his 'experiment'. Just as things were about to get started, Dave felt a whisper of hot air on his neck. Surely, that stinking farmer wouldn't have followed him the entire way out here!! Dave, just almost afraid to move, slowly turned around to spot the snorting nostrils of the biggest, baddest longhorn that ever lived. And in the moments following, there was mass hysteria. Horns were flying, urine was spraying, and of course, the electric fence was working.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dave found himself crawling from underneath a heap of bull, who had died from all the electricity in the air. Trudgingly, he made his way back to the farmer's house to explain what had happened. And in disbelief, the farmer started to cry and shout and scream and pout. "Why!!! Why would you kill Snakes? He was the best bull that ever lived!!" And the farmer kicked Dave in the shin.

And that, boys and girls, is how Dave hurt his leg.
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by The Steward »

Is it even possible for that last one to be topped?
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Josh Lamp I
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Josh Lamp I »

He was snowboarding down a flight of stairs and got attacked by a rattlesnake.
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Talia Ichinari »

Em came home and found all of her socks had mysteriously vanished. Dave, being the only other person in the house found himself in the way of her grief-stricken rage as she looked for her precious socks. Rather than try and console Em, Dave decided it was time to head for the hills and wait for the angry woman to calm. He hid in the basement for a week, listening to the angry sounds of Ms. Shields' roars and the strange explosions of the poor inanimate objects in the house. After 7 days, finally all was quiet and Dave dared to peek out the other side of the door to find EM slumbering in the kitchen, grumbling every so often. Quietly he tiptoed out of the house and went to the store to find socks to please the angry goddess. He was quick about buying up as many socks as he could afford before he ran back to the house to give Em his offering. But when he stepped in the house he slipped on a puddle of Em's tears and fell with a crash. Em woke up and was about to take out her anger on the one who'd interrupted her slumber when she saw the socks. She immediately shouted with glee and ran to give Dave a hug when she accidentally stepped on his already injured ankle. Ouch he screamed, with a start but was immediately helped by the happy Em who made sure to grab a sock to cuddle. "Oh Dave you made me so happy!" She said as she gave him a hug and a kiss. "No problem." He said with as he smiled and made a little heroic pose.

And that's how Dave hurt it. :P
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Stormy Peak
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Stormy Peak »

The rumor I heard was that there were auditions for the new Jackie Chan Karate Kid movie, and that he purposely hurt his ankle to realistically show off his Crane Kick stance. Now, how he hurt his ankle is a mystery...but I also heard a little rumor that the household felines helped him in his endevor to movie stardom...that he asked the felines to test his reflexes by weaving in and out under his feet as he did his stair-training.

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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Benny James »

As Dave had the house to himself, he concluded it is time to race all 1,130 of my hot wheels through the house...So he pushed those cars through the hallways into the kitchen and into the living room. Crawling on his hand and knees he gleefully raced his collection of cars..He carelessly got to carried away in his joy that his foot had jarred into the cario cabinet, the doors opened. His horrific face turned to sheer terror as 900 pairs of socks came crashing down on his foot and ankle..Certainly an unbearable pain that none of us will ever expierance. Besides the injured ankle he suffered a broken heart cause he never finished his race.....
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Amanda Gregory
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Amanda Gregory »

gender Injury: Dave realized that he's not quite as flexible as the illustrated characters on page 78.
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The Steward
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by The Steward »

Benny James wrote:As Dave had the house to himself, he concluded it is time to race all 1,130 of my hot wheels through the house...So he pushed those cars through the hallways into the kitchen and into the living room. Crawling on his hand and knees he gleefully raced his collection of cars..He carelessly got to carried away in his joy that his foot had jarred into the cario cabinet, the doors opened. His horrific face turned to sheer terror as 900 pairs of socks came crashing down on his foot and ankle..Certainly an unbearable pain that none of us will ever expierance. Besides the injured ankle he suffered a broken heart cause he never finished his race.....
That one is SAD! hehehehehe
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Clinton Jacinto
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Clinton Jacinto »

As we all know that it is almost time for the NFL Draft and a lot of hopeful athletes are doing pro days and showing off their God given natural talents. Well, after Dave ran his 40 yard dash of 14.99 sec and did his 225 lb. bench of 1/3 (he managed to get the weights of the rack, so they gave him a partial count). Then after that marvelous showing of strength and speed. He went to the vertical leap. He managed to jump high enough to clear the turf grass that stood 1/2 an inch, but wait that wasn't the best showing by Dave.

Naturally Dave wanted to be a receiver, naturally. Why? Well, I guess because he didn't like giving. Anyways, he had to do the field catching event. This is where he showed his abilities. Dave managed to touch the football with all kinds of different parts of his body besides his hands. It takes a special person to take one down below the deck. Where a man's jewels are hoisted (Oh and yes, Dave was wearing a protector cup, but the sad thing though is. It was his cup from his little league days hehehe.) Amazingly Dave caught that pass to the forbidden area. In his great agony, Dave found a glimmer of joy and proceeded to do the Heisman stance causing him to hurt his ankle while carrying a football that seem to be a shade too light to be considered an official NFL football.
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Re: How Did Dave Get Hurt?

Post by Sarah Chase »

As if Tim Tebow couldn't get more annoying...he wears Crocs. Lovely.
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