Just Don't Say It (KS)
Maiden Deceased
dkb.m.24 - 15.3
Marking: No Marking
Earnings: $1,640
Breeder: Brandon McNulty
Total Points: 2
Turf Points: 2
Stats: 3: 0-0-1
Dirt: 0: 0-0-0
Turf: 3: 0-0-1
AW: 0: 0-0-0
BSF: 68
Sire: Doesit Need Saying Dam: Patronize I  
Grand Sire: Typhoon Bay Dam Sire: Give No Ground Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
Year-46 Week-9 Day-2 Last Resort Park (AK) Condition: Firm. Race 26 - 7 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Claiming. Claiming price $50,000. Purse $10,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:24.02 sr,tt Jockey: Autumn Everett
Drawn to the Edge 1 1/2 Sonic Sis 1 Skygazer 1 Broke well rushed up angled out no response late (9)
5 $200  
Year-46 Week-6 Day-2 Last Resort Park (AK) Condition: Firm. Race 14 - 6 1/2 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Claiming. Claiming price $50,000. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 1:13.68 sr,tt Jockey: Autumn Everett
Amitaf 1 1/2 Heartily 1 Just Don't Say It 1 Away well forced pace saved ground third best (11)
3 $1,200  
Year-46 Week-3 Day-4 Last Resort Park (AK) Condition: Firm. Race 11 - 5 furlongs. Turf. Thoroughbred. 2 year olds. Fillies. Maiden Claiming. Claiming price $50,000. Purse $12,000 (10 points) Finish Time 0:58.68 sr,tt Jockey: Autumn Everett
Muhaiet 2 Amitaf 1 1/2 Hand of Shiva 1 Broke quickly dueled altered course turn was not a threat (12)
5 $240  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Year-45 Week-15 Day-7 3 furlongs. Turf.
Year-45 Week-11 Day-6 3 furlongs. Turf.
Year-45 Week-9 Day-5 3 furlongs. Turf.
Year-45 Week-8 Day-7 3 furlongs. Turf.
Year-45 Week-7 Day-5 3 furlongs. Turf.
Year-45 Week-5 Day-7 3 furlongs. Turf.
Y46-W13-D5 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y46-W10-D5 Moved to Who Dat Farm
Y46-W10-D5 Pensioned
Y46-W10-D5 Sold to Jack Meyer for $10,000
Y46-W9-D5 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y46-W9-D5 Agent: 'Just Don't Say It' should be a good broodmare, the kind that could surprise you with a nice runner once in a while. Unfortunately, 'Just Don't Say It' probably won't produce a very good steeplechaser.
Y46-W9-D5 Retired
Y46-W9-D2 Moved to Green Flash
Y46-W8-D6 Moved to Last Resort Park
Y46-W6-D4 Moved to Green Flash
Y46-W5-D6 Moved to Last Resort Park
Y46-W3-D4 Moved to Green Flash
Y46-W3-D1 Moved to Last Resort Park
Y46-W2-D6 Renamed Horse 1467858466 to Just Don't Say It
Y46-W2-D2 Trainer: 'Horse 1467858466' runs with her head up high, I'd try a shadow roll. I think she needs one other piece of equipment too, but I don't think I can help you with that.
Y46-Preseason Moved to Alaskan Vacation Resort
Y46-Preseason Galloped
Y46-Preseason Trainer: Great gallop! 'Horse 1467858466' should have a productive career.
Y45-W3-D2 Vet: Your horse's legs look fine for now. This horse should be okay, but if the race were today, it won't run the best race of its career, okay? Oh! I remember you asking about Horse 1467858466's teeth because of discomfort with the bit. I checked the teeth, no issues there. A tongue tie might solve your problem with the bit.
Y45-W3-D2 Galloped
Y45-W3-D2 Trainer: Great gallop! 'Horse 1467858466' should have a productive career.
Y45-W2-D3 Galloped
Y45-W2-D3 Trainer: 'Horse 1467858466' galloped around the track easily! I hope she isn't a morning glory.
Y45-W1-D4 Galloped
Y45-W1-D4 Trainer: Great gallop! 'Horse 1467858466' should have a productive career.
Y45-Preseason Galloped
Y45-Preseason Trainer: Great gallop! 'Horse 1467858466' should have a productive career.
Y45-Preseason Swam in Pool
Y45-Preseason Walked the Shedrow
Y45-Preseason Schooled in the Paddock
Y45-Preseason Schooled in the Gate
Y45-Preseason Jogged
Y45-Preseason Worked on the Longe Line
Y45-Preseason Schooled in the Paddock
Y45-Preseason Schooled in the Gate
Y45-Preseason Worked on the Longe Line
Y45-Preseason Galloped
Y45-Preseason Trainer: This horse is very unfit and needs more training.
Y45-Preseason Swam in Pool
Y45-Preseason Jogged
Y45-Preseason Walked the Shedrow
Y44-W13-D3 Bred for $25,000 Fee
Y44-W13-D3 Bred by Brandon McNulty
Y46-W13-D5 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y46-W10-D5 Sold to Jack Meyer for $10,000
Y46-W9-D5 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y44-W13-D3 Bred by Brandon McNulty


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