All Kindness I (FL)
Maiden Deceased
ch.m.33 - 17
Marking: Star
Earnings: $0
Breeder: Clinton Jacinto
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Dirt: 0: 0-0-0
Turf: 0: 0-0-0
AW: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Look Jet Dam: Kind Gesture  
Grand Sire: Look Marvel Dam Sire: Ad Infinitum Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-36 Week-16 Day-1 2 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-36 Week-13 Day-1 2 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-36 Week-11 Day-5 2 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-36 Week-11 Day-1 2 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-36 Week-5 Day-1 2 furlongs. Dirt.
Offspring (Total Progeny Earnings: $0)
Name Type Sire Earnings Stats My Alerts
Horse 1447650198 ch.m.26 Eurozen $0 0: 0-0-0
Y65-W6-D1 Renamed to All Kindness I
Y44-Break Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y44-Break Pensioned
Y44-Break Sold to Karl Smythe for $1,000
Y41-Preseason Moved to Badlands Farm
Y40-W11-D5 Agent: 'All Kindness' has some broodmare potential, but she might not be the right fit for the classiest stables. Unfortunately, 'All Kindness' probably won't produce a very good steeplechaser.
Y40-W11-D5 Retired
Y40-W11-D5 Renamed Horse 1365028757 to All Kindness
Y40-W11-D5 Galloped
Y40-W11-D5 Trainer: 'Horse 1365028757' galloped around the track as if she had wings! A very fluid and easy gallop, she caught the eye of all the other trainers!
Y36-W3-D1 Galloped
Y36-W3-D1 Trainer: 'Horse 1365028757' galloped around the track as if she had wings! A very fluid and easy gallop, she caught the eye of all the other trainers!
Y36-W2-D1 Galloped
Y36-W2-D1 Trainer: 'Horse 1365028757' galloped around the track as if she had wings! A very fluid and easy gallop, she caught the eye of all the other trainers!
Y36-Preseason Galloped
Y36-Preseason Trainer: Great gallop! 'Horse 1365028757' should have a productive career.
Y35-W8-D2 Bred by Clinton Jacinto
Y44-Break Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y44-Break Sold to Karl Smythe for $1,000
Y35-W8-D2 Bred by Clinton Jacinto


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