Chilli Soup (LA)
Maiden Deceased
dkb.m.34 - 16.1
Marking: Star
Earnings: $0
Breeder: Anthony Newman
Stats: 3: 0-0-0
Dirt: 3: 0-0-0
Turf: 0: 0-0-0
AW: 0: 0-0-0
BSF: 49
Sire: American Fireworks Dam: Buckwheat Soup  
Grand Sire: American Baby Dam Sire: World Is Watching Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-37 Week-1 Day-1 Puerto Rico Raceway (PRI) Condition: Fast. Race 6 - 1 mile. Dirt. Thoroughbred. 3 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $8,500 (10 points) Finish Time 1:37.78 b,hb Jockey: Alana Sanford
Queen of Fires 1 1/4 Shadow Shapes 1 1/2 Clenched Mask 1 Broke well held in mid pack angled out evenly (12)
7 $0  
Year-36 Week-14 Day-1 Trinidad Racecourse (TTO) Condition: Sloppy. Race 3 - 1 mile. Dirt. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $15,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:37.62 b,hb Jockey: Alana Sanford
Airburst 2 Shadow Shapes 1 1/4 Pyrotechnic Past 1 Broke smoothly from gate reserved between horses fanned out no kick (12)
11 $0  
Year-36 Week-10 Day-1 Hipodromo Venezuela (VEN) Condition: Fast. Race 11 - 1 mile. Dirt. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $20,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:37.66 b,hb Jockey: Alana Sanford
Eop 1 I'llnevabeleft 1 Pyro Glimpse 1 Broke well taken behind rivals split rivals hung (11)
10 $0  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-35 Week-15 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-14 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-13 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-12 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-11 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-9 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-8 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-7 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-6 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Year-35 Week-5 Day-1 5 furlongs. Dirt.
Y37-W4-D6 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y37-W1-D2 Moved to Badlands Farm
Y37-Preseason Moved to Puerto Rico Raceway
Y36-W14-D1 Moved to Badlands Farm
Y36-W13-D7 Moved to Trinidad Racecourse
Y36-W10-D1 Moved to Badlands Farm
Y36-W9-D2 Moved to Hipodromo Venezuela
Y36-W1-D2 Renamed Horse 1358143762 to Chilli Soup
Y35-W9-D6 Galloped
Y35-W9-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 1358143762's' gallop looked okay, but I hope to see improvement next out.
Y35-W2-D5 Schooled in the Gate
Y35-W1-D2 Walked the Shedrow
Y35-Preseason Galloped
Y35-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1358143762' had a nice gallop this morning, but it's hard to tell how good she will be as a racehorse. Horse 1358143762 is always looking around on the track. Blinkers would be a good solution.
Y35-Preseason Galloped
Y35-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1358143762's' gallop looked okay, but I hope to see improvement next out.
Y34-W15-D7 Bred by Josh Mann

Y37-W4-D6 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y34-W15-D7 Bred by Josh Mann


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