62 Nakadori (CO)
Maiden Deceased
bro.h.6 - 15.1
Marking: No Marking
Earnings: $0
Breeder: Khalifa A
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Dashin Final Dam: Nakadori  
Grand Sire: Dashin JJ Dam Sire: Sunnysyde Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-63 Week-13 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-12 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-11 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-10 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-9 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-8 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-7 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-6 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-5 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Y64-Preseason Deceased
Y63-W13-D4 Swam in Pool
Y63-W12-D4 Swam in Pool
Y63-W11-D4 Swam in Pool
Y63-W10-D4 Swam in Pool
Y63-W9-D4 Swam in Pool
Y63-W8-D4 Swam in Pool
Y63-W7-D4 Swam in Pool
Y63-W6-D4 Swam in Pool
Y63-W4-D3 Jogged
Y63-W4-D2 Jogged
Y63-W4-D1 Jogged
Y63-W3-D5 Swam in Pool
Y63-W3-D3 Schooled in the Paddock
Y63-W3-D3 Schooled in the Gate
Y63-W3-D1 Galloped
Y63-W3-D1 Trainer: Right now, '62 Nakadori' looks like a claimer, but don't despair because they are a solid source of income, and can always improve with racing experience! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races! '62 Nakadori' is pretty timid. I'm not sure He has a truly winning spirit. We'll see.
Y63-W2-D4 Schooled in the Paddock
Y63-W2-D3 Schooled in the Gate
Y63-W2-D2 Swam in Pool
Y63-W2-D1 Galloped
Y63-W2-D1 Trainer: Right now, '62 Nakadori' looks like a claimer, but don't despair because they are a solid source of income, and can always improve with racing experience! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races! '62 Nakadori' has shown he comes from the clouds and needs a pace to run at.
Y63-W1-D4 Schooled in the Paddock
Y63-W1-D3 Schooled in the Gate
Y63-W1-D2 Swam in Pool
Y63-W1-D1 Worked on the Longe Line
Y63-Preseason Galloped
Y63-Preseason Trainer: Right now, '62 Nakadori' looks like a claimer, but don't despair because they are a solid source of income, and can always improve with racing experience! This horse should progress throughout their career, but don’t wait too long to get them to the races! '62 Nakadori' is pretty timid. I'm not sure He has a truly winning spirit. We'll see.
Y62-W12-D6 Bred for $3,500 Fee
Y62-W12-D6 Bred by Khalifa A

Y62-W12-D6 Bred by Khalifa A


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