Horse 63190258140 (KS)
Maiden Deceased
dkb.m.9 - 15.1
Marking: Star/Snip
Quarter Horse
Earnings: $0
Breeder: Kent Saunders
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Eyes for Gold Dam: Stage Runner  
Grand Sire: Blast Off Dasher Dam Sire: Heza Dasha Fire Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-63 Week-16 Day-1 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-14 Day-5 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-12 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-10 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-7 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-63 Week-5 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-14 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-12 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-10 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-9 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-7 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-6 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-5 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-62 Week-4 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-61 Week-15 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-61 Week-14 Day-5 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-61 Week-13 Day-1 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-61 Week-10 Day-5 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-61 Week-7 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-61 Week-5 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-61 Week-2 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-13 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-9 Day-5 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-7 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-6 Day-6 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-4 Day-7 440 yards. Dirt.
Horse Flat
El Dorado A
Y65-Preseason Deceased
Y64-W16-D2 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y64-W16-D2 Retired
Y63-W8-D7 Galloped
Y63-W8-D7 Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' sure moves like a very nice horse! This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! 'Horse 63190258140' is your run of the mill racehorse that can probably handle a normal schedule.
Y62-W9-D7 Vet: Horse 63190258140 is currently totally healthy! You've got yourself a sharp horse here! Oh! I remember you asking about Horse 63190258140's teeth because of discomfort with the bit. I checked the teeth, no issues there. A tongue tie might solve your problem with the bit.
Y62-W9-D7 Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' is scared of her own shadow! Maybe a shadow roll would work? I think she needs one other piece of equipment too, but I don't think I can help you with that.
Y62-W8-D7 Galloped
Y62-W8-D7 Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' really wowed me today! This is at least an allowance horse with some stakes potential. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future!
Y62-W1-D6 Galloped
Y62-W1-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y61-W8-D7 Galloped
Y61-W8-D7 Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y61-W3-D6 Galloped
Y61-W3-D6 Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y61-Preseason Galloped
Y61-Preseason Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W15-D1 Galloped
Y60-W15-D1 Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W11-D6 Trained with stable pony Marion Marauder
Y60-W10-D6 Galloped
Y60-W10-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W8-D7 Galloped
Y60-W8-D7 Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W5-D6 Galloped
Y60-W5-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W3-D6 Jogged
Y60-W3-D6 Galloped
Y60-W3-D6 Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W3-D4 Schooled in the Paddock
Y60-W3-D4 Schooled in the Gate
Y60-W2-D4 Jogged
Y60-W2-D4 Galloped
Y60-W2-D4 Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W1-D7 Galloped
Y60-W1-D7 Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W1-D5 Jogged
Y60-W1-D5 Galloped
Y60-W1-D5 Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W1-D2 Galloped
Y60-W1-D2 Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-W1-D2 Worked on the Longe Line
Y60-Preseason Galloped
Y60-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 63190258140' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y60-Preseason Galloped
Y60-Preseason Trainer: Great mover! 'Horse 63190258140' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be a late bloomer. You should bring her along carefully.
Y59-W12-D5 Bred by Kent Saunders

Y64-W16-D2 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y59-W12-D5 Bred by Kent Saunders


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