Sunny Face Outlaw (TX)
Retired Pensioned - Stable Pony
pal.g.9 - 16.3
Marking: Stripe
Quarter Horse
Earnings: $16,900
Owner: Dave Trainer
Breeder: April Eddy
Location: Castlebrook Indiana (IN)

Total Points: 13
Dirt Points: 13
Stats: 3: 1-1-1
BSF: 91
Sire: Chrome Face Outlaw Dam: Sonny Side Up III  
Grand Sire: Dam Sire: Ive Been Impressed Not for sale
Pedigree Chart
Ask the Bloodstock Agent
Nominated to: None Companion Cat: Sunny 

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings
Year-62 Week-5 Day-3 Diversity Downs (MT) Condition: Fast. Race 37 - 550 yards. Dirt. Quarter Horse. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming. Claiming price $12,500. Purse $10,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:26.22 *,fe,sr Jockey: Marco Vargas
Cali Outlaw nck Blast Enough nck Sunny Face Outlaw nck Broke out good effort (10)
3 $1,100
Year-62 Week-3 Day-3 Sam Austin Park (TX) Condition: Fast. Race 7 - 400 yards. Dirt. Quarter Horse. 3 year olds. Colts and Geldings. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 0:19.07 *,fe,sr Jockey: Marco Vargas
Triple Header nck Sunny Face Outlaw 1/2 Flash Attack 1 3/4 Broke well rallied (4)
2 $3,300
Year-62 Week-1 Day-3 Diversity Downs (MT) Condition: Fast. Race 41 - 440 yards. Dirt. Quarter Horse. 3 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $25,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:20.53 *,fe,sr Jockey: Marco Vargas
Sunny Face Outlaw nck Whispering Winds ns Zac Nilsson Z nck Slow start up in time (10)
1 $12,500
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-61 Week-16 Day-3 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-61 Week-15 Day-5 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-14 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-13 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-12 Day-2 350 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-11 Day-1 400 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-10 Day-1 400 yards. Dirt.
Year-60 Week-9 Day-1 400 yards. Dirt.
Y62-Break Moved to Castlebrook Farm via airplane
Y62-Break Given to Dave Trainer
Y62-W7-D4 Became a Stable Pony
Y62-W7-D4 Pensioned
Y62-W7-D4 Retired
Y62-W5-D3 Moved to Madrona Ridge Farm via 1st class airplane
Y62-W5-D1 Moved to Diversity Downs via 1st class airplane
Y62-W3-D3 Moved to FLD Stables via 1st class van
Y62-W3-D1 Moved to Sam Austin Park via 1st class airplane
Y62-W1-D3 Moved to Madrona Ridge Farm via 1st class airplane
Y62-W1-D1 Moved to Diversity Downs via 1st class airplane
Y62-Preseason Jogged
Y62-Preseason Renamed Horse 63492318367 to Sunny Face Outlaw
Y62-Preseason Gelded
Y62-Preseason Jogged
Y62-Preseason Sold to Fern Thompson for $1
Y62-Preseason Galloped
Y61-W11-D4 Galloped
Y60-W4-D2 Trained with stable pony White Line Highway
Y60-W3-D2 Schooled in the Paddock
Y60-W3-D2 Schooled in the Gate
Y60-W2-D2 Worked on the Longe Line
Y60-Preseason Galloped
Y59-Break Bred by April Eddy

Y62-Break Given to Dave Trainer
Y62-Preseason Sold to Fern Thompson for $1
Y59-Break Bred by April Eddy


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