
1 1/4 miles. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $100,000 - Entry Fee: $1,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Honest Bird (NY) Todd Lucas William Farrell 3: 1/4 3: 1/2 3: 1 1/4  1: 3/4
$ 50,000
2 Procession (NY) Susie Rydell Gail Sparks 6: 1/4 6: 3/4 6: 3/4  2: 1/4
$ 22,000
3 The Chain I (OH) Jessy Grondin Raine Mathews 4: 1/2 4: 1 1/2 4: 1 1/2  3: 1 1/4
$ 10,000
4 Street Chase (FL) Scott Eiland Wesley Roberts 2: 1 3/4 1: 1/2 1: 3/4  4: 1
$ 7,000
5 Bluehouse (LA) Peter Gleason Wendy Cooper 1: 1/2 2: 4 2: 1/4  5: 1
$ 2,000
6 Golden God (CA) Matty Dubs Matthew Winter 5: 1 5: 1 5: 1 1/2  6: 3 1/4
$ 0
7 Just a Machine (CA) Bob Oliva Thomas Clifton 7: -- 7: -- 7: --  7: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $9,000
Honest Bird dkb.h.5
Owner: Todd Lucas Breeder: The Steward
Sire: East Dam: Newcomer
Honest Bird - 1 Broke well showed speed wide turn urged to wire
Procession - 2 Broke well tucked in responded when urged gamely stretch
The Chain I - 3 Broke well settled wide off turn willingly stretch
Street Chase - 4 Broke outwards dueled wide turn lacked response
Bluehouse - 5 Broke quickly dueled wide off turn evenly
Golden God - 6 Sluggish start settled outside rivals moved inside was not a threat
Just a Machine - 7 Broke well held in mid pack responded when urged evenly



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