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Hiring an assistant

Original article written by Marta Marie Leon posted 2 months 2 weeks ago

Hello and welcome to yet another article of mine! Today I want to talk about an important topic for new players, and that's hiring an assistant to take care of your horses if you are absent and need to take a break.

So what is exactly this useful tool and where can you find it? Well, first of all, you can find it under “profile” as “assistant trainer/partnerships” and there you have everything to hire a little help.

So now that I have told you where to find it, let me explain more about what this tool exactly does. There are and will be times when you just need to take a break from the game, it can be for mental health reasons or just vacations. To hire an assistant, you need to have another player who will be that kind to help you and I understand that as a new player, you won't have a lot of friends to trust so I would just ask a veteran player because they can help your horses in need and honestly they won't sell your horse's cause of being a bad person. Yes, you heard that right, sell horses. If you hire an assistant it allows them to race, breed, retire, and sell horses, just the things that you can do. That's why I recommend putting in that position someone trustworthy that won't leave you without horses.

You can always terminate your assistant trainer if you aren't satisfied with it. It can happen because you aren't happy with the choices that they made or you just have more time to manage your stable alone. To terminate you have to go to the same page where you horse him and click on “fire”. Of course, it would always be nice to write to them in advance so you won't leave them hanging.

Thank you for your time reading this article and hopefully I was able to help you in learning new things!

Happy racing!

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