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Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:43 am
by Gigi Gofaster
I've just finished my first full season on the it's time to celebrate with a break contest! Introducing - The year 29 SIM limerick contest!

First prize: 5,000 GPs, and of course the envy of all your fellow simsters
Second prize: 3,000 GPs

UPDATE!!!!! Lots more Game point prizes thanks to Jeb! So, some honorable mention special categories coming up!!!

plus honorable mention and booby prizes as I think of them or people donate them. I'm thinking, best tearjerker (even if it's like pulling out a nose hair), worst use of rhyme, best limerick in the 'All About Em' category, etc. Ideas for honorable mention categories and prizes welcome too. I don't have much in sim of value, but I will throw in custom articles for Year 30 to plug yourself, you stallion, mare or an upcoming auction, and anything else I can think of. As offers roll in I will post new prizes and categories here.

Here are the rules:

Write a limerick (keep it cleanish) commemorating something or someone from Year 29 - It could be a horse, a race, a person, a mistake you made, even a forum thread. Be serious, emotional, funny, whatever you like.

Post your entry or entries here. I don't care how many times you enter. This is done is the spirit of encouraging the literary genius hiding in the Sim.

On April 30, at 12 noon Pacific time, entries will close and a 24 hour voting window will open. Votes by PM to me please in any and all categories. Winner will be announced at 6pm pacific May 1st, just when everyone is playing around with the new features and getting ready for races to open.

Winning will be by popular vote, but I don't want to know of any bribes, extortion, or other unethical vote garnishing practices *fingers in ears* LaLala.

Okay, go to it. If you want to nominate a HM category and/or a prize, please PM me and I will update the post with your offers. Fell free to 'sponsor' a category and shamelessly name it after your barn, your stallion, even your cat if you want.

Let the rhyming begin!!!!

edited already because I'm a numpty. Dates corrected. edited again with more GP prizes!!!

1st prize: 5,000 GP
2nd prize: 3,000 GP
3rd prize: 2,000 GP

Honorable mentions:
Bet 'All About Em' limerick about the Steward: 2,000 GP

Best limerick from a newbie about being a newbie: a 2 year old sprinter from my barn. You pick dirt or grass, filly or colt, and I'll pick something for you. I don't have much but they aren't bad.

Best limerick about mixed breed racing: a mixed breed CAH of your choosing

Most tragic use of rhyme: custom article by me, you choose the topic (a bio of you, your stallion, favorite sim horse, a race preview or report, and I'll research it for you, and I'll write it in rhyme too if you want).

Random prize: custom poem for mother's day that you can give to your mommy.

get your entries in...and remember, winners are by popular vote, so watch this weekend for voting to open!

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:06 am
by Rob Canterbury
There once was a horses named Silver Screen Star
His owner gelds horses near and far
This horse ran the fastest in all the sim
Thankfully as it very much pleased him
Thus escaping our friendly knife wielding czar

slots---all in fun!

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:33 am
by Paul Heinrich
For five days, the great festivus raged
The poor Steward could not disengage
Calling appys and paints
With the patience of saints
Even giving the chasers a stage

After calling all entries to post
By the end of the week she was toast
Though these horsies are fake
She could use a long break
But just one week, or two at the most

But for Steward, the work's never done
Building features that add to the fun
Like insurance to make
So my horsies don't break
And equipment help so they can run

So this SIMerick comes to an end
And this one final thought I should send:
While the horsies aren't real,
the emotions we feel
So let's all just hold hands and be friends!

Long live the SIM

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:16 pm
by Jennifer Francis
Where is the like button?

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:56 am
by Carole Hanson
There was once a horse,Whitney she was called
She crushed the girls and got the boys in tears.
She tore the field down wearing her beautiful crown
And laughed at those that were so close,
To beating the wonder filly.

She strut her hind to all that tried,
To pass the wonder filly.
The crowds would cheer for the free beer,
That Eric Nalbone would fund,
When his wonder filly would pound the ground,
First past the finish line.

She went two better in the classic again,
So Eric thought 'let's not retire her then'
Hopefully year 30 will be a good year,
Will she win the classic?
I say hell yea!

Carole Hanson

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:30 am
by Kris Krueger
There once was a "newbie" in SIM.
Who's "horse sense" was really quite grim.
Then along came a mentor who was willing to help her
with horses she bought on a whim.
So as it turns out, the horses she thought,
would likely wind up in a bag, are "earning their hay" as some people say, and the newbie says "thank you" to him.

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:34 am
by Keith Maidlow
There once was a blogger named Scott.
When in the forum a topic got hot.
A rant he would pen.
A reply now and then.
Out of Simland where locking was not.

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:41 pm
by Stormy Peak
It's my conviction, if the truth's to be spoke -
That the dang shipping button here is broke!
There's just no way to hit "pause"
A mistake that landed my trotter in Oz
So now he calls everyone a bloke


Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:22 am
by Carolyn Eaton
To Texas I welcomed the world
The days' races went by in a whirl
It was all for the brass ring...
now it's off to Hot Springs
As another year starts to unfurl

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:48 pm
by Jeb Clampett
"Must cut my stable" the Simster said.
She pensioned and sold, but bought and bred.
And I'm sorry to say,
At the end of the day,
She found her stable had spread instead.

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:26 am
by Danny Warren
There was a big SIMracing fan,
Who thought that he was "The Man",
But his wife was the boss
And she kicked him off
By booting him right in the can !!

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:39 am
by Gigi Gofaster
A big 'ol bump...Prizes and categories have been added to the rules and instructions. Seriously, these prizes totally rock, so get your rhyme on!

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:32 am
by Stormy Peak
Since more than one entry is allowed, according to the way I read the rules, here's one more : )

My pensioned herd - they're so well behaved
Some won races, but most - maidens, they've stayed
I won't let them hunt foxes - but other careers are a go
It's events and rodeos now - for my ex-racers so slow.
My Peanuts Gang - even the slowest goober gets saved.


Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:59 pm
by Jeb Clampett
Stormy reminded me that the rules say we can enter multiple times (great entries, Stormy!).

So here's my additional entry aimed toward the "Most tragic use of rhyme" category. I'm thinking that my subject is maybe not that sad, but my use of rhyme is definitely tragic:

Crass to ask this horse to jump on grass?
Or just GP him, say "alas" and go with that impasse?
That might make me an ass,
So when I pass to the last ...
I will pension him off 'cause that's class.

Now it that not a tragic thing to do to rhyme?

Re: Year 29 recap LIMERICK contest - biggggg prizes (maybe)!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 9:22 pm
by Danny Warren
OH cool ! Well here's mine at being a newbie ( I was until mid year )

I bred a turf horse to a dirt,
Made me bang my head and it hurt,
When it ran on the grass,
It fell right on it's a**,
Oh why wasn't I more alert !!