
5 furlongs. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $15,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Breathes At Night (TX) Lucas Davenport Aaron Williams 4 3: hd 4: 1 2: hd  1: 2 1/4
$ 7,500
2 The Devil Whispers I (FL) Sherry Crow Aaron Fox 2 1: ns 1: 3/4 1: 1  2: 1 3/4
$ 3,300
3 Shingnado (FL) Chris Barber Adam Downing 3 2: 1 3/4 2: 3 1/2 3: 2  3: 1
$ 1,500
4 The Perfectionist (FL) Kath Sylvia Sarah Cooper 5 4: 3/4 3: ns 4: 2  4: 1
$ 1,050
5 Bizzar Domaine (FL) Masaya Stable Mark Hunter 1 8: 1 7: 1/2 6: 1  5: 1 1/2
$ 300
6 Waynes World (HI) Lee Tuttle Howie Andersen 8 6: 3/4 5: 3/4 5: 1/2  6: 2 1/4
$ 0
7 Walk Off Today (CA) George Knatz Ashley Mayes 7 5: ns 6: 1 7: 1 3/4  7: 1 1/4
$ 0
8 St Hennessey (HI) Glenn Escobar Jose Altuve 9 9: -- 9: -- 9: --  8: 1 1/4
$ 0
9 Proven Bourbon (CA) Polk Buffalo Brian Winter 6 7: nck 8: 1 3/4 8: 3/4  9: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,350
Breathes At Night ch.g.3
Owner: Lucas Davenport Breeder: Xander Zone
Sire: He Breathes Fire Dam: Game Night II
Breathes At Night - 1 Broke quickly showed speed wide off turn ridden out
The Devil Whispers I - 2 Bobbled break prompted pace wide off turn yielded
Shingnado - 3 Fell to knees at start vied with rival in tight lane gamely stretch
The Perfectionist - 4 Broke well settled well fanned out outfinished
Bizzar Domaine - 5 Away well middle path shifted out turn flattened out
Waynes World - 6 Away well chased rivals angled in evenly
Walk Off Today - 7 Away alertly reserved between horses angled in no rally
St Hennessey - 8 Away alertly taken back split rivals retreated
Proven Bourbon - 9 Stumbled start reserved between horses saved ground tired late



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