
1 1/4 miles. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $150,000 - Entry Fee: $1,500Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Rebel With a Cause (FL) Lucas Davenport Aaron Williams 4 4: 4 4: 8 1/2 3: 1  1: nck
$ 75,000
2 The Kentucky King (NY) Tim Matthews Yolanda Crowe 5 1: nck 1: nck 1: 1/2  2: 1 1/4
$ 33,000
3 Eylafjallajokull (CA) Polk Buffalo Brian Winter 3 2: 1 2: 1 3/4 2: 1 1/4  3: 3
$ 16,500
4 Mystery Crown (PA) Mark Markson Joy Yamagata 1 3: 1 3/4 3: 3 1/4 4: 6 3/4  4: 1
$ 10,500
5 Flower Petal (NY) Todd Lucas Chelsea Crawford 2 5: -- 5: -- 5: --  5: --
$ 4,500

Breeder Award: $10,500
Rebel With a Cause b.h.7
Owner: Lucas Davenport Breeder: The Steward
Sire: James Dean Dam: Skyfall
Rebel With a Cause - 1 Broke quickly between foes urged along showed heart to get to wire on time
The Kentucky King - 2 Clean start battled moved between horses gamely stretch
Eylafjallajokull - 3 Broke well battled angled in third best
Mystery Crown - 4 Broke smoothly from gate flashed speed altered course turn tired late
Flower Petal - 5 Fell to knees at start rail trip early wide off turn weakened



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