Stellar Ride (MN)
Maiden Deceased
rro.g.32 - 15.2
Marking: Blaze
Earnings: $200
Breeder: Lee Key Shipyard
Stats: 3: 0-0-0
BSF: 64
Sire: Pontiac Chieftain Dam: Hoedown Dance  
Grand Sire: Red Dominica Dam Sire: HillbillyHoedown I Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-38 Week-11 Day-3 Dakota Downs (ND) Condition: Fast. Race 29 - 350 yards. Dirt. Paint. 2 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Claiming. Claiming price $10,000. Purse $10,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:18.09 b,hb Jockey: Amber Fox
Pepperoni nck Italian Blue Eyes ns Quiver Hollis nck Broke in drifted out (7)
5 $200  
Year-38 Week-8 Day-3 Mixed Up Downs (WI) Condition: Good. Race 26 - 300 yards. Dirt. Paint. 2 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Claiming NW3 Lifetime. Claiming price $8,000. Purse $10,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:17.40 b,em Jockey: Amber Fox
Honorable Hero 1/2 Silver M Bow ns Fifth of Jack nck Broke quickly outkicked (12)
8 $0  
Year-38 Week-5 Day-3 Diversity Downs (MT) Condition: Fast. Race 36 - 300 yards. Dirt. Paint. 2 year olds. Colts and Geldings. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:17.28 b,l Jockey: John Smith
Mountain Charmer hd Flying Debris nck Saulis hd Broke quickly lacked response (12)
11 $0  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-38 Week-4 Day-2 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-38 Week-3 Day-2 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-38 Week-2 Day-2 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-38 Week-1 Day-2 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-16 Day-1 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-15 Day-1 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-14 Day-1 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-13 Day-1 300 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-11 Day-1 300 yards. Dirt.
Y38-W12-D1 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y38-W10-D7 Moved to Dakota Downs
Y38-W8-D3 Moved to Journey's End Farms
Y38-W7-D7 Moved to Mixed Up Downs
Y38-W6-D5 Gelded
Y38-W5-D3 Moved to Bitter Root Farm
Y38-W4-D7 Moved to Diversity Downs
Y38-W4-D1 Renamed Horse 1379973336 to Stellar Ride
Y37-W14-D6 Vet: Looks like He is currently sound. This horse isn't even a little bit tired.
Y37-W14-D6 Vet: Your horse's legs look fine for now. This horse is ready to race!
Y37-W14-D5 Vet: He seems A-okay to me. This horse is ready to race!
Y37-W14-D5 Vet: He is currently totally sound! This horse is at its peak, it would seem, energy wise, so go ahead and race it!
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: No current soundness issues that I can see. This horse should run well but I'd expect a tired horse after the race.
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: Looks like He is currently sound. This horse should run well but I'd expect a tired horse after the race.
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: He is currently totally sound! This horse can run in a few days but I don't think it's at its peak, you know?
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: There are currently no physical problems that I can see. This horse should be okay, but if the race were today, it won't run the best race of its career, okay?
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: There are currently no physical problems that I can see. This horse seems a little sluggish to me.
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: Looks like He is currently sound. This horse should run well but I'd expect a tired horse after the race.
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: I don't see anything going on with this horse's legs right now. I'd avoid too much shipping with this horse right now, it seems kind of tired.
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: There are currently no physical problems that I can see. I'd avoid too much shipping with this horse right now, it seems kind of tired.
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: He seems to be walking fine. This horse can run in a few days but I don't think it's at its peak, you know?
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: He is currently totally sound! This horse should run well but I'd expect a tired horse after the race.
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: I don't see anything going on with this horse's legs right now. I'd avoid too much shipping with this horse right now, it seems kind of tired.
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: Your horse's legs look fine for now. This horse should be okay, but if the race were today, it won't run the best race of its career, okay?
Y37-W13-D7 Vet: He seems A-okay to me. This horse should run well but I'd expect a tired horse after the race.
Y37-W13-D6 Vet: He seems to be pretty fit. This horse is at its peak, it would seem, energy wise, so go ahead and race it!
Y37-W2-D7 Galloped
Y37-W2-D7 Trainer: Great gallop! 'Horse 1379973336' should have a productive career.
Y37-W1-D7 Galloped
Y37-W1-D7 Trainer: Great gallop! 'Horse 1379973336' should have a productive career. Horse 1379973336 is always looking around on the track. Blinkers would be a good solution.
Y37-Preseason Galloped
Y37-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1379973336' galloped around the track as if he had wings! A very fluid and easy gallop, he caught the eye of all the other trainers! Horse 1379973336 is always looking around on the track. Blinkers would be a good solution.
Y36-W15-D1 Bred by Lee Key Shipyard
Y38-W12-D1 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y36-W15-D1 Bred by Lee Key Shipyard


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