Speed Figures

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The Steward
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Speed Figures

Post by The Steward »

A collection of thoughts on Speed Figures, which are available to SIMperior Players.

-Speed figures are on a scale of 1-100.
-A near world-record type performance will get you a 98-100 type speed figure, but because they don't go over 100, breaking a world record will still get you a 100, not a 105, etc.
-"Good horses make good horses run faster." A good field generally produces better speed figures, because the horses all run faster. In the SIM, horses usually only run fast enough to win, so a standout horse in a mediocre race won't run that fast and thus won't get a very high speed figure.
-Although internal and finish time is still the main formula for a speed figure, an intense, close finish where several good horses all ran fast and finished together will yield higher figures.
-Track condition plays a part, so a "slow" track (imagine a deep track, or a muddy track) will yield a slower figure.
-Because we don't currently have internal fractions that post with the results chart, you can use speed figures to get an idea of how much "slower" the losers ran and how they compare against other losers on the day.
-There is a "bounce" factor in the game: if a horse runs a high speed figure, especially an abnormally high one for that horse, then in the next start it is likely the horse will regress. They sometimes regress and are still fast enough to win, and sometimes they regress and get beat, but return to their original figure next out.
-Ground loss/ground saving trip are taken into account when calculating a speed figure.

Steeplechaser figures originally started out no where near other horses because they came into the game with different programming. They are now becoming more realistic but are not quite "there" yet (still lots of "world record" performances).
"There's no secret to training a good horse. It's a matter of being fortunate enough to get one."
"Funny how you often regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff you did do" - GG
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