Snafu' (MD)
Maiden Deceased
b.m.6 - 17
Marking: Blaze
Earnings: $0
Breeder: James Elliott
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Dirt: 0: 0-0-0
Turf: 0: 0-0-0
AW: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Do It Again Dam: Watch Rust Away  
Grand Sire: Twice Over Dam Sire: The Watchtower Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Y64-Preseason Deceased
Y63-W7-D7 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y63-W7-D6 Galloped
Y63-W7-D6 Trainer: Great mover! 'Snafu'' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! 'Snafu'' is your run of the mill racehorse that can probably handle a normal schedule.
Y63-W6-D7 Galloped
Y63-W6-D7 Trainer: Great mover! 'Snafu'' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! 'Snafu'' is pretty timid. I'm not sure She has a truly winning spirit. We'll see.
Y63-W6-D2 Galloped
Y63-W6-D2 Trainer: Great mover! 'Snafu'' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! I wouldn't bother insuring 'Snafu'' right now, unless you're attached to the pedigree.
Y63-W5-D4 Galloped
Y63-W5-D4 Trainer: 'Snafu'' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! 'Snafu'' is pretty timid. I'm not sure She has a truly winning spirit. We'll see.
Y63-W4-D6 Galloped
Y63-W4-D6 Trainer: 'Snafu'' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! 'Snafu'' is your run of the mill racehorse that can probably handle a normal schedule.
Y63-W4-D2 Galloped
Y63-W4-D2 Trainer: Great mover! 'Snafu'' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! I wouldn't bother insuring 'Snafu'' right now, unless you're attached to the pedigree.
Y63-W3-D4 Galloped
Y63-W3-D4 Trainer: Great mover! 'Snafu'' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! I wouldn't bother insuring 'Snafu'' right now, unless you're attached to the pedigree.
Y63-W2-D3 Galloped
Y63-W2-D3 Trainer: 'Snafu'' moved easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! 'Snafu'' has shown she comes from the clouds and needs a pace to run at.
Y63-W1-D5 Galloped
Y63-W1-D5 Trainer: Great mover! 'Snafu'' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! 'Snafu'' has shown she comes from the clouds and needs a pace to run at.
Y63-W1-D1 Galloped
Y63-W1-D1 Trainer: Great mover! 'Snafu'' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! You can plan for 'Snafu'' to have a longer career if you want.
Y63-Preseason Galloped
Y63-Preseason Trainer: Great mover! 'Snafu'' should have a productive career. This horse looks to be about at their peak, but even I can’t always predict the future! You can plan for 'Snafu'' to have a longer career if you want.
Y62-W1-D5 Bred for $3,500 Fee
Y62-W1-D5 Bred by James Elliott

Y63-W7-D7 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y62-W1-D5 Bred by James Elliott


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