Smile So Big (CA)
gru.m.32 - 16.2
Marking: Bald Face
Quarter Horse
Earnings: $16,900
Breeder: Landon Alexander
Total Points: 21
Dirt Points: 21
Stats: 4: 1-1-2
BSF: 77
Sire: Rocky Top Dam: Do It With a Smile  
Grand Sire: Deroyal Point Dam Sire: Sunny Attitude Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-41 Week-10 Day-3 Aksarben Park (NE) Condition: Fast. Race 25 - 870 yards. Dirt. Quarter Horse. 3 year olds and up. Fillies and Mares. NW3 Lifetime. Purse $10,000 (20 points) Finish Time 0:45.73 b,fb Jockey: Jocelyn Shepard
Laughoutloud 1/2 Smile So Big 1 Odd Girl Out 3/4 Awkward start drifted out (5)
2 $2,200  
Year-40 Week-4 Day-3 Ruidoso Raceway (NM) Condition: Fast. Race 49 - 870 yards. Dirt. Quarter Horse. "Sovereign 1." Sponsored by Landon Alexander. SIMperior Players Only. 4 year olds and up. Fillies and Mares. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $25,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:45.86 b,fb Jockey: Henry Washington
Smile So Big ns Wolf Dashin 1 1/2 Baby B Blues 1/2 Broke well exploded (6)
1 $12,500  
Year-39 Week-10 Day-3 Aksarben Park (NE) Condition: Good. Race 24 - 870 yards. Dirt. Quarter Horse. 3 year olds and up. Fillies and Mares. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $10,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:45.90 fb Jockey: Henry Washington
Driven Lady 2 1/4 Eye the Prize 1/2 Smile So Big 6 Broke quickly solid effort (5)
3 $1,000  
Year-39 Week-2 Day-3 Different Color Park (MT) Condition: Fast. Race 1 - 870 yards. Dirt. Quarter Horse. 3 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $12,000 (40 points) Finish Time 0:45.76 fb Jockey: Henry Washington
Drive the Pack nck All Hallow's Eve 3/4 Smile So Big 2 Broke quickly drifted in (9)
3 $1,200  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-38 Week-11 Day-3 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-15 Day-2 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-10 Day-3 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-6 Day-3 440 yards. Dirt.
Year-37 Week-5 Day-1 440 yards. Dirt.
Offspring (Total Progeny Earnings: $0)
Name Type Sire Earnings Stats My Alerts
Horse 1479487231 gru.h.23 Paradise Gold $0 0: 0-0-0
Y45-W14-D5 Retired
Y43-W8-D6 Galloped
Y43-W8-D6 Trainer: Right now, 'Smile So Big' looks like a claimer, but don't despair because they are a solid source of income, and can always improve with racing experience!
Y41-W10-D3 Moved to Sovereign Meadows
Y41-W10-D2 Moved to Aksarben Park
Y41-W7-D1 Galloped
Y41-W7-D1 Trainer: 'Smile So Big' sure moves like a very nice horse!
Y40-W4-D4 Moved to Sovereign Meadows
Y40-W3-D6 Moved to Ruidoso Raceway
Y39-W10-D4 Moved to Sovereign Meadows
Y39-W9-D6 Moved to Aksarben Park
Y39-W2-D4 Moved to Sovereign Meadows
Y39-W1-D6 Moved to Different Color Park
Y38-W11-D1 Renamed Horse 1381457107 to Smile So Big
Y38-W11-D1 Trainer: Horse 1381457107's forelegs were pretty hot after that last gallop. To avoid injury, you should add bandages. I think she needs one other piece of equipment too, but I will have to observe this horse in training to try to figure it out.
Y38-W11-D1 Galloped
Y38-W11-D1 Trainer: 'Horse 1381457107' sure moves like a stakes horse!
Y38-Preseason Galloped
Y38-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1381457107' really wowed me out there, it is very rare to see a horse like this!
Y37-W3-D5 Galloped
Y37-W3-D5 Trainer: 'Horse 1381457107' sure moves like a stakes horse!
Y37-W1-D4 Galloped
Y37-W1-D4 Trainer: 'Horse 1381457107' really wowed me out there, it is very rare to see a horse like this!
Y37-Preseason Moved to Sovereign Meadows
Y37-Preseason Galloped
Y37-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1381457107' sure moves like a stakes horse!
Y36-Break Bred by Landon Alexander
Y36-Break Bred by Landon Alexander


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