Enterinsmallraces (CA)
Maiden Deceased
ch.g.27 - 16.3
Marking: Blaze
Quarter Horse
Earnings: $1,000
Breeder: Landon Alexander
Total Points: 2
Dirt Points: 2
Stats: 1: 0-0-1
BSF: 49
Sire: Flash Gold Bars Dam: Secret Cash  
Grand Sire: Flash Fast Dam Sire: Jack and Coke Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-45 Week-15 Day-3 Los Angelitos (CA) Condition: Fast. Race 4 - 870 yards. Dirt. Quarter Horse. 3 year olds and up. Maiden Special Weight. Purse $10,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:46.74 Jockey: Aaron Clifton
Youngwildandfree 6 3/4 Cigar Fire ns Enterinsmallraces 1 3/4 Broke well steady effort (5)
3 $1,000  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-44 Week-1 Day-1 350 yards. Dirt.
Y45-W16-D2 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y45-W15-D3 Moved to Peyto California
Y45-W15-D1 Moved to Los Angelitos
Y45-W15-D1 Renamed Horse 1436451111 to Enterinsmallraces
Y45-W15-D1 Gelded
Y45-W15-D1 Sold to Lily Wilkins for $1,000
Y42-W14-D6 Galloped
Y42-W14-D6 Trainer: Great gallop! 'Horse 1436451111' should have a productive career.
Y42-Preseason Galloped
Y42-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1436451111' galloped around the track easily! I hope he isn't a morning glory.
Y41-W16-D4 Bred by Landon Alexander
Y45-W16-D2 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y45-W15-D1 Sold to Lily Wilkins for $1,000
Y41-W16-D4 Bred by Landon Alexander


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