Question about QH Trials

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Stormy Peak
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Question about QH Trials

Post by Stormy Peak »

In the Moon of Moons[females] and the Star of Stars[males] there are 2 trials for each race.

Trials 1 are Week 10
Trials 2 are Week 12
The big races are run Week 14

Is each Trial a step up into the big race(s) meaning they have to run in each trial and finish well, or does your horse just need to finish well in one of the trial races in order to run in the big race(s)?

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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Mr. Lord Rich »

You don’t need to enter the trial at all. Just enter in the big race if you want.
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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Stormy Peak »

Pete Vella wrote: 5 years ago You don’t need to enter the trial at all. Just enter in the big race if you want.
Last night, I was looking at my horse's notes - last year, when she was a 2 year old, I did a copy and past of potential Year 54 races she might be entered into and put them on her note's page.

I did not look at this year's schedule before asking my question here on the forum, as I was busy this morning trying to help my sister out as she got ready to take her daughter in for cancer treatments - which will involve surgery, chemo and radiation...she just found out last week she had cancer.

I finally found a few minutes to sit down and investigate these trials and races a bit further and I now see that the graded races - The Moon of Moons and The Star of Stars - are no longer being listed for Year 54.

So FU Pete and your snarky unhelpful remarks - I am not in the mood for it and not in the mood to be polite about saying so either. I've been worried sick about my sister and my niece and wasn't tracking things here all that clearly. All I asked was for some help from someone who knew the answers about trial races where there was one set one week and another set a few weeks later.

I know we've not been on the best of terms at times in the past, but why you continue to behave the way you out false information, instead of staying silent or just helping me out with the real answer to my question is beyond me. I have tried to hold out the olive branch here several times these past few years and have replied respectfully to your posts in a positive manner and congratulated you in chat when your horses have one big races.
You just prove that no good deed goes unpunished.

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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Mr. Lord Rich »

Stormy Peak wrote: 5 years ago
Pete Vella wrote: 5 years ago You don’t need to enter the trial at all. Just enter in the big race if you want.
Last night, I was looking at my horse's notes - last year, when she was a 2 year old, I did a copy and past of potential Year 54 races she might be entered into and put them on her note's page.

I did not look at this year's schedule before asking my question here on the forum, as I was busy this morning trying to help my sister out as she got ready to take her daughter in for cancer treatments - which will involve surgery, chemo and radiation...she just found out last week she had cancer.

I finally found a few minutes to sit down and investigate these trials and races a bit further and I now see that the graded races - The Moon of Moons and The Star of Stars - are no longer being listed for Year 54.

So FU Pete and your snarky unhelpful remarks - I am not in the mood for it and not in the mood to be polite about saying so either. I've been worried sick about my sister and my niece and wasn't tracking things here all that clearly. All I asked was for some help from someone who knew the answers about trial races where there was one set one week and another set a few weeks later.

I know we've not been on the best of terms at times in the past, but why you continue to behave the way you out false information, instead of staying silent or just helping me out with the real answer to my question is beyond me. I have tried to hold out the olive branch here several times these past few years and have replied respectfully to your posts in a positive manner and congratulated you in chat when your horses have one big races.
You just prove that no good deed goes unpunished.

What the ??? You asked a question about the trials and I answered your question telling you they are not required.
My assumption is that you figured it was a qualification to the moon of moon or star of stars.
I don’t understand how anything I said was snarky. You honestly need to re-read what you asked and what I wrote and offer my an apology. I am not even one bit joking.
Your response is totally uncalled for.
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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Mr. Lord Rich »

Reading the entire post a second time I am still blown away by your response to me. I gave you N honest helpful answer. Are you bipolar or something?
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Steve Leavitt
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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Steve Leavitt »

I also marked my QH to be in the Star of Stars race this year. Week 14, Day 3 at Los Angelitos, as is the Moon of Moons stakes. They're still on the stakes list.
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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Laura Ferguson »

The Week 10, Week 12 and Week 14 races are still on the stakes schedule for this year. Each of those races is for 3 year olds and up, and you can run in any or all of them. Unlike some of their 2yo and 3yo counterparts, you don't need to run in the Week 10 or 12 races, and the Week 14 race is not restricted to horses that competed in those earlier races. The word trials may be a bit misleading, but on the other hand, the Week 10 and 12 races are graded stakes races in their own right (Grade 3 and Grade 2). Pete answered accurately.
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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Ashley Gibson »

Pete Vella wrote: 5 years ago I don’t understand how anything I said was snarky. You honestly need to re-read what you asked and what I wrote and offer my an apology. I am not even one bit joking.
Your response is totally uncalled for.
I am just going to throw this out there, but I agree with Pete. The information wasn't inaccurate, he wasn't rude in his delivery of the info, it was short and to the point but I dont think it was snarky or rude at all no matter the history you may have. I feel as though perhaps your bad day made you into the person you were accusing Pete of being.
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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Stormy Peak »

I thought trials were elimination races for a bigger race - thus only the top 4 finishers in each trial race could enter the big race. So when I saw these trial races in two parts on different days... I wasn't sure how they worked. Thus me asking about them. Why bother with trials if one can enter a big race as one can with Most big races?

As for being angry with Pete. I have a hard time assuming the best with him due to stuff that has happened in the past between us and all I was expecting was an explanation about those trials. And given what I just explained about the trials...I thought he was giving me false information and just wasting my time. And I am Tired and not in the best of moods. I haven't slept for days and I'm worried sick about my sister and her daughter. I've had too many people in my family die of cancer to not worry.

I also typed what I did after I could not find those races listed again when I took a look at the stakes schedule for this year - and figured Pete already knew that when he answered.

So I figured they were not being run this year. I tried all the filters I could think of...including just Quarter Horse only and left everything else as "any" and still couldn't find them after going through the stakes pages and trying to find the weeks they were suppose to be in - the trials nor the races were NOT showing up for some reason.

Pete, I do apologize to you. Again, from my side of it, I didn't see the sense of having trial races if anyone could just skip them and enter into a big race. I also know I'm not anywhere on your list of favorite people on this I figured you were wasting my time telling me that any horse could enter a race that had trial races set up for it.

I very rarely get rude or say bad things about people on this board...and I think most here know that of's not really a part of my true nature. So again, I apologize to Pete and hope he will accept that in the true way I am offering it.

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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Mr. Lord Rich »

Stormy Peak wrote: 5 years ago I thought trials were elimination races for a bigger race - thus only the top 4 finishers in each trial race could enter the big race. So when I saw these trial races in two parts on different days... I wasn't sure how they worked. Thus me asking about them. Why bother with trials if one can enter a big race as one can with Most big races?

As for being angry with Pete. I have a hard time assuming the best with him due to stuff that has happened in the past between us and all I was expecting was an explanation about those trials. And given what I just explained about the trials...I thought he was giving me false information and just wasting my time. And I am Tired and not in the best of moods. I haven't slept for days and I'm worried sick about my sister and her daughter. I've had too many people in my family die of cancer to not worry.

I also typed what I did after I could not find those races listed again when I took a look at the stakes schedule for this year - and figured Pete already knew that when he answered.

So I figured they were not being run this year. I tried all the filters I could think of...including just Quarter Horse only and left everything else as "any" and still couldn't find them after going through the stakes pages and trying to find the weeks they were suppose to be in - the trials nor the races were NOT showing up for some reason.

Pete, I do apologize to you. Again, from my side of it, I didn't see the sense of having trial races if anyone could just skip them and enter into a big race. I also know I'm not anywhere on your list of favorite people on this I figured you were wasting my time telling me that any horse could enter a race that had trial races set up for it.

I very rarely get rude or say bad things about people on this board...and I think most here know that of's not really a part of my true nature. So again, I apologize to Pete and hope he will accept that in the true way I am offering it.

I accept your apology. Sorry about the things going on in your personal life. I truly was giving you a helpful answer and I can actually be helpful at times :)

Just remember one thing, don’t always jump to conclusions. Just because one time or another we had a bad exchange doesn’t mean I hate you as a person.
Nothing is personal, it’s all game.

You can ask a good number of 20 plus simsters that have showed up to any of the Cali Sim Events and I guarantee they would have all nice things to say about me.

I have even been friendly with Xander lately ( we have shared private messages back and forth and I even worked out a deal on one of his studs recently) and he is my evil arch nemesis in this game.

Good luck in the moon of moons

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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Glenn Escobar »

I still think this warrants some type of a ban for a player who answers a short, but accurate and informative reply (as was stated earlier) with “FU Pete”.

Even in the “apology”, it’s just non-sensical to even begin to explain how Pete’s response would ever warrant him being cursed at for giving it.

I truly believe a ban is in order. It at least protects the integrity of the game and makes the clear statement that if a player asks a question, and another player answers accurately, you can’t just swear at them with impunity.
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Re: Question about QH Trials

Post by Mr. Lord Rich »

I don’t think a ban is needed, I’m a big boy. My feelings are not hurt. I just wanted an apology and she gave me that.
It’s all good :)