
1 1/16 miles. Dirt.  Thoroughbred. Purse $25,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Jockey PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Thunder World (KY) Sophie O'connor Valentino Rios 3 2: 4 3/4 2: 7 3/4 2: 6 3/4  1: 3 1/4
$ 12,500
2 Thunder Blair (FL) Sophie O'connor Aaron Wilcox 1 1: 1 1/4 1: 4 1: ns  2: 2
$ 5,500
3 Queen of Emeralds (IL) Derek Rankine Kayla Schmidt 2 3: -- 3: -- 3: --  3: --
$ 2,750

Breeder Award: $1,750
Thunder World ch.f.3
Owner: Sophie O'connor Breeder: Oncu Kaan
Sire: World of Color Dam: Fire Keeps Me Warm
Thunder World - 1 Broke smoothly from gate showed speed angled out drew away
Thunder Blair - 2 Broke well rushed up urged along willingly stretch
Queen of Emeralds - 3 Away well flashed speed angled in willingly stretch



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