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Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:20 pm
by Kinclaire Farm
I would like to nominate Alex Puderbaugh. Alex has been the first one to step in and lend a hand no matter what is going on in my life. Whether it's crazy family drama or chronic illness sagas, Alex is always there to help hold my SIM barn together be it through helping enter and ship, research breedings, give breedings to her stallions, etc. And, better yet, be an awesome friend. She is a huge part of why I am still in the SIM and why my barn is doing as well as it has in years. Thank you a million times over Alex!!!

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:21 pm
by Kinclaire Farm
PS -- I LOVE this contest! We should hold more like it. It is great to hear about the wonderful community we have here. :D

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:28 pm
by Nick Gilmore
I'd like to nominate Karl Smythe. Inspite of a very taxing and time consuming job, he always makes time to answer my numerous (and sometimes stupid, lol) questions. I know I'm not the only lost soul he helps, but I'm not sure where I'd be without him; real life and SIM life. You're the best, buddy!

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:33 pm
by Tim Matthews
I'm nominating Carole Hanson because she's constantly a positive person around here no matter what is going on in her barn, always helpful and inquisitive at the same time. Also, she wrote some awesome music and had the guts to put it on the forum a while back, so that's pretty cool.

P.S. This contest is the best thing to come around in a while

Edit - more than one person? Okay, Bradley Davis, for being one of the kindest people around and just a chill guy to talk to. His turf routers are ridiculous so might as well give him something to distract from that!

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:45 pm
by Brooke Ketron
I'm nominating Jolene Danner for many reasons. Most of all, she has been a constant source of encouragement and is more than generous to those who don't quite have a powerhouse stable. She even shot me over a cute little filly after I got engaged - she is as thoughtful as she is good at this game, she deserves to have that come around full circle!

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:57 pm
by T.D. Palm
When I "whined" about my poor showing this year , quite a few people stepped up to offer me encouragement, advice and support. Emma Lochran even sent me two nice horses. Just about all these people have already been nominated & since a second nomination wont help their chances of winning, I wish to nominate one person who responded on my thread & then was kind enough to pm me see how I was doing. His name is Dave Mackay. He lives in England & I appreciate him offering support to a "colonist" like myself.

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:04 pm
by Nena Olson
I read through this list and I want to throw in a few more nominees who I haven't seen mentioned yet... I'm going to nominate Brianna McKenzie and Art Vandelay. Bri was ever so nice to let me have Comestoanend's "last foal" but she didn't die but it was the thought that counts LOL, and she is just SUPER nice. Art has always been really nice to me and has definitely listened to me vent a LOT. He also really likes my cat. haha. OH! Andy Gol should be nominated just for always making people laugh and being... Andy lol.

If I haven't nominated you, I'm sorry!! I seriously feel awful for not naming the whole sim population right now :(

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:16 pm
by Erin Sanderson
I'm seconding Nini's nomination for Scott Eiland.

Scott joined the SIM a little bit after I did (and has done a lot better with it than I have, to boot!). We didn't talk much around then, but gradually we've gotten to know each other, and he is an all-around great guy. He is always ready to give advice or just a confidence or mood boost to almost anyone. He's done a lot for the SIM, be it writing helpful articles for the newbies or recording the Hold All Tickets podcast or just being a friend to someone who might be a little down on their luck in the game and needs a little perspective. I've gone through some very tough times in the last few years - and he has as well - and he's always been there for me to let me vent or offer advice or commiseration. I know there are many people in the SIM at large that he has done the same for, because he is awesome like that.

And he also loves No Pants Thursday. That has to count for something, right?

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:25 pm
by Tamara Estes
I would like to nominate Louise Bayou. She has been great giving me access to better horses, has always helped the newer players, and is is a positive influence on the Sim.

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:42 pm
by Rebecca Rose Hepburn
I would like to nominate Jon Xett, the wizard of the sim. Seriously, Jon is one of the nicest people to exist on this planet. He's always positive and upbeat, always trying to bring some humor to the Sim (and sometimes we REALLY need that!). I was a big fan of Jon's horse Mercy from the day he bought her (she has the same name as my favorite book character) and I'd send him periodic messages asking how she was doing. And then one day she showed up in my inbox. Jon let me race her for him. I won a Stewards Cup race with her. I think when she won was the most I've ever cried in the Sim because it just blew me away how amazing Jon was for letting me race her. Jon deserves all the nominations! As he would say, "All in fun!"

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:02 pm
by Tammy Stawicki
So first let me say that this is a wonderful idea Cleo, and extremely generous of you.

As for some nominations...

John Slotmon.... I got my first stallion from him, Desert Longshot, when he was angered with the horse's performance in the Steward's Cup and gave him away to the first person to guess his name. It was not the only time he offered up a top quality horse for free and I've seen him give out farms as well. He also is known for standing top quality stallions (like Performing Tricks) at prices everyone can afford.

Scott Eiland... As others have said his podcasts are amazing and something he clearly puts a lot of time into for the benefit of the whole sim community.

Leonard Beagle... We miss you Leo!! Leo actually gave me some money to help purchase my farm. And I'm sure he's helped many players through the years.

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:15 pm
by LA Pepper
I nominate Emma Lochran. She pulled me out of my Sim doldrums years ago with seriously generous offers and I see she continues to do this still with players that need a boost. I am forever grateful.

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:18 pm
by Lisa Strummer
Nena Olson wrote:.

If I haven't nominated you, I'm sorry!! I seriously feel awful for not naming the whole sim population right now :(

I second this!!

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:20 pm
by Cleo Patra
I am absolutely loving the responses so far! Each new post is putting a huge smile on my face, and I hope that this thread is brightening everyone's day :D

Re: The Awesome People of the SIM Contest

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:23 pm
by Burgundy Hill Farms
I would like to nominate a bunch of great SIMsters...because there are a lot out there making this THE best SIM racing game on the whole interweb thing.

BUT, per Cleo's rules, I will only nominate one...Louise Bayou.

Bay has always been kind to people, me included, in the chat room. She doesn't have to answer my PMs filled with questions I have about MY own horses, but she does. That's the kind of sportsmanship (or sportswomanship, in this case, lol) that represents a person worthy of this prize.

She's a prize to the SIM community and I think she would be a most deserving owner of this horse.