
1 1/8 miles. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $10,000ConditionClaiming $7,500
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Baxter Holding (JPN) Greg Czechowicz Greg Bruno 1 2: 1/2 2: 1 1/2 1: 2 3/4  1: 2
$ 5,000
2 People Hustling (JPN) Sherry Crow Andrea Stanton 4 5: 3/4 5: 3 1/4 5: 4 3/4  2: 1 1/2
$ 2,200
3 Mega Shadow (FL) Aaron Tonning Vicki Gardner 3 3: 1 3: 3/4 2: hd  3: 2
$ 1,100
4 Techtonic Drift (CA) Tom Mudgett Caitlin O'Dell 6 4: 1 1/2 4: 3 1/2 4: 3/4  4: 1 1/4
$ 700
5 Mr Wood (NY) Ron Fleming Leo Duffy 2 1: 1/2 1: 1 3/4 3: 1  5: 1 1/4
$ 300
6 Proud Find (KY) Pat Mcgowan Hamilton McKay 5 6: -- 6: -- 6: --  6: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $700
Baxter Holding bl.g.3
Owner: Greg Czechowicz Breeder: Glenn Escobar
Sire: The People's Horse Dam: Off the Market
Baxter Holding - 1 Broke quickly forced pace wide turn ridden out
People Hustling - 2 Away well reserved between horses altered course turn could not stick with winner
Mega Shadow - 3 Broke well vied with rival urged along gamely stretch
Techtonic Drift - 4 Away alertly off the pace angled out outfinished
Mr Wood - 5 Broke well forced pace advanced on rail flattened out
Proud Find - 6 Sluggish start under firm hold split rivals no rally



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