
Triple Crown Trail | My Trail | Standings | Schedule

Welcome to Triple Crown Trail!

This contest will test your knowledge of the SIM's top three-year-old prospects, as well as any up and coming stars! Select eight Triple Crown nominated horses and then sit back and cross your fingers as they compete for racing's greatest prize: The Triple Crown!

What are you competing for?

Tips for Playing

How do you succeed in Triple Crown Trail?

Other suggestions:

Triple Crown Trail Rules:

  1. Each game player can pick 8 horses in their Triple Crown Trail Stable. These are the horses that will earn them points until the game ends at the end of Week 9.
  2. One contest entry per SIM player. Creating new game stables for the purpose of adding new contest stables will result in disqualification of all of the player's stables.
  3. Sign Ups are open from the last week of Preseason through day 5 of week 1. After this date, no one will be allowed to add a stable or change their current stable of horses.
  4. You can add horses owned by any player in the game - they don't have to be horses owned by you.
  5. You may add fillies, however, no filly-only races are being scored.
  6. In the event of a tie, first and second place prizes will be added and divided in half, or first, second, and third place prizes will be added and divided by three.
What kind of races are scored? All scoring races are open three-year-old stakes at the distance of at least 1 mile. All scoring races are traditional American Triple Crown prep races run in North America as well as one race run in Dubai. All scoring races are run on dirt.

Have fun!

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