History of the SIM

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Ara Davies

Post by Ara Davies »

It's occurred to me that the older players of the SIM often throw out names, races, and various ideas about the SIM that to us are immediately obvious and recognizable but to a new player are probably baffling. I started this thread as a way to explain the SIM to newbies and to collect and explain useful information in the SIM archives.

The most important links:
<a href='http://www.turfangels.com/sim/history.html' target='_blank'>History of the SIMulation</a>
This lists the winners of all the Triple Crown races, the Breeders' Cup, Kentucky Oaks, Canadian Triple Crown, Two Year Old Turf Triple Crown, Travers Stakes, and Two Year Old Sprint Championships.

<a href='http://www.turfangels.com/sim/legends/index.html' target='_blank'>Legends Biographies</a>
Biographies of the most important horses in the SIM written by various players. All horses in this link are immediately recognizable to any longtime player and are important to know.
You should at the very least read the articles on Event of the Year, Serena's Song, Atlas, Conduit, Priceless Forever, Satelite, and Symbol. Probably a couple of others but I'll leave that up to someone else to recommend.

<a href='http://www.turfangels.com/sim/archives/index.html' target='_blank'>SIMulation Archives</a>
Eclipse Award winners and articles from the Triple Crown and Breeders' Cup. Articles tell you loads more than any straight data page can.

<a href='http://www.turfangels.com/sim/simshistory.html' target='_blank'>SIM History</a>
A short overview of the history of the SIM and the most important horses.

All of these are linked from the front page.

The SIM can be divided into three eras: SIM 1 (Years 1 - 4), SIM 2 (Years 5 - 15), and SIM 3 (Years 16 - infinity because Em is not allowed to stop the SIM ever again).

SIM 1 (also referred to as the Old Simulation) was the original SIM, much simplified from the present version. There were far fewer players and far fewer horses per player. All players started with a stable of five horses, all of which were real horses (as opposed to SIM bred). Most horses running were real horses as we had not yet had time to start significant breeding programs. There were a few horses, such as Rain Dancer, who were bred in the SIM by Emily from real horses and then sold. Towards the end of SIM 1 SIM-bred horses came into more importance, shown best by Priceless Forever's Triple Crown win.

The length of the SIM years were variable since races weren't run only on Saturdays but were about 8 weeks long with gaps in between years. SIM Year 1 ran from September of 1997 to November of 1999. To my knowlege, the only players left from the original SIM are Mandy, Ladonna, Jon, Mary, Susie, Ali, and me. I'm probably leaving somebody out and I may be wrong about one or more of the above but it's hard to tell based on what information is left around.

At the end of Year 4, Emily announced that she was ending the SIM. There were many wails of dispair. A couple of weeks later she announced that the SIM would start again in a few months. There was much rejoicing amidst grumbling that she could have been so mean as to trick us earlier. Emily told us that for this new, expanded, more automatic SIM we were going to have to have a TON more horses so gave us leave to breed our mares pretty much however many times we wanted. That is why there are so many twins, triplets, and quadruplets that are 13 years old and also why there are more 13 year olds than 12 year olds.

SIM 2: This is what is considered the main SIM. It ran for 11 SIM Years between May of 2000 and October of 2003. It grew steadily more automated and FASTER once a better computer was bought. Seriously those of you who have started recently have no idea how long it used to take us to enter horses because of how slow the computer was. Which is not Emily's fault since we all bought it for her. All hail the new, fast SIM!

For the first couple of years of SIM 2, we were allowed to breed 2 foals per mare. Some mares actually had three accidentally. Again, these are not supposed to be ACTUAL twins or triplets. We just ignore that they're the same age.

SIM Years in this era were 12 weeks long, with the Derby week 4, Preakness week 5, Belmont week 7, and Breeders' Cup week 12. I think; I'm basing this all off memory.

In mid 2003 there was much more crying and yelling as Emily announced she was ending the SIM permanently at the end of Year 15. Many of us sort of gave up on breeding since there really wasn't a point thus top broodmares such as Banner and Mirror have no two year olds. There was a massive SIM party at Emily's house in California Breeders' Cup weekend shortly after the ending of the SIM. Much drama arose from this weekend that may or may not ever be discussed again. Actually, now that I think about it, much drama arose from most large real life meetings of SIMsters.

After the end of SIM 2, the SIMsters swore we would not be torn apart but without the SIM for our worlds to revolve around many of us slowly began to drift away. It was a sad, sad time for friends who had been together for so long and through so much. Early this year Emily announced that she would be making another try at the SIM. She has confessed that she was surprised at how many old players came flocking back. Why would we not, when we'd found the best darn game there is?

The SIM is more than a game to us, it's a world Emily invited us into. Many friendships have begun, rivalries erupted, and again DRAMA. None of us old players would trade it for anything. Just wait a year or two, newbies, and you too will be wondering "Wait, was that horse real or SIM? I can't tell anymore!"
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Sara Kendall
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Post by Sara Kendall »

Bravo!! :) Well said! :)
Steph Wilder
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Post by Steph Wilder »

And if it ever ends (God forbid) you'll wonder, what did I do with my time BEFORE the sim.
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Susie Rydell
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Post by Susie Rydell »

My first year was actually year 5. Despite having several friends who played, NO ONE told me it existed until April 00. *shakes fist*

Also - I recommend reading about the legend that is Birthday Candles, and, more logically, Three Day Event and Battle Cry.
Ara Davies

Post by Ara Davies »

You know, I was thinking that maybe you hadn't joined until the new SIM, but I couldn't remember you not being around so I assumed I was wrong.
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Ronda Figal
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Post by Ronda Figal »

The SIM is more than a game to us, it's a world Emily invited us into. Many friendships have begun, rivalries erupted, and again DRAMA. None of us old players would trade it for anything. Just wait a year or two, newbies, and you too will be wondering "Wait, was that horse real or SIM? I can't tell anymore!"

Well said.. I remember when i worked at the resturant, i'd come in on mondays and tehy would ask me how my horses had done.. Then after telling them who did what in which race tehy ask " oh and how are your real horses doing?"

LOL, i knew Susie wasne't new as she had played "before my time" I remember when researching my stallion Really A Star that she had bred him and she even im'd me one time and i was able to get some info from her on one one of teh biographys(Lengends)i was currenly working on...I found it really neat when i resized she was playing after we started back up...
Mallory Claire

Post by Mallory Claire »

I feel like I just read one of the opening things of a Star Wars movie.

"Long ago, in a SIM far, far away..."

I totally remember breeding two mares a foal. I think my first year was either 8 or 9. I had some HORRIBLE horses, but by the time Em called it quits, I had two Breeders' Cup wins under my belt, so I felt pretty cool. :lol:
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