Distinct Dream II (CA)
Maiden Deceased
b.m.43 - 15.3
Marking: Blaze
Earnings: $2,880
Breeder: Lily Wilks
Total Points: 4
Dirt Points: 4
Stats: 4: 0-0-1
Dirt: 4: 0-0-1
Turf: 0: 0-0-0
AW: 0: 0-0-0
BSF: 52
Sire: Beacon Dam: Distinct View  
Grand Sire: Saturn Dam Sire: Righteous Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-27 Week-12 Day-5 Buffalo Park (NY) Condition: Fast. Race 7 - 1 mile. Dirt. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. Claiming. Claiming price $25,000. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:38.46 l tt Jockey: Aaron Boyce
Promethea 1 1/4 Suresand 1 3/4 Magnificent Queen 1 Broke well settled urged along evenly (7)
7 $0  
Year-27 Week-9 Day-1 Child's Play Park (CAN) Condition: Fast. Race 13 - 5 1/2 furlongs. Dirt. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Claiming. Claiming price $20,000. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:05.59 l tt Jockey: Aaron Boyce
Cool Testamony 1 Aurora's Glimmer 1 1/4 Sister 1 Broke smoothly from gate lagged early moved between horses flattened out (12)
9 $0  
Year-27 Week-6 Day-5 Inglewood Park (CA) Condition: Fast. Race 18 - 5 1/2 furlongs. Dirt. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Special Weight. Restricted to CA-Breds. Purse $24,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:05.52 l tt Jockey: Aaron Bennett
Whowearsblack 2 1/2 Reasonable Doubt 2 1/2 Xxtra Heat 1 1/4 Broke inwards dueled urged along tired (4)
4 $1,680  
Year-27 Week-3 Day-5 Adolescent Acres (CA) Condition: Fast. Race 12 - 5 furlongs. Dirt. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $12,000 (20 points) Finish Time 0:58.74 sr l Jockey: Aaron Bennett
Straight Eight 3 1/2 Thats Right Run 3 Distinct Dream 2 Broke well tucked in along rail angled out gamely stretch (4)
3 $1,200  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-27 Week-1 Day-5 3 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-26 Week-15 Day-5 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-26 Week-10 Day-3 2 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-26 Week-6 Day-5 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-26 Week-5 Day-3 2 furlongs. Dirt.
Offspring (Total Progeny Earnings: $0)
Name Type Sire Earnings Stats My Alerts
Breed This Mare ch.g.41 Nacho I $0 0: 0-0-0
Distinct Sound b.m.40 Nacho I $0 0: 0-0-0
Y28-Break Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y27-W15-D1 Retired
Y27-W13-D1 Schooled in the Paddock
Y27-W13-D1 Galloped
Y27-W12-D2 Moved to Buffalo Park
Y27-W8-D2 Moved to Child's Play Park
Y27-W6-D2 Moved to Inglewood Park
Y27-W3-D2 Moved to Adolescent Acres
Y26-Preseason Galloped
Y25-W11-D7 Bred by Lily Wilks

Y28-Break Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y25-W11-D7 Bred by Lily Wilks


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