Dome Noise (KY)
ch.g.40 - 16.3
Marking: Blaze
Earnings: $33,770
Breeder: Jon Xett
Total Points: 38
Turf Points: 38
Stats: 20: 2-3-5
Dirt: 0: 0-0-0
Turf: 20: 2-3-5
AW: 0: 0-0-0
BSF: 67
Sire: Applause Ascending Dam: Warm  
Grand Sire: Domedriver Dam Sire: Special Week Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-34 Week-6 Day-4 Penny Pincher Park (AK) Condition: Firm. Race 22 - 6 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming NW3 Lifetime. Claiming price $5,000. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:10.92 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Bauer Bank 1 Get Down N Boogie 1 Bob the Builder 1 Broke well held behind rivals wide off turn late interest (12)
9 $0  
Year-34 Week-4 Day-4 Penny Pincher Park (AK) Condition: Firm. Race 17 - 6 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 4 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming NW4 Lifetime. Claiming price $5,000. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:10.63 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Laser 1 1/2 Ram 1 Express Bet 1 Broke quickly taken behind rivals wide off turn no rally (12)
12 $0  
Year-34 Week-2 Day-1 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Good. Race 13 - 5 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 4 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming. Claiming price $25,000. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:04.72 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Faboosh 1 Marty Stewart 1 Strictly Business 1 Away alertly lagged early shifted out turn lugged out (12)
9 $0  
Year-33 Week-16 Day-1 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 17 - 5 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming NW3 Lifetime. Claiming price $25,000. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:05.00 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Ascending Star 1 Dome Noise 1 Silent Craft 1 Broke well settled angled in gamely stretch (7)
2 $2,640  
Year-33 Week-14 Day-1 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 3 - 5 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming. Claiming price $20,000. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:59.37 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Bronc Buster 1 Betterest 2 Dome Noise 1 Broke inwards between rivals early angled out willingly stretch (11)
3 $1,200  
Year-33 Week-12 Day-1 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 13 - 4 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming. Claiming price $15,000. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:52.67 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Straight to God 1 3/4 Hydraulic 1 Saint Gabriel 1 1/4 Broke inwards taken back angled in evenly (12)
10 $0  
Year-33 Week-10 Day-1 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 7 - 6 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming. Claiming price $45,000. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:10.65 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Victory Note 1 1/2 Aygo 1 Right Stars 1 Broke outwards taken back moved inside flattened out (12)
11 $0  
Year-33 Week-8 Day-1 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 7 - 5 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming NW3 Lifetime. Claiming price $32,000. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:59.33 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Extreme Marksman 1 Disaster Zone 1 1/4 Downstage 2 3/4 Sluggish start settled outside rivals moved between horses evenly (6)
4 $1,050  
Year-33 Week-3 Day-1 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 5 - 6 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 4 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Claiming. Claiming price $32,000. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:13.95 b,em Jockey: Lance Frost
Muy Alto 1 Saintly Storm 1 Adjust the Justice 1 1/2 Broke outwards steadied behind horses wide off turn flattened out (12)
12 $0  
Year-32 Week-7 Day-5 Hong Kong Racecourse (HKG) Condition: Yielding. Race 3 - 6 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 4 year olds and up. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:10.79 b,em Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Ready for Bed 1 3/4 Powelton Village 1 Dome Noise 1 Stumbled start settled outside rivals on rail turn gamely stretch (7)
3 $1,500  
Year-32 Week-5 Day-5 Hong Kong Racecourse (HKG) Condition: Soft. Race 9 - 5 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 4 year olds and up. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $12,000 (20 points) Finish Time 0:59.13 b,em Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Adjust the Night 3 1/4 Skittishly 1 1/2 Sleepy Soul 2 Broke well settled outside rivals moved between horses gave way (7)
5 $240  
Year-32 Week-2 Day-5 Hong Kong Racecourse (HKG) Condition: Yielding. Race 6 - 5 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 4 year olds and up. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $25,000 (20 points) Finish Time 0:59.32 b,em Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Boom Goes the Gate 1 3/4 Just the Best 2 Dome Noise 1 3/4 Broke well steadied urged along willingly stretch (8)
3 $2,500  
Year-31 Week-15 Day-5 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 7 - 5 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $12,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:04.53 b,em Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Backslash 1 A Silent Witness 2 1/2 Kona Coast 1 1/2 Broke well held behind rivals moved between horses flattened out (11)
8 $0  
Year-31 Week-12 Day-5 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 7 - 5 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. NW2 Lifetime. Purse $15,000 (20 points) Finish Time 1:04.97 b,em Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Dome Noise 1 Flat Out Fast 1 1/4 Risky Guitar 1 Broke well tucked in on rail turn willingly to wire (8)
1 $7,500  
Year-31 Week-10 Day-5 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 11 - 6 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:11.26 b,em Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Dome Noise 1 Saint Or Sinner 2 Freakin 1 Fell to knees at start mid pack angled out strongly to wire (7)
1 $7,500  
Year-31 Week-6 Day-5 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 8 - 5 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds and up. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:04.89 em Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Nightfall 1 1/4 Dome Noise 1 Gray Love 2 1/2 Broke quickly between rivals early wide turn willingly stretch (6)
2 $3,300  
Year-31 Week-3 Day-5 Dashing Downs (KS) Condition: Firm. Race 4 - 5 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:58.96 fe,sr Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
A Perfect Kiss 3 3/4 Nightfall 2 1/4 Need Light 2 Broke quickly steadied behind horses wide turn flattened out (12)
8 $0  
Year-30 Week-16 Day-5 Child's Play Park (CAN) Condition: Firm. Race 6 - 6 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:10.86 fe,sr Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Fishtown 3 Dome Noise 1 The Coon 1 Broke well lagged early on rail turn willingly stretch (12)
2 $2,640  
Year-30 Week-13 Day-5 Adolescent Acres (CA) Condition: Firm. Race 17 - 6 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. "Need A Turf Sprint." Sponsored by Bryan Helmer. 2 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $25,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:10.69 em,fe Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
Settled in the Red 2 1/4 Feelyourheartbeat 1 Dome Noise 1 1/4 Broke inwards steadied moved inside willingly stretch (10)
3 $2,500  
Year-30 Week-5 Day-5 Adolescent Acres (CA) Condition: Firm. Race 7 - 6 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:10.93 em Jockey: Carlos Gonzales
St Nic 1 Mini Horse 1 1/2 Dome Noise 1 Broke well held behind rivals angled in gamely stretch (12)
3 $1,200  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-30 Week-1 Day-3 4 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-29 Week-12 Day-5 3 furlongs. Turf.
Year-29 Week-8 Day-5 3 furlongs. Turf.
Year-29 Week-6 Day-1 2 furlongs. Turf.
Y34-W6-D4 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y34-W4-D1 Moved to Penny Pincher Park
Y34-W2-D2 Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y34-W1-D5 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y33-Break Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y33-W15-D5 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y33-W14-D3 Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y33-W11-D5 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y33-W10-D6 Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y33-W9-D5 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y33-W8-D2 Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y33-W7-D1 Galloped
Y33-W7-D1 Trainer: 'Dome Noise' had a nice gallop this morning, but it's hard to tell how good he will be as a racehorse.
Y33-W5-D6 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y33-W3-D3 Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y33-W2-D5 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y32-Break Gelded
Y32-W16-D4 Sold to Lane Eddy for $100
Y32-W7-D6 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y32-W7-D5 Moved to A Happy Appy Farm
Y32-W4-D7 Moved to Hong Kong Racecourse
Y32-W2-D5 Moved to A Happy Appy Farm
Y32-W1-D7 Moved to Hong Kong Racecourse
Y32-Preseason Moved to Bamboo Farm
Y32-Preseason Galloped
Y32-Preseason Trainer: 'Dome Noise' had a nice gallop this morning, but it's hard to tell how good he will be as a racehorse.
Y31-W15-D5 Moved to Rapid Gray Farms
Y31-W14-D7 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y31-W12-D5 Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y31-W9-D7 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y31-W6-D5 Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y31-W5-D7 Moved to Dashing Downs
Y31-W4-D1 Moved to A Bar, Great Farm
Y30-Break Moved to Dashing Downs
Y30-W16-D5 Moved to Rapid Gray Farms
Y30-W15-D7 Moved to Child's Play Park
Y30-W13-D6 Moved to California Connections
Y30-W12-D4 Moved to Adolescent Acres
Y30-W5-D5 Moved to California Connections
Y30-W4-D7 Moved to Adolescent Acres
Y30-Preseason Galloped
Y29-W2-D3 Renamed
Y29-W2-D3 Renamed
Y29-W2-D3 Galloped
Y28-W16-D1 Bred by Jon Xett

Y34-W6-D4 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y32-W16-D4 Sold to Lane Eddy for $100
Y32-W7-D6 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y28-W16-D1 Bred by Jon Xett


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