Should Trotter Broodie of the Year come back?

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Should Trotter Broodie of the Year come back?

Yes definitely. And from year 47 on. Get to work, Gigi!
Yes, but just start from year 60. Most of the top mares would have headshots by now anyway.
Yes and do it for division (enter your best division here) too.
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Nah, the best mares get in the Hall of Fame anyway.
Total votes: 8

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Gigi Gofaster
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Should Trotter Broodie of the Year come back?

Post by Gigi Gofaster »

So after looking back through my headshots, I got a little nostalgic about the trotter broodie of the year contest. Here's what it looked like:


Although I don't race trotters much (really at all) anymore, it was my favorite division for a long time, and I owe a lot of my success in the game to trotters. I used to do this broodie contest, a weekly trotter newsletter, and then pushed for the Hopeless Stakes for all those long-lasting trotters that just can't get in the winner's circle. It's a RL thing - when I was little I spent many evenings doing my homework at Brandywine or Dover because my dad was a huge fan (hence my career in statistics now). In the 80s I worked the big standardbred sales at Harrisburg and the Meadowlands. So my love of trotters isn't totally random.

I would enjoy bringing it back, if there were interest in me doing that. The last winner was year 46, so there's a bit of catching up to do, and I depending on how many winners don't already have headshots, it could be a little pricey. There might also be interest in doing this for other divisions too? Not by me unless we are talking dirt sprinters ;) but it was fun and frankly I learned a LOT about trotter breeding in doing it, so it did kind of pay off and it's not a bad research exercise for newer players.
"I was afraid of Gigi, it was true." Oh yes. Be afraid. Be very afraid...
"Gigi, you continue to impress the heck out of me." - The Steward. Okay, it was 10 RL years ago, but I'm keeping it.
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