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Lori Hamill
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Post by Lori Hamill »

What a nice mare and a really nice race! I wonder if she will go for the BC Classic or Distaff?
John Nicholson
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Post by John Nicholson »

breathtaking performance against the boys but i'd run her in the distaff
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Louise Bayou
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Post by Louise Bayou »

Some people will never fully appreciate her and that's okay. The ones of us that love her will appreciate her enough for everyone! hehe Here is a pic of her from this morning. She looks fantastic if I do say so myself! And if you couldn't appreciate the move she put on them in the turn then you are not a racing fan!

“It’s like I’m driving a Mac truck with the speed of a Porsche and the brain of a rocket scientist,” Gary Stevens on Beholder
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Lori Hamill
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Post by Lori Hamill »

She looks great! It was just amazing watching the race and seeing her pull that move at the turn, she passed them like they were standing still. It was beautiful. I don't think Gary ever touched her with the whip, she was moving so easily. I thought she would win before the race but I never thought it would be in that fashion. A romp in the park.
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Stormy Peak
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Post by Stormy Peak »

I got this from another racing forum....thought it was cute so am passing it on.


BAYERN: I need a drink.

MIDNIGHT STORM: I need a new job.

BAYERN: That too.

CATCH A FLIGHT: Are you guys okay?

BAYERN: Whatever you're about to say, I don't want to hear it.

CATCH A FLIGHT: No, seriously. You especially, big B. You're a fast horse. You don't usually run like that.

MIDNIGHT STORM: Leave it, Argie boy.

CATCH A FLIGHT: If you say so.

BAYERN: You didn't hear what she said to me.

MIDNIGHT STORM: What she....OHHHHHH. Yeah. That.

BAYERN: I mean, I could have handled it if she called me a nag or a drongo or even a claimer. I've heard far worse. But that?

MIDNIGHT STORM: What do you think it even meant?

BAYERN: I'm not even sure she was speaking English. Hey, Argie, does she speak Spanish?

CATCH A FLIGHT: Stop calling me that. She speaks English, Spanish, and French and she never, ever says curse words. She says anybody who uses bad words has a small vocabulary.

BAYERN: Well isn't she fancy.

MIDNIGHT STORM: She just kicked both our butts.

BAYERN: (sigh)

RED VINE: Guys. Guys. What did she say to you?

BAYERN: I.... No. I just can't.

MIDNIGHT STORM: I don't know but it just--I felt so--like the acme of my racing career was passed.

BAYERN: Like I was just kicked off a cliff.

CATCH A FLIGHT: Big B, you're a good horse. No matter how much it hurt, you are smart and fast and you will win someday.

BAYERN: You didn't hear what she said.

RED VINE: So tell us already. Come on, let it out.

MIDNIGHT STORM and BAYERN look at each other.

MIDNIGHT STORM: You okay, bro?




MIDNIGHT STORM: Alright fine. She said.....

BAYERN hangs his head low and puts his ears back.

MIDNIGHT STORM: She said, right when she ran by, "Pbtpbtpbtpbtpbt, BEEP BEEP."

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Chris Everett
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Post by Chris Everett »

Would have been as funny with the speedy gonzales saying.
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Louise Bayou
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Post by Louise Bayou »

Here is a nice pic of Beholder and her groom Ruben after she got back from the test barn. He takes really great care of her.

“It’s like I’m driving a Mac truck with the speed of a Porsche and the brain of a rocket scientist,” Gary Stevens on Beholder
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