New Notebook

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The Steward
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Post by The Steward »

Yesterday I bought a brand new notebook (okay I lied, Ekawa Design bought it for me). Just a week before I decided to reopen the SIM I packed away all of my old notebooks. Now I have to go find the main one and transfer all the papers out of it; but I decided to start fresh with a new notebook.

While I'm away, I expect this notebook will get much use. :-)
"There's no secret to training a good horse. It's a matter of being fortunate enough to get one."
"Funny how you often regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff you did do" - GG
Ara Davies

Post by Ara Davies »

For those of you who have never seen the SIM notebooks, this thread might seem pointless, but trust me, this thing glows with holy light. :)
Steph Wilder
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Post by Steph Wilder »

OOOH! A new notebook! What an occasion.
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Eric Nalbone
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Post by Eric Nalbone »

So, I've already told Em about this plan, but I can't pull it off alone, so here's the deal. The SIM Notebook apparently has the answer to pretty much every question you could ever ask (in the old SIM, the answer to life was 2x3 to Storm Cat), and we all have a bunch of questions, so I've come up with a list of materials we need in order to hatch a devious plan to steal the notebook:

1) Plane tickets from Philadelphia (2) and Orlando to California.
2) Floor plan of Emily's house, with clearly labeled markings for the air conditioning ducts, attic entrances, secret basement tunnels, and the location of the notebook.
3) Rope
4) Several outfits of completely black clothing
5) Black facepaint
6) Photocopier (with extention cord)
7) Neighbors willing to accept bribes
8) Bribe for the neighbors
9) A sheet
10) A microphone earpiece like the CIA wears

Then the plan is this:
In the middle of the day (see, in all the movies its at night, but Em would be expecting that so its gotta be like... noon), we'll simultaneously assault her house from three different directions. Ara, wearing the microphone earpiece thingy, rings the doorbell and talks to Em at the door for... a long time. Ara will have flown in from Orlando, and Robin and I will have flown in from Philadelphia. The rest of the SIMsters can act as logistical support, driving our getaway car, holding the neighbors hostage if they won't accept our bribe, helping us apply black facepaint to make Robin and I look like stealthy ninjas, etc. Then I, dressed entirely in black cause that just makes it cooler, will drop onto the roof courtesy of either a helecopter or the human cannon that I'll borrow from the circus and set up in the neighbor's yard, bore a hole in the roof and drop in through the attic, while Robin, also dressed in black breaks in through the basement via a tunnel we will have dug from the neighbor's yard, with their permission after we bribed them with the bribe. Ara, however, will be dressed normally, because if she's dressed all in black Em might think someone has died or suspect that we're staging the heist of the century.

Then, I'll grab the notebook, run to the basement, hand the notebook to Robin, Robin will run through the tunnel to the neighbor's yard, where we'll have a photocopier plugged in and warmed up at the entrance to the tunnel, we'll quick photocopy every page in the notebook, then Robin will run BACK through the tunnel, hand the notebook back to me, I'll run the notebook back to wherever I found it, quick run back up into the attic, jump out the hole in the roof, cover the hole in the roof with the sheet to delay everyone noticing it and buy me time to make the escape, then I'll jump off the roof, run to the neighbor's yard, where Robin will have again run back through the tunnel so we all meet up in the neighbor's yard, and then at my signal through the earpiece, Ara says goodbye to Em, Em goes back into the house and back to her notebook, never suspecting that anything's wrong, and we have the answers to everything. Foolproof.

Em might notice something's wrong when she realizes that there's a massive hole in her basement wall or rain leaking through the roof, but if she doesn't go to the basement and it doesn't rain for a few days, we've got more than enough time to flee the country.

Robin and Ara haven't been informed of their complicity in this plan yet, but now they know.

Sound good? Now all we need is a financier. Our fund raising options include robbing a bank, selling cocaine on the black market, or cutting down significantly on the costs by hitchhiking to California. SIMsters inbetween the east coast and the west coast who might conveniently possess cars are more than welcome to shuttle us short (or long) distances. Alternatively, we could steal horses from the track and like... ride across the country.

To steal a line from Jon, all in fun!

P.S. The air conditioning ducts aren't really a part of this plan, but they still have to be marked on the floorplan of the house, because, after all, when bad guys break into places in the movies they always go through the air conditioning ducts (anyone seen Boondock Saints?) the rope is only necessary for the same reason. Alternatively, should Em not be interested enough in having a conversation with Ara to stand at the door and talk for ages, Ara could tie her up and only let her go when the notebook was replaced. Em might suspect something wierd was going on if Ara tried that though, so we'll have to try to avoid that at all costs.
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Emily Mitchell
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Post by Emily Mitchell »

YES! GREAT plan! I can drive the getaway car! Er, as long as it doesn't involve backing... I'm not so great at that. :P

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Daryl Dennis

Post by Daryl Dennis »

Note to self: Become Notebook Salesman.

THE ultimate cover. Show Em the latest and greatest in both Trapper AND Keeper technology...perhaps some old-school PeeChee graphics (updated for the modern young Simster on the go, of course)...and...while the customer is wowed by the massive variety of binder-ring sizes I spring the old-switcheroo.

I would be yards away by the time anything was suspected. Fools. I would probably get away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids over at Staples.

Ara Davies

Post by Ara Davies »

Actually, a plan to sneak out info actually DID work, but unfortunately I threw away the results last week.

Emily had this beautifully color-coded chart of nicks. Different colors for nicks that are good, nicks that are bad, nicks that are so-so, etc. She showed the chart to me when she was at our house and then made the mistake of going to take a shower. I proceeded to pull out my camera and take several digital photographs of the chart. When I got home I printed it out and tried to figure it out (the colors weren't labeled).

Last week I was cleaning out a drawer and threw the chart away, figuring I would never need it again. Two days later Emily told me she was reopening the SIM.

However, today she told me that the nicks have mostly changed so the chart really isn't useful anymore. Oh well. :)

Also another time when Em went to take a shower Robin and I tried to get into the database and change all our horses to 10s but we got caught.

Edit: Wait a minute, why on earth would Em not be interested enough to talk to me for long periods. I'm ARA, I have lots of cool stuff to say!
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The Steward
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Post by The Steward »

While your plan made me laugh very hard and I got quite a kick out of it, there is one (or two or three) major holes.

1. No basement
2. No attic
3. Giant dog

Better luck next time!
"There's no secret to training a good horse. It's a matter of being fortunate enough to get one."
"Funny how you often regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff you did do" - GG
Ara Davies

Post by Ara Davies »

Yeah, James the Horse Dog would knock us all over with his tail. :)
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Mandy Saunders
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Post by Mandy Saunders »

He'll take our legs out as he rolls over for a tummy rub...
~ Mandy ~

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Last updated: Year 26, Break - Wow, it's been awhile, I need to get on that, lol

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Ronda Figal
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Post by Ronda Figal »

RLOF...WOW..I haven't laughed so hard in soo long...yet another reason that the fact that the gangs all back brings tears to my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dave Shields
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Post by Dave Shields »

Psst, hey you guys... you are making this so much more complicated than it needs to be. Did you know I was there when she bought this notebook. And yes, I knew the importance of this notebook. So, I placed a small tracking device that is linked to my cell phone in this notebook. Now comes the good part, I can be bought for the right price. It is so easy too, all I have to do is sit her down in front of the xBox with either the Breeders Cup game or The Sims2 or tell her there are a bunch of new posts on this forum and she will be busy for long enough to get the vital info. So start gathering your funds now because I don't work for very cheap! :lol:
Mary Lukas

Post by Mary Lukas »

Giant dog? Eh one belly scratch and he's down for the count.
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