Harness racing trainer of the year

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Arthur Cutler
Derby Contender
Posts: 279
Joined: 16 years ago

Harness racing trainer of the year

Post by Arthur Cutler »

I would like to thank everybody that voted for me for Harness racing trainer of the year but I really think that this year I did not deserve the award. Harness racing is the combination of both Pacers and trotters. Marc of Masaya stables had a remarkable year. He had a total of 84 stakes victories. If you add up both Pacers and trotters divisions . That would be 20 more stakes victories than anyone in the Harness division. Marc is the only player in harness racing that actually excels in both divisions. That is not easy to do. I just think he is being overlooked, your after year for his accomplishments, in both harness divisions.. just my opinion
Masaya Stable
Posts: 111
Joined: 10 years ago

Re: Harness racing trainer of the year

Post by Masaya Stable »

thank you arthur
to appreciate the work of my stable
I just saw what you wrote
there are good stables in the standerbred
there is you (arthur cutler) as well as Tom Lin who helped me a lot at my beginning and I thank him, Kent Saunders has excellent horses in the trot, Jurgen Ver, Brad Fabman, Polk Buffalo who had a very good season 63 I believed in it's luck to be the coach of the year.

to really say I love horses and this game reminds me of memories when I was driving, I stopped in the early 90s and I have a few wins in the standerbred.

good job to the whole Sim team for this game


merci arthur
pour apprécier le travail de mon écurie
je vien juste de voir ce que as écrit
il y a de bonne écurie dans le standerbred
il y a toi ( arthur cutler) ainsi que Tom Lin qui ma beaucoup aider a mes début et je le remercie, Kent Saunders a d'excellent chevaux dans le trot, Jurgen Ver, Brad Fabman, Polk Buffalo qui a eu une tres bonne saison 63 je croyais en c'est chance d'être l'entraineur de l'année.

a vraiment dire j'aime les chevaux et ce jeux me rappel des souvenir lorsque je conduisait, j'ai arrêt au début des année 90 et j'ai quelques victoire dans le standerbred.

bon travail a toute l'équipe de Sim pour ce jeux

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