Bad Corner (BEL)
b.g.7 - 16.1
Marking: No Marking
Earnings: $35,350
Breeder: Mike Prevost
Total Points: 26
Dirt Points: 26
Stats: 18: 1-1-3
BSF: 93
Sire: Bhs Bad Guy Dam: Corner Trickster  
Grand Sire: Devon Castle Dam Sire: Devon Trickster Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-65 Week-16 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 9 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 4 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW4 Lifetime. Purse $18,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.50 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Brer Rabbit nck Seventh Ruler nck Supreme Bad Guy 3/4 Willingly (6)
5 $540  
Year-65 Week-14 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 12 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 4 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.48 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Kicking the Rock 1 1/2 Whi Ku 1 Resbene 1/2 Fought for position (5)
5 $450  
Year-65 Week-11 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 8 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 4 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.50 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Old Sweater 3/4 Bad Corner 3/4 Rock Kit nck Struggled turns (7)
2 $3,300  
Year-65 Week-8 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 8 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 4 year olds. Colts and Geldings. NW4 Lifetime. Purse $18,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.61 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Franz Jaeger nck Samuel Masaya 1/2 Blackie 1/2 Strong early (8)
4 $1,260  
Year-65 Week-6 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 3 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.72 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Yvette Darling
Blackie ns Movie Bomb 1/2 Guy Tillis ns Two wide (6)
5 $450  
Year-65 Week-4 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 2 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 4 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.54 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Yvette Darling
White Merlin hd Whi Ku nck Guy Tillis hd Evenly (8)
6 $0  
Year-65 Week-2 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 7 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 4 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.50 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Champ Home 3/4 Royal Cartier ns Vakantie Hanover 3/4 Off stride (10)
4 $1,050  
Year-64 Week-16 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 5 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 3 year olds. Colts and Geldings. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.57 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Surfer in the Sand 3/4 Blackie 3/4 J T W G D 1/2 Four wide (5)
5 $450  
Year-64 Week-13 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 5 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 3 year olds. Colts and Geldings. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.90 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Deposit the Blood nck Garden Grove 1/2 Bad Corner 3/4 Consistently (4)
3 $1,650  
Year-64 Week-11 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 5 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 3 year olds. Colts and Geldings. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.53 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Jvs Pegase You nck Brer Rabbit 3/4 Soigne Masaya hd Strong early (6)
6 $0  
Year-64 Week-9 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 6 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.50 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Key to the Lock 3/4 Smirkvia Masaya 1 1/2 Bad Corner nck Fought driver (5)
3 $1,650  
Year-64 Week-7 Day-3 Europe Waffle Park (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 3 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.50 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Darn Trickster nck Jvs Martin Zwarte 1 Sky Flight Owl nck Willingly (10)
4 $1,050  
Year-64 Week-4 Day-3 Europe Hippodroom Heuvelkouter (BEL) Condition: Good. Race 19 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. "Grand Prix Croissant Stakes." 3 year olds. Stakes. Restricted to BEL-Breds. Purse $75,000 Entry Fee $750 (40 points) Finish Time 1:51.14 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Jvs Oguricap Bc 3/4 Seize Masaya 3/4 Jvs Azaro Dimension 1 1/2 Willingly (4)
4 $5,250  
Year-64 Week-1 Day-3 Europe Hippodroom Heuvelkouter (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 7 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. "1e Grote Prijs Heuvelkouter." 3 year olds. Stakes. Restricted to BEL-Breds. Purse $75,000 Entry Fee $750 (40 points) Finish Time 1:51.41 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Sebastien Masaya 1/2 Solide Masaya nck Jvs Pina Angwen 1 3/4 Struggled turns (5)
5 $2,250  
Year-63 Week-15 Day-3 Europe Hippodroom Heuvelkouter (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 23 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 2 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Allowance. Restricted to BEL-Breds. Purse $25,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:51.97 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Bad Corner 2 1/2 Saphir Masaya 3 1/2 Awesome State 2 1/4 Strongly (4)
1 $12,500  
Year-63 Week-13 Day-3 Europe Hippodroom Heuvelkouter (BEL) Condition: Good. Race 16 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 2 year olds. Maiden Special Weight. Restricted to BEL-Breds. Purse $25,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:51.66 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Solide Masaya nck Jvs Lucas De Vandell 1 Jvs Alcatrez 1 Struggled turns (6)
5 $750  
Year-63 Week-10 Day-3 Europe Hippodroom Heuvelkouter (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 18 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 2 year olds. Maiden Special Weight. Restricted to BEL-Breds. Purse $25,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:51.68 *,bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Jvs Periscope nck Franz Jaeger ns Silla Masaya 1/2 Strong early (7)
6 $0  
Year-63 Week-8 Day-3 Europe Hippodroom Heuvelkouter (BEL) Condition: Fast. Race 19 - 1 mile. Dirt. Standardbred-Trotter. 2 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Restricted to BEL-Breds. Purse $25,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:51.94 bbr,tt Jockey: Chris Walter
Jvs Fashion Schooner 1 Smirkvia Masaya 1/2 Bad Corner 8 1/2 Two wide (4)
3 $2,750  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-63 Week-3 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-16 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-15 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-14 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-13 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-12 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-11 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-9 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-8 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-7 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-6 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-5 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-4 Day-6 1 mile. Dirt.
Y67-Preseason Deceased
Y66-Preseason Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y66-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y66-Preseason Trainer: 'Bad Corner' wowed me out there, it is rare to see a horse like this! This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! 'Bad Corner' is your run of the mill racehorse that can probably handle a normal schedule.
Y65-W16-D3 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y65-W15-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y65-W14-D4 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y65-W13-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y65-W11-D4 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y65-W10-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y65-W8-D4 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y65-W7-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y65-W6-D4 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y65-W5-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y65-W4-D3 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y65-W3-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y65-W3-D5 Gelded
Y65-W2-D3 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y65-W2-D1 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y65-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y65-Preseason Trainer: 'Bad Corner' sure moves like an allowance horse with stakes potential! This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! I'm really hoping to see 'Bad Corner' in the breeding shed one day!
Y64-W16-D4 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y64-W15-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y64-W13-D5 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y64-W12-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y64-W11-D4 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y64-W10-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y64-W9-D4 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y64-W8-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y64-W7-D6 Moved to Le Cheval Gaufres via 1st class van
Y64-W6-D7 Moved to Waffle Park via 1st class van
Y64-W4-D3 Moved to The Housemates Farm - Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y64-W3-D7 Moved to Hippodroom Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y64-W1-D4 Moved to The Housemates Farm - Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y64-Preseason Moved to Hippodroom Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y64-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y64-Preseason Trainer: 'Bad Corner' sure moves like an allowance horse with stakes potential! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races! 'Bad Corner' is pretty easy going and shows interest in racing.
Y63-W15-D3 Moved to The Housemates Farm - Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y63-W15-D1 Moved to Hippodroom Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y63-W15-D1 Whisperer: This horse prefers a nice warm summer day, if you ask me!
Y63-W13-D3 Moved to The Housemates Farm - Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y63-W12-D7 Moved to Hippodroom Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y63-W10-D3 Moved to The Housemates Farm - Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y63-W9-D7 Moved to Hippodroom Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y63-W8-D4 Moved to The Housemates Farm - Heuvelkouter via 1st class van
Y63-W7-D6 Moved to Hippodroom Heuvelkouter via 1st class airplane
Y63-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y63-Preseason Trainer: 'Bad Corner' wowed me out there, it is rare to see a horse like this! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races!
Y63-Preseason Renamed 61 Corner Trickster to Bad Corner
Y62-W3-D5 Trained Under Harness
Y62-W3-D5 Trainer: '61 Corner Trickster' sure moves like an allowance horse with stakes potential! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races!
Y62-W3-D2 Trained Under Harness
Y62-W3-D2 Trainer: '61 Corner Trickster' sure moves like an allowance horse with stakes potential! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races!
Y62-W2-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y62-W2-D6 Trainer: '61 Corner Trickster' sure moves like an allowance horse with stakes potential! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races!
Y62-W2-D3 Trained Under Harness
Y62-W2-D3 Trainer: '61 Corner Trickster' wowed me out there, it is rare to see a horse like this! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races!
Y62-W1-D7 Trained Under Harness
Y62-W1-D7 Trainer: '61 Corner Trickster' sure moves like an allowance horse with stakes potential! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races!
Y62-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y62-Preseason Trainer: '61 Corner Trickster' wowed me out there, it is rare to see a horse like this! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races!
Y61-Break Bred for $20,000 Fee
Y61-Break Bred by Mike Prevost

Y66-Preseason Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y61-Break Bred by Mike Prevost


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