
1 mile. Dirt.  Standardbred-Trotter. Purse $25,000Condition
Finish Horse Owner Driver PP First Call Second Call Third Call Finish: Margin
1 Fly Half (KY) Brad Fabman Mick Smith 4 4: hd 3: 1 3: 1  1: 1 3/4
$ 12,500
2 Meough (WV) Arthur Cutler Aaron Schneider 1 3: 1/2 4: 1/2 4: 3/4  2: nck
$ 5,500
3 Tls Grey Porsche (KY) Randall Allen Virginia Crowe 5 5: 1 1/4 5: 1 3/4 5: 2 1/4  3: 1
$ 2,750
4 Xousse (KY) Christophe Desjardin Vicki Ferrari 3 2: 1 1/4 2: 3 1/2 2: 3/4  4: 3/4
$ 1,750
5 Trot Alone (CAN) Brett Stier Wesley Brooks 2 1: 3 1/2 1: 5 1/2 1: 1 1/2  5: 1 3/4
$ 750
6 One Creek (WV) Rebecca Laine Heather Aomori 6 6: -- 6: -- 6: --  6: --
$ 0

Breeder Award: $1,750
Fly Half gr.m.5
Owner: Brad Fabman Breeder: Lori Hamill
Sire: Devon Castle Dam: Embrace the Nite
Fly Half - 1 Gaining to wire
Meough - 2 Three wide
Tls Grey Porsche - 3 Three wide
Xousse - 4 Fought driver
Trot Alone - 5 Off stride
One Creek - 6 Two wide



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