
6 furlongs. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $20,000ConditionClaiming $32,000
Finish Horse Owner Finish: Margin
1 Stars On High II I (KY) Cleo Patra  1: 1 3/4
$ 10,000
2 Speedster II (FL) A.R. Roberts  2: 1 1/2
$ 4,400
3 Pico Geek II (FL) Carolyn Eaton  3: 1 1/4
$ 2,000
4 Rime II (GBR) Mallory Claire  4: 1
$ 1,400
5 Elliot Ness II (CA) Andrew Nacario  5: 1
$ 400
6 T Prince II (FL) Dan Lindsay  6: 1 1/2
$ 0
7 Vector II (FL) Dave Shields  7: 1
$ 0
8 Shattered Silence (FL) Rayne Wyatt  8: 1 1/4
$ 0
9 Timberman II (MD) Emily Thompson  9: 1 1/4
$ 0
10 Pillars Of Rome II (KY) Maureen Starrs  10: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,800
Stars On High II I ch.g.2
Owner: Cleo Patra Breeder: Brianna McKenzie
Sire: Glitterman Dam: Above the Stars I
Stars On High II I - 1 Broke smoothly tucked in along rail moved willingly inside strongly late - Claimed by Nuber Cano in a 1-way shake
Speedster II - 2 Broke well urged along angled out gamely stretch
Pico Geek II - 3 Broke outwards rank mild bid inside tired late
Rime II - 4 Broke eagerly dueled down inside turn flattened out
Elliot Ness II - 5 Broke well taken back bid between horses flattened out
T Prince II - 6 Broke eagerly hard held early checked sharply dropped out
Vector II - 7 Broke well in good position early steadied even finish
Shattered Silence - 8 Sluggish start mid pack angled in no response late
Timberman II - 9 Broke smoothly behind rivals wide turn even finish
Pillars Of Rome II - 10 Broke a step slowly veered outside steadied flattened out



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