
1 1/2 miles. Dirt.  Arabian. Purse $12,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Egisthe (TN) Christophe Desjardin Vicki Ferrari 3 6: -- 6: -- 5: 1 1/4  1: 1/2
$ 6,000
2 Ruskin (MT) Nikki Everdeen Zachary Woodruff 4 5: 1/2 5: 3/4 6: --  2: nck
$ 2,640
3 My Legacy (MT) Glenn Larson Cesar Novak 5 1: 1 1/2 1: 3/4 1: hd  3: 1 3/4
$ 1,320
4 Bertil (MT) Polk Buffalo Brian Winter 1 2: nck 2: 3/4 2: 1  4: 3/4
$ 840
5 Sekani Waseax (MT) Steve Wildermuth Victor Winters 6 4: 2 1/4 4: 5 3/4 3: ns  5: nck
$ 360
6 Wiggly Hands (MT) Garret Folsom Eric O'Neill 2 3: ns 3: nck 4: 1  6: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $840
Egisthe ch.g.4
Owner: Christophe Desjardin Breeder: Christophe Desjardin
Sire: Mighty Sandstorm Dam: Clockworkvisionary
Egisthe - 1 Broke smoothly from gate off the pace responded when urged urged to wire
Ruskin - 2 Clean start under firm hold on rail turn yielded
My Legacy - 3 Broke well hustled early wide turn willingly stretch
Bertil - 4 Clean start flashed speed angled out evenly
Sekani Waseax - 5 Broke inwards reserved between horses shifted out turn weakened
Wiggly Hands - 6 Broke well hustled early moved between horses belated rally



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