Not Worth It Ok (KY)
Maiden Deceased
b.m.27 - 16.1
Marking: Blaze
Earnings: $0
Breeder: Garylynn Farms
Stats: 0: 0-0-0
Dirt: 0: 0-0-0
Turf: 0: 0-0-0
AW: 0: 0-0-0
Sire: Synthetic Speed Dam:  
Grand Sire: Dam Sire: Not for sale
Pedigree Chart Nominated to: None  

Simmy Awards Won: None

Race Information Finish Earnings  
SIM Date Distance Equipment Time
Offspring (Total Progeny Earnings: $0)
Name Type Sire Earnings Stats My Alerts
Horse 1473938649 b.g.23 New Plane $0 0: 0-0-0
Horse Flat Steeplechaser
Rabbit Habit B- B
Snowflake B- B-
Y45-W5-D4 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y45-W4-D4 Renamed Horse 1472903201 to Not Worth It Ok
Y45-W4-D4 Retired
Y45-W4-D4 Galloped
Y45-W4-D4 Trainer: Right now, 'Horse 1472903201' looks like a claimer, but don't despair because they are a solid source of income, and can always improve with racing experience!
Y45-W4-D3 Moved to A Rock And A Hard Place Farm
Y45-W3-D7 Galloped
Y45-W3-D7 Trainer: 'Horse 1472903201' is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what she's able to do.
Y45-W3-D7 Swam in Pool
Y45-W3-D7 Jogged
Y45-W3-D6 Galloped
Y45-W3-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 1472903201' is training well. If you keep up the good work, I'll be ready to show you what she's able to do.
Y45-W3-D6 Swam in Pool
Y45-W3-D6 Walked the Shedrow
Y45-W3-D6 Schooled in the Paddock
Y45-W3-D6 Schooled in the Gate
Y45-W3-D6 Jogged
Y45-W3-D6 Trained to Jump
Y45-W3-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 1472903201' handled the jumps with confidence! Trying steeplechasing is a great idea.
Y45-W3-D6 Trainer: 'Horse 1472903201' bears out on the turn, I'd add blinkers to help keep her running straight. I think she needs one other piece of equipment too, but I will have to observe this horse in training to try to figure it out.
Y45-W3-D6 Created by Garylynn Farms
Y45-W5-D4 Given to Alexandra Jaysman
Y45-W3-D6 Created by Garylynn Farms


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