Horse 63462306419 (WY)
Retired Maiden Pensioned - Rodeo Horse
sor.m.9 - 16.2
Marking: Blanket
Earnings: $0
Owner: Rochelle Bos
Breeder: Jack Meyer
Location: Kingswood East (TN)
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Eq Cab Etat Dam: Evil Queen Inferno  
Grand Sire: Count Cab Dam Sire: Wings of Inferno Not for sale
Pedigree Chart
Ask the Bloodstock Agent
HypoMate this Horse
Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-60 Week-7 Day-1 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-6 Day-1 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-5 Day-1 300 yards. Dirt.
Y62-Break Became a Rodeo Horse
Y62-Break Given to Rochelle Zahacy
Y62-Break Moved to Kingswood East via airplane
Y62-Break Pensioned
Y62-Break Retired
Y62-Break Sold at auction to Ms. Lady Claimer for $1
Y62-W8-D7 Galloped
Y62-Preseason Galloped
Y61-W9-D1 Galloped
Y61-Preseason Galloped
Y60-W2-D5 Galloped
Y60-Preseason Galloped
Y59-Break Bred for $35,000 Fee
Y59-Break Bred by Jack Meyer

Y62-Break Given to Rochelle Zahacy
Y62-Break Sold at auction to Ms. Lady Claimer for $1
Y59-Break Bred by Jack Meyer


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