Southern Image (FL)
dkb.g.61 - 15.3
Marking: Star
Earnings: $0
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Dirt: 0: 0-0-0
Turf: 0: 0-0-0
AW: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Halo's Image Dam: Pleasant Dixie  
Grand Sire: Halo Dam Sire: Dixieland Band Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Offspring (Total Progeny Earnings: $426,150)
Name Type Dam Earnings Stats My Alerts
Avenged II dkb.g.53 Tacticmove $22,800 14: 1-2-3
Baja Breaker II gr.g.51 Island Fashion $11,890 15: 1-1-0
Behindtheclouds II bl.g.50 Tabula Rasa I $8,850 12: 1-0-0
Bel Air II b.m.53 Baby Love $17,590 13: 0-0-2
Capri II b.m.51 Thethoughtcounts $600 9: 0-0-0
Centaurus I ch.g.53 Battle Lark $144,350 20: 4-2-1
Cold Shot II b.g.52 Deaf to Thunder $47,450 16: 2-2-1
Either Way b.m.53 Morning Magic $0 4: 0-0-0
Eys Of The Lord II w.g.48 Hear You Me I $12,750 15: 0-1-4
Folktale II dkb.m.51 Parable I $3,450 6: 0-0-1
Gimmiegimmiegimmie dkb.g.51 Forever Sport $13,650 14: 0-1-3
Image Of God II gr.m.51 Otherwordly $10,290 19: 0-0-3
Lost In The Plot I b.m.52 Hollywood Story $14,110 10: 1-1-1
Mina Kishi dkb.m.53 Goodnite Starlite $40,640 16: 2-1-2
Moon Eyes II b.m.52 Vanity I $3,940 11: 0-0-0
Morpheus II dkb.g.53 Dreamin' Again $6,970 16: 0-2-0
No Photographs II dkb.m.52 None To Be Found $3,040 9: 0-0-0
Place Your Ad Here ch.m.53 Adhere I $1,600 7: 0-0-1
Reflect Over II b.m.47 Catch II $0 3: 0-0-0
Sobo II gr.g.50 Bobo I $1,880 5: 0-0-0
Sojiro II dkb.g.48 Coin for Charon $30,250 16: 1-2-1
Sombre II gr.m.50 TearsForFearsI I $6,000 9: 1-0-0
Southern Heritage b.m.49 Vee Eight I $700 9: 0-0-0
Southern Roots II dkb.m.47 Our Intention $0 3: 0-0-0
Southern Secret II dkb.m.50 Unheard Secret II $4,400 3: 0-1-0
Try to Believe ch.m.53 Danzig Lives On $18,950 7: 1-0-3
Y22-W12-D6 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y22-W12-D6 Gelded
Y21-W15-D7 Pensioned
Y21-W15-D7 Found to have declining fertility.
Y19-W1-D3 Given to Roni Thomas
Owned by Dave Shields
Y22-W12-D6 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y19-W1-D3 Given to Roni Thomas


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