Help Wanted… Again 😅

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Jo Ferris
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Help Wanted… Again 😅

Post by Jo Ferris »

Me again, biting off more then I can chew as always 🤣

I’m wondering if someone would be interested in helping me out more long term. I’m busy, rl is busy with work and my horse and I have the opportunity this year to maybe go volunteer or crew at Tevis too. I’m focusing more on myself, getting fit, hiking more, my horse is kinda ridable again (that’s a LONG story) and I have a job that makes for very long days between workouts, chores, working P, my “real” job, ect.. (2am - 6pm most days) I’m to the point where I maybe have an hour a week for this game.

What I’m looking for is someone to be responsible for my yearlings. I have 16 runners, so I can handle them (usually) and breeding is what I love to do, but that means a bunch of yearlings I never have time for and just get forgotten.

What I need is someone who can stay on top of galloping and working them and also market/sell the vast majority of them. Now I will make a note of the horses I want to keep so you won’t have to go though and decide who to sell and who to keep. I’m not picky on when they would be auctioned, spread it out if needed, do it all real quick back to back if needed, as long as they sell I don’t care how the auctions are.

As far as numbers, I believe I have around 175 broodmares, I keep maybe 5-30 foals a year depending on the crop, some years more, some years less. The yearlings I have now I have under 60, about 20 are keepers I think. I do not auction anything productive or below (except maybe a well bred breeding shed filly), most of those productive and lower I just put on the sales page for $1. I don’t know my exact numbers but for simple math maybe 100 per year to be sold via auction on average. Vast majority are paints, with some Arabs and a couple QHs. I’m debating getting out of Arabs and QHs completely, but still have some.

As far as what you would get, I’m flexible, straight sim$, percentage of sales, mare leases, free access to my studs, pick out a yearling or two (some will be off limits, like Heroes, Ruger and Ali foals come to mind). Just make an offer, I’m open to anything.

If you are interested in helping me out, PM me in game
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Jo Ferris
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Joined: 13 years ago

Re: Help Found

Post by Jo Ferris »

Help has been found, thank you!!
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