Horse 61309852560 (MS)
Retired Maiden Pensioned
gr.h.11 - 16.1
Marking: Blanket
Earnings: $0
Owner: Andrew Chillin
Breeder: Andrew Chillin
Location: Chocolate Cake Farm (MS)
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Hitch a Ride Dam: Marexlii  
Grand Sire: EC Jet One Dam Sire: Cant Be Caught Not for sale
Pedigree Chart
Ask the Bloodstock Agent
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Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Y59-Preseason Pensioned
Y59-Preseason Retired
Y59-Preseason Galloped
Y58-W12-D7 Galloped
Y58-W11-D6 Galloped
Y58-W8-D7 Galloped
Y58-Preseason Galloped
Y57-Break Bred by Andrew Davidson

Y57-Break Bred by Andrew Davidson


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