This Nathen's

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Stormy Peak
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This Nathen's

Post by Stormy Peak »

I've viewed some of Nathen's YouTube videos...the latest being about famous dangerously mean horses.

I made a comment about how I knew most of them, but learned about a few new ones too. And that I had a large collection of horse racing history...such as book, videos, collection/trading cards, photos, posters, I have several huge scrapbooks of newspaper clippings of famous horses and races since the 1970s, and even a vintage horse racing game.
I've been collecting stuff since about 1974 - but saw my first race on t.v. in 1972 at age 9...Riva Ridge's Derby win.

I thought I would share with everyone a few of my more favorite books on my bookcase...which had two different re-arrangements over the years. I probably have 3x more stuff tucked away in filing cabinets, and in boxes.

The two different tops of my bookcase. The whiskey bottles were the later addition.



The earlier and less cluttered view of the bookcase, and photos of the case with other books added too:




This photo shows the 1960s toy racing game...runs off of D batteries. However, I put a book on it, so it's not seen clearly. I also have some DRF trading cards in a container off to the right. It contains trading cards of all the Derby winners up into around 2012.


My Black Stallion collection... I have all the books now.

I discovered the Black Stallion series when I was in the 4th grade. A few years later, my dad at that point was just barely starting to get us out of dire poverty.

One day he came home from an auction (he was an auctioneer at that point) with this. Bought it for me, even though it wasn't my birthday or Christmas. He knew how much I LOVED those books! I was around 11 years old at the time, I'm 60 years old now and still have this precious gift. : ) It was the pride and joy in my bedroom for decades, and it survived about 14 moves over the years. I finally got a spot in my horse racing room when I bought my home in 2000.

The stained glass in the window is from a friend, it's Forgo, one of my all time favorite horses.


And, last but not least. I made this. It's a photo of the champion racing filly, Our Mims. (copywrite by Barbara Livingston and used with her permission). Along with the mane hair of Our Mims, kindly sent to me by her last owner, the late Jeanne Mirabito. I tied the hair with yarn that matched the colors of the racing silks Our Mims raced under. Our Mims was out of the same dam, Sweet Tooth, as my all time favorite horse, Alydar.


Barbara over the years sent me a lot of photos, and posters. Another friend bought this for me...a large, lovely framed under glass Barbara Livingstone photo of Saratoga dawn: Link to the photo as I don't have a picture of it hanging on my wall.

https://barbaradlivingston.photoshelter ... 0jUCMrWlS8

I hope you all enjoyed the photos and can maybe share some of your own. And thanks Nathen for adding to my knowledge about some of the horses in racing history, a lot of times I already know about stuff like that, so I enjoy learning new details.

Last edited by Stormy Peak 10 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: This Nathen's

Post by Nathan Klein »

What an amazing collection you got there glad to have invigorated you to show this stuff off it's really cool. The Black Stallion books I heard get absolutely ridiculous towards the end with their story lines. The Our Mims hair braid is a true treasure what an amazing piece to have along with a nice photo done by Barbara. I really wish I was better at reading books because they've given me some great bits of wisdom the internet simply does not have in my endless pursuit for horse racing history.
"Nathan you tweaking"
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Darcy McBride
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Re: This Nathen's

Post by Darcy McBride »

Enjoyed looking at your amazing collection, Stormy! I too was a Black Stallion fan, amongst others. Keep on collecting!
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Kelly Haggerty
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Re: This Nathen's

Post by Kelly Haggerty »

I remember those vintage editions from when I was young, reading in the back of the car on road trips. What a cool collection.
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Tom Lin
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Re: This Nathen's

Post by Tom Lin »

Nice collection Stormy. I couldn't tell by the pictures if you had The Black Stallion's Sulky Colt. I think it's the only one I read as a child.
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Stormy Peak
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Re: This Nathen's

Post by Stormy Peak »

I wish I had another mentioned a lot of my stuff is in boxes and filing cabinets.

Also... that 'book' on the horse racing toy...come to think of it, it's actually a jigsaw puzzle. It's of the three foundation sires...Byerley Turk, Darley Arabian and Godolphin Arabian.

I have Barbara's "Old Friends" bought it when it first came out, then a friend of mine, for my birthday...contacted Barbara and I got a signed edition of "Old Friends II" She even drew a little foal running near her signature wishing me Happy Birthday. : )

My Black Stallion books. I have hunted everywhere for those 1970s editions. They had the most beautiful black ink drawings in them, plus they were the versions I read/grew up with. In the photo, you only see a few hard copies, but since then, I have replaced the paper back version with the hard copy versions.

Tom, there were 2 books about Bonfire. The first one is The Blood Red Colt....and the 2nd is The Sulky Colt and I have both, and in hard copy. : )

I also have a file cabinet filled with some years of Blood Horse magazines. I stopped that subscription when I ended up in the wheelchair for 4 months and on disability back in 2014. I think I started getting the magazines around the mid 1990s.

I haven't bought books since then...couldn't afford it. :P Probably just as well...not sure my horse racing room floor could hold all the Books are are magazines :P

Glad you enjoyed the small sample of what I have.

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Re: This Nathen's

Post by Hope Bentley »

Beautiful collection Stormy!!

*Silver Kitty Cat
*Macha Taima
*Rockin to the Stars & more
Past Stallions
*Black Wolf *Blue Montana Gold *Fire Fire *Streakin Goldstrip
*Bear Encounter *Blood Red Sun *Held High and other greats
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