Horse 1447780694 (PA)
Maiden Deceased
ch.h.26 - 16.2
Marking: Star
Earnings: $0
Breeder: Patrick O'Malley
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Diamonds Shared Dam: Teit  
Grand Sire: Diamonds and Gold Dam Sire: Will Be Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-48 Week-6 Day-5 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-48 Week-5 Day-5 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-48 Week-4 Day-5 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-47 Week-6 Day-7 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-47 Week-1 Day-4 1 mile. Dirt.
Year-43 Week-16 Day-5 1 mile. Dirt.
Y55-Preseason Deceased
Y54-W11-D1 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y52-Preseason Pensioned
Y52-Preseason Retired
Y51-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y51-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' sure moves like an allowance horse with stakes potential!
Y50-W9-D5 Trained Under Harness
Y50-W9-D5 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' sure moves like an allowance horse with stakes potential!
Y50-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y50-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' wowed me out there, it is rare to see a horse like this!
Y48-Preseason Jogged
Y48-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y48-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is a very special animal.
Y48-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y48-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' sure moves like a stakes horse!
Y47-W6-D7 Trained Under Harness
Y47-W6-D7 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is very unfit and needs more training.
Y47-W1-D4 Trained Under Harness
Y47-W1-D4 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what he's able to do.
Y47-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y47-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is very unfit and needs more training.
Y47-Preseason Walked the Shedrow
Y47-Preseason Jogged
Y47-Preseason Swam in Pool
Y47-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y47-Preseason Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is very unfit and needs more training.
Y46-W4-D2 Trained Under Harness
Y46-W4-D2 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what he's able to do.
Y46-W4-D1 Trained Under Harness
Y46-W4-D1 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is very unfit and needs more training.
Y46-W3-D7 Trained Under Harness
Y46-W3-D7 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is very unfit and needs more training.
Y46-W3-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y46-W3-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is very unfit and needs more training.
Y44-W12-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W12-D6 Trainer: This horse is scary good.
Y44-W12-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W12-D6 Trainer: This horse is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what he's able to do.
Y44-W12-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W12-D6 Trainer: This horse is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what he's able to do.
Y44-W12-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W12-D6 Trainer: This horse is very unfit and needs more training.
Y44-W12-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W12-D6 Trainer: This horse is very unfit and needs more training.
Y44-W12-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W12-D6 Trainer: This horse is very unfit and needs more training.
Y44-W2-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W2-D6 Trainer: This horse is scary good.
Y44-W2-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W2-D6 Trainer: This horse is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what he's able to do.
Y44-W2-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y44-W2-D6 Trainer: This horse is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what he's able to do.
Y44-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y44-Preseason Trainer: This horse is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what he's able to do.
Y44-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y44-Preseason Trainer: This horse is very green and needs more training.
Y44-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y44-Preseason Trainer: This horse is very green and needs more training.
Y44-Preseason Vet: He is an average horse with typical legs. There's no extra risk of injury here. This horse is pretty sturdy and can withstand a regular training regimen.
Y43-W16-D4 Trained Under Harness
Y43-W16-D4 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is a very special animal.
Y43-W8-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y43-W8-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is a very special animal.
Y43-W8-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y43-W8-D6 Trainer: This horse is scary good.
Y43-W8-D6 Trained Under Harness
Y43-W8-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 1447780694' is a very special animal.
Y43-Preseason Trained Under Harness
Y43-Preseason Trainer: This horse is scary good.
Y42-Break Bred by Patrick O'Malley
Y54-W11-D1 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y42-Break Bred by Patrick O'Malley


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