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Mallory Claire

Post by Mallory Claire »

Shetalkstoangels and her brother, Villain, have this habit of dragging their riders to the front, then beginning to fade in the stretch. It's not much of a problem in a 6 furlong race, but at 7, it becomes a nail-biting issue.

I checked out the equipment page, but I didn't see anything that would really help. They both already use shadowrolls and hind wraps. Any advice? Or am I just stuck with headstrong sprinters, and cross my fingers that they outrun everyone else?
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Tammy Fox
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Post by Tammy Fox »

Maybe a F8 to get control of them. It seems I recall that a F8 helps with headstrong horses.
THis is what it says
Rank horses will often come bursting out of the gate and rush for the lead, refusing to settle into a cruising pace. Other horses will tend to “blow their turns,” or swing very wide around turns. The figure-8 bridle will tend to give a jockey increased control, giving him/her a chance to resolve these problems over the course of a race.
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Brianna McKenzie
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Post by Brianna McKenzie »

A Fig 8 will certainly help. I would suspect a tounge tie would be useful too.

In real life blinkers will often make an agressive horse easier to control.
Also ear plugs (I refuse to say muff) can quiet a horse.

I'd put the Fig 8 on first, with a tounge tie. I'm guessing that will give your jockey enough control to get them to rate just a little kinder.
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Eric Nalbone
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Post by Eric Nalbone »

While all this is true to an extent, equipment (with the exception of lasix and blinkers) often do very little to DRASTICALLY alter a horse's style. You may be left with a horse that needs the lead but might relax a little bit once they get there, or it might not have an effect at all and the horse just NEEDS the lead. Then you cross your fingers. Or get a bunch of closers and resign yourself to using speed horses as rabbits. Or get speed horses who are just so frigging fast that it really doesn't matter, because its a moot point, and they can just run all day. Think Symbol.
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Brianna McKenzie
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Post by Brianna McKenzie »


Actually I think Shetalkstoangels is just about the fastest darn filly out there. Top few at least. Anything that can beat Treasured has got to be pretty scary.
Mallory Claire

Post by Mallory Claire »

Haha. She doesn't usually pull off huge, rolling victories, but she's got a lot of heart. And the fillies don't have to worry about her competing in their division for the remainder of the year - if all goes to plan, she may actually be squaring off with her brother in Week 16.
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